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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


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    Hoosier Crossroads Conference
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  1. East Noble has been filled. https://www.wane.com/high-school-sports/east-noble-hires-stewart-as-head-football-coach/
  2. https://www.usnews.com/education/best-high-schools/indiana/rankings Speedway has less than 2,000. Now let's look at the schools once you get pass the wealthy suburbs of Indy. What I see is Heritage Hills, Cascade, Tell City, Eastern, Northwestern, Manchester, North Putnam, Argos... The list goes on. Where is Warren? Lawrence Central? Jeff? Elkhart? I mean Elkhart just consolidated... One would think they should be at the top of the list!!! I have taught/coached at a lot of schools. Some were in a wealthy community, some in a poor community. Some were large corporations and others were small. There are a lot of factors that go into a school corporation being successful academically. One of the last factors would be school corporation size. The most important would be parent involvement. So how about we start by fixing that.
  3. There is a senior football player at Northwestern High School who was in a very bad car wreck. He's been in intensive care for over two weeks at this point. I'm not sure if we are allowed to share GoFundMes on here, but I simply wanted to spread the word. Please give your thoughts & prayers to him and his family. https://gofund.me/d8a7eba9
  4. Has Elwood actually been posted anywhere other than here? I did not see it on IFCA, IHSAA or their own website.
  5. Some like to use "city speed" a lot, so does EC have rural speed? Country physicality? Hillbilly strength? Just asking.
  6. If you want to do direct comparisons, EC is the best team in the state.
  7. You should be able to watch them on delay if you'd like. I just tested it and I'm capable of going and watching the Semi-State games. It's $20 for all 6 games. If I'm wrong, someone please correct me.
  8. In 3A, 5 of the top 9 are in the same sectional. What a rough sectional to get out of.
  9. Honestly, I could care less if the kid was kicked off the team or not. He doesn't want to be at a school or football program where some pedophile was send messages to his little sister. I don't see why anyone couldn't understand that. Shame on IC for not allowing the transfer and shame on the IHSAA for not siding with the student.
  10. I tried to message you and it says you cannot receive messages.
  11. A lot of programs practice this way everyday. Both H.S. and college. So yes, it can be played that way.
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