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Booster 2023-24
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Everything posted by Muda69

  1. Britain’s Crossbow Rules in the Cross Hairs After Windsor Castle Breach https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/28/world/europe/windsor-castle-intruder.html When crossbows are outlawed..........
  2. And then he caves: https://deadspin.com/hub-arkush-gives-the-game-away-on-what-journalism-is-to-1848313311
  3. So performance incentives could never be part of a Coaching Stipend?
  4. Yes, Steve Shine and Mike Otto had marginal to ok NFL careers. Those are the only two Maconaquah alumni that I am aware of. And both were pretty good basketball players as well. The Maconaquah fan and alumni base will show much support for a successful basketball program than it will for a football program.
  5. https://www.theamericanconservative.com/articles/hail-to-the-washington-football-team/ I always refer to the NFL franchise based in Washington D.C. as the Redskins, even today. It's what they will always be.
  6. https://www.cnn.com/2022/01/05/europe/pope-dogs-cats-kids-intl/index.html And of course those pets don't grow up to be tithing adults.......................
  7. Here's when playing for a tie could be a good thing? https://deadspin.com/here-s-why-colts-jags-should-be-the-game-everyone-watch-1848304055 Frankly it would be hilarious if this would come to pass. Come on NFL you need to change the start time of the Chargers/Raiders game to like 10am Las Vegas time. 🙂
  8. If It's Really a 'Pandemic of the Unvaccinated,' Mr. President, Why Is My Vaccinated 6-Year-Old Wearing a Mask? https://reason.com/2022/01/04/if-its-really-a-pandemic-of-the-unvaccinated-mr-president-why-is-my-vaccinated-6-year-old-wearing-a-mask/
  9. https://reason.com/2022/01/04/germany-shuts-down-three-perfectly-good-nuclear-power-plants/?comments=true#comments How asinine and short sided. I have read that the great thing about the nuclear power plants in Germany and France is that they are based on a common design, and as such building, operating, and maintaining these facilities are much cheaper than in the U.S. where pretty much every nuclear power plant is "custom built".
  10. That's a good salary for a government school employee in the state of Indiana.
  11. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/governments-admit-using-mass-formation-psychosis-tool-population-control “And one of the aspects of that phenomenon is that the people that they identify as their leaders, the ones typically that come in and say you have this pain and I can solve it for you. I and I alone,” Malone further explained, “Then they will follow that person. It doesn’t matter whether they lied to them or whatever. The data is irrelevant.” “We had all those conditions. If you remember back before 2019 everyone was complaining, the world doesn’t make sense and we are all isolated from each other.” Malone’s summary of how health authorities seized on the unifying threat of the COVID-19 pandemic and exaggerated its thread to create mass hysteria is backed up by leaked details of how the UK government manipulated its population during the early days of the pandemic. As first revealed by author and journalist Laura Dodsworth, scientists in the UK working as advisors for the government admitted using what they now admit to be “unethical” and “totalitarian” methods of instilling fear in the population in order to control behaviour during the pandemic. The London Telegraph reported the comments made by Members of the Scientific Pandemic Influenza Group on Behaviour (SPI-B), a sub-committee of the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (Sage) the government’s chief scientific advisory group. The report quotes a briefing from March 2020, as the first lockdown was decreed, that stated the government should drastically increase “the perceived level of personal threat” that the virus poses because “a substantial number of people still do not feel sufficiently personally threatened”. One scientist with the SPI-B admits that “In March [2020] the Government was very worried about compliance and they thought people wouldn’t want to be locked down. There were discussions about fear being needed to encourage compliance, and decisions were made about how to ramp up the fear.” The unnamed scientist adds that “The way we have used fear is dystopian.” The scientist further confessed that “The use of fear has definitely been ethically questionable. It’s been like a weird experiment. Ultimately, it backfired because people became too scared.” Another separate scientist on the subcommittee professed “You could call psychology ‘mind control’. That’s what we do… clearly we try and go about it in a positive way, but it has been used nefariously in the past.” Another scientist warned that “We have to be very careful about the authoritarianism that is creeping in,” adding “people use the pandemic to grab power and drive through things that wouldn’t happen otherwise.” According to the report, another researcher with the group acknowledged that “Without a vaccine, psychology is your main weapon,” adding that “Psychology has had a really good epidemic, actually.” Yet another scientist on the subcommittee stated that they have been “stunned by the weaponisation of behavioural psychology” over the past year, and warned that “psychologists didn’t seem to notice when it stopped being altruistic and became manipulative.” “They have too much power and it intoxicates them”, the scientist further warned. In addition to the UK government’s response, it was also revealed that the Canadian military launched a psychological operations program against their own citizens in the early days of the pandemic order to amplify government messaging and “head off civil disobedience.” “Canadian military leaders saw the pandemic as a unique opportunity to test out propaganda techniques on an unsuspecting public,” reported the Ottawa Citizen. Meanwhile, following early efforts to bury the term altogether, Google is now desperately rigging its search results to return only negative articles about “mass formation psychosis” and Dr. Malone. Google’s current top search result link for “mass formation psychosis” is a Forbes hit piece that recycles dubious claims Dr. Malone already debunked during his Rogan appearance. Color me shocked.
  12. Get it while it's still available: https://www.amazon.com/Real-Anthony-Fauci-Democracy-Childrens-ebook/dp/B08X5YWRRP/r
  13. Not really. The Frankfort High School soccer team has been .500 at best over the last several season. They can't compete with the likes of West Lafayette and Harrison squads where the majority of players can afford to play on club teams year round and/or have private coaching.
  14. I thought "Boston". Doesn't ESPN broadcast pretty much every Red Sox home game, and every Red Sox - Yankees matchup?
  15. And of course the left wing crazies have their opinion regarding the legacy of Mr. Madden: https://www.theamericanconservative.com/state-of-the-union/a-professor-attacks-john-madden/ It is first of all urgent to observe that no one—not a single, solitary person—cared whether this professor had “lots of opinions about John Madden,” much less what those “opinions” were. Second, consider the substance of the professor’s argument: Madden lent his name to a video-game series that depicted professional football. People get injured while playing professional football. The majority of professional football players are black. The Madden video game uses metrics to rank players. Slave owners in the antebellum American South relied on data of one kind or another to assess the capacity of slaves. Therefore—and this is a leap larger than almost any I’ve ever seen—Madden “built a digital plantation,” “dehumanized [black] athletes,” and “establish[ed] plantation cosplay.” Quick—and without looking at your notes: Can you think of a difference between professional athletes and chattel slaves? Mourn, not only for Madden, but for one who would defame a dead man before his body hit the earth.
  16. Well it looks like The Ohio State University is making a case to leave the Big 10 and join the Pac 12. All offense and no defense from both the Buckeyes and Utes. And this is supposed to be fun football?
  17. And once again the non-SEC teams, aka Cincinnati and Michigan, seem to be almost a step slower across the board when it comes to the skill positions.
  18. Boo. I'm guessing the great Coach Junction Boy is truly heartbroken today.
  19. Muda69


    Station Eleven on HBO Max has been a welcome surprise. Very well written and acted. As mentioned before season three of Succession on HBO Max was very good. Kind of wished Kendall would have actually died though.................... The last season of The Expanse on Amazon Prime video continues it's tradition of excellent sci-fi. Season one of The Wheel of Time, also on Amazon Prime, was ok. I never jumped into the Robert Jordan series of books (14!) on which the series is based, so I really had no preconceived notions going in. Foundation on Apple+ was ok, a bit uneven in some places and really takes a different direction from the much loved Asimov novels. Season two of The Witcher on Netflix was excellent. Highly recommended.
  20. Wow. Do government schools engage in the practice of adding incentives (# of victories, playoff success, etc.) into these coaching stipends in order to boost the possible pay?
  21. Yes. Yes Probably not if they value easy wins, especially when they can schedule the Spartans as their Homecoming opponent.
  22. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hoosier_Crossroads_Conference Harrison and McCutcheon were founding members of the HCC, only to get the boot after 13-14 years. Jefferson was only in for about a decade.
  23. I have never understood why most of the large population of the GID stays to only one forum on the site. It's like they are afraid to venture outside of it and contribute.
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