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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/03/2019 in Posts

  1. Yes, resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.
    2 points
  2. 1 point
  3. No, it’s about respecting all students in the room, and putting them before personal beliefs and opinions. The teacher is wrong here in his actions. As others would say, don’t like the rules? Move on. This is no different than a teacher talking politics and picking a side in front of students. Allowing students to make their own decisions is more important than what a given teacher believes is right or wrong. I have a handful of students each semester that go by something other than the name I see on my roster. If I truly want all my students to succeed, they need to know I have their best interests at heart. If I choose the name to call them by, especially against their wishes, then that relationship is fractured. There is no skin off my back as a teacher to call a kid by a name he or she chooses to be called.
    1 point
  4. Senator Fans- Schedule Graphic
    1 point
  5. Lee Iacocca, who gave us the Minivan and the Mustang, dies at 94: https://arstechnica.com/cars/2019/07/lee-iaccoca-who-gave-us-the-minivan-and-the-mustang-dies-at-94/ Truly an American Icon. He will be missed. My father worked 30+ years at the Kokomo Chrysler Transmission plant. I remember those late 1970's and early 1980's as being grim times. He and his coworkers accepted a pay cut to keep the plant open, and there were days where he said he would go to work not knowing if he would still have a job at the end of this shift.
    1 point
  6. It obviously was a free market decision. I'm sure Nike doesn't care if a bunch of old people who didn't buy their products to begin with, won't buy them in the future either. In any event, let the free market determine the soundness of a private company's decision.
    1 point
  7. Thanks for not mentioning Goldsmith and Ballard
    1 point
  8. How racial bias helped turn Indianapolis into one city with 11 school districts: https://www.chalkbeat.org/posts/in/2016/08/03/how-racial-bias-helped-turn-indianapolis-into-one-city-with-11-school-districts/ So the late Mr. Lugar sacrificed the forced racial integration of government schools on the altar of Unigov?
    1 point
  9. Busing was court mandated for the city of Indianapolis in 71. In 2016 it was court ordered to stop. So is busing good or bad? In 1967 IPS had it's highest number of students, 109Kish. By 1981 when court mandated busing to the townships took affect IPS enrollment had dropped to about 57K, nearly half. Today's enrollment is around 30K. Is that Dick Lugar's fault? Unigov's fault? Or is it that natural progression of folks leaving the city for the burbs, as we have become a more mobile nation with more expendable income. I can remember going downtown back in the day, it was depressing. Now it's a vibrant happening place. My wife and I frequently get a hotel and hang out for the weekend down town, it's a good time. Whether you choose to believe it or not, Lugar and Hudnut both had incredible vision and leadership for laying the foundation for what is now downtown Indy.
    -1 points
  10. Again, why wasn't government legislation enacted to prevent it?
    -1 points
  11. Are we just talking "Mike" instead of "Michael" here or some more extreme? What if the student's chosen name is "Stupid McDumbF*ck" or "Hitler's Little Buddy"?
    -1 points
  12. https://mises.org/wire/lincoln-and-trump-two-kind Hmm, two peas in a pod. Lincoln isn't close to the saint the government history books portray him as.
    -1 points
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