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  3. Rumors are a Moore or two might be join the staff
  4. https://reason.com/2024/06/15/house-passes-bill-to-automatically-register-young-men-for-the-draft/ There is a growing centrist consensus among liberals and hawkish conservatives on expanding the Selective Service. The American Civil Liberties Union, for example, is fighting for the right of women to be conscripted and argues that the Selective Service is an example of overt sex discrimination. But equality in the service of a broader deprivation of rights is no virtue, and conscription remains an immoral institution at its core. "Conscription of any kind contravenes any constitution that professes to guarantee individual liberties," Fred Etcheverry wrote in Reason in 1972, when the draft remained an active menace to young men. "Otherwise, what is to prevent conscription from being the twelve months Senator Taft feared or the two years we now have, the four years of the National Service Act Bill, or forever? If conscription is limited to an emergency, then who decides what is an emergency? Is ten percent unemployment a sufficient enough emergency to warrant conscription?" Mandatory national service of some sort or another is a perennial bad idea trotted out by nationalists and technocrats concerned about "unity," but America's all-volunteer military is not a self-inflicted weakness. It's a sign of strength—a free citizenry's confidence that they will know when to fight. The Selective Service is a vestige of fear. It should be abolished, not made more equitable and efficient. Agreed. The Selective Service needs to be thrown into the dustbin of history. It is an inhumane institution.
  5. $100,000 a year is a lot of money. And add benefits to that. What should be the starting salary for a government attorney? For a primarily urban or rural county.
  6. Not sure about the golf course, but I do remember that...trying to cut the corner by going over a portion of the stadium.
  7. Great point regarding the 3 point shot and JW...can one imagine Pistol Pete's college scoring stats had the 3 point line been in place?? https://www.yardbarker.com/nba/articles/pete_maravich_was_incredibly_making_13_threes_a_game_before_the_three_point_line_existed_he_would_have_averaged_57_points_per_game_in_college_if_it_did/s1_16751_38289787
  8. There are plenty of attorneys. This article focuses on one very small slice of the legal business pie: criminal felony prosecution and defense. The vast majority of attorneys graduating from law school will (hopefully) never see the inside of a criminal courtroom. The answer to the “shortage” is very simple. Pay prosecutors and public defenders more, and you will find more attorneys willing to assume those roles. The “shortage” is not the number of attorneys. The shortage is the salary the government is willing to pay.
  9. I know Warren and BD are each loaded with D1 talent. Warren on defense and BD across the board. I don't pay an ounce of attention past Carmel in the north, as they have proven irrelevant for years now. Center Grove is young, but has some line talent and young skill position talent. The south is the same way I feel about the north, past CG it's all small schools and irrelevant schools. Now as for favorites: I'd have to give the nod to Warren or BD. I wish BD would drop Pike, Avon and NC and leave the MIC and get onto a national schedule. WIthout CG and Carmel the MIC is Warren or BD. Maybe a Lawrence Township school once in a blue moon. I'm not going to say who wins, but it will be a south 6A team unless Carmel pulls something out and gets much better in a hurry. Just my 2 cents.
  10. Any new fields or updates on current projects?
  11. https://www.jconline.com/story/news/local/lafayette/2024/06/17/county-officials-tackle-indianas-attorney-shortage/74049677007/ Perhaps our resident GID Legal Eagles can speak on what they believe is behind this attorney shortage, and their ideas to combat it.
  12. Its a good point.... Further point mid majors turning into a feeder system for the big schools. ISU baseball team, a top NCAA program, is losing players to big time programs. 2 already left for LSU, others for Clemson, Oregon and IU. 15 others currently in the portal.... Sigh....
  13. Let's start with this: Briggs: Mike Braun deserves every minute of his new political hell https://www.indystar.com/story/opinion/columnists/james-briggs/2024/06/17/micah-beckwith-isnt-here-to-play-no-2-to-the-next-indiana-governor/74117500007/ It appears the political left is really afraid of this Beckwith character, and to some extent parts of the Indiana GOP as well. Can Mr. Braun control him if he wins the election? Does having a Christian Nationalist like Mr. Beckwith holding a political office move Indiana just a sliver closer to the reality depicted in The Handmaid's Tale?
  14. Not related to current off season conversations, but I just saw this story on my feed. It seems there should be an exception made in this case. He was just 1 win away from eligibility. https://247sports.com/article/mike-leach-absolutely-deserves-college-football-hall-of-fame-spot-despite-ineligibility-lincoln-riley-says-232922689/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR2KFx1fMnmOaAHX-ViVar_MMwgB8VdQvO1dLnIVy4VqZqal7lh7xBinmzs_aem_ZmFrZWR1bW15MTZieXRlcw
  15. Yesterday
  16. Hearing some good things out of the Jennings County football program. New coach Jason Burton has scouted previous teams and noticed how weak they were (due to a lack of a weight program) and how tired/beat up they were (due to having multiple players go both ways). He has the kids hitting the weights hard this offseason to keep them from getting pushed around. He is also striving to get numbers on the team. There are a few new players and I’ve heard the numbers are in the 50s as of now. He really wants the numbers higher so that he has little to no players playing both sides of the ball. In addition, I’ve heard he brought in some Marine sergeants to lead the team through Marine drills to improve their conditioning. We’ll see how all of this translates on the gridiron but these seem like good steps to improving the state of Jennings County football. As @Impartial_Observer has mentioned, the biggest key is having a coach committed in the long term that will build the program up. Jennings County’s high coaching turnover rate in football and boys basketball has really stunted the growth of the programs, the excitement from the fan base, and the commitment from some players who have rightfully lost faith.
  17. The first two paragraphs certainly make it look like Heritage NE Indiana. Read the rest of the story and it's clearly the Heritage Patriots southeast of Atlanta Georgia.
  18. Last week
  19. You sure this is the Heritage in NE Indiana? Or is this what you are seeing? https://www.rockdalenewtoncitizen.com/sports/heritage-hires-ryan-andrews-as-new-head-football-coach/article_d5c2b682-a7cf-11ec-8476-3b24d3aedd3f.html
  20. Well guess they won't announce but it's been approved at school for a bit now. Mitchell baseball coach Jerry Chaney is the new AD. Joins former Bluejacket/Senator football coach Troy Pritchett who is new high school principal. North Daviees baseball coach Joe Wilson will be the new Springs Valley assistant principal. Lot of baseball guys in the building!
  21. I saw that too, but feel he jumped too soon. Stay at ISU, have another great year, and even bigger paydays will come. Going from ISU with some history and always a great crowd to St. Louis, with none of that??? Could be a dead end road for his path up.
  22. The old turf at Enlow is gone and the new turf is being installed.
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