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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/07/2021 in all areas

  1. As a proud Hobart grad who has sat through 8 of their state championship games, and attended this past game. Any school would be glad to be playing in the state championship game. Hobart has had a very strong class just come through, and based on what I have seen from the coaching staff they have done an excellent job of incorporating underclassmen with this group. The culture that Coach Osika has built is solid, the school and community support has always been there. The future does look bright.
    1 point
  2. What do you mean? For the NLC, the frehsmen play the Thursday night AFTER the varsity teams play. So in the NLC's example, they play the Thursday night before the first night of sectional play the following night.
    1 point
  3. Ready to see new sectionals and which schools are going where. Sorry I cannot keep myself busy by analyzing every team in the state and making outlandish predictions about different schools, coaches, and conferences like you. 😉
    1 point
  4. ...as opposed to allowing the employers to harass them. Eons ago, I worked at a Jap shop in Shelbyville called PKUSA, which was ran by a bunch of slave drivers. Eventually the employees attempted to organize a union, and management installed a series of deceitful posters about the dangers of unions.
    1 point
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