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Everything posted by Muda69

  1. https://reason.com/2021/10/27/popular-progressive-policies-helped-ruin-venezeula-they-wont-work-here-either/ It certainly is a dangerous myth, and the progressives will never learn.
  2. Ok. So what would a +24 indicate? Sorry, again this +/- thing still confuses me.
  3. But it means they would have to win the game by less than 24 points?
  4. Ok. So what if the line was this: Warren Central at Lawrence Central (-24)? Does this mean LC was the favorite?
  5. A little, yes. So the team with the number in parentheses is the favorite? And sorry but I'm still not following what the +/- means next to the number.
  6. What?: https://www.cnn.com/2021/10/22/health/covid-vaccines-death-rates/index.html
  7. I have to admit I'm not a gambler so I really don't understand what these numbers mean for each contest mean.
  8. https://mises.org/wire/militarys-turn-wokeness-shows-us-faces-no-real-military-threats It is indeed a good thing.
  9. You say it is proven. Ok, then I just wonder why don't more Indiana High Schools run offensive schemes that pass on >50% of their downs? Not every Indiana High School is Gibson Southern. And good luck to the Titans this weekend.
  10. Yet your opinion does matter because it is supposedly backed by "statistics". Got it. I disagree, not if your strategy is to dominate time of possession and reduce your opponent possessions. Your beloved 'chunk plays' are the anathema of this. gtfo?
  11. Refute? Maybe not. Have a difference of opinion from 35+ years of watching football at all levels, yes.
  12. Speech Isn't a "Threat" Just Because a Government Official Says So https://mises.org/wire/speech-isnt-threat-just-because-government-official-says-so As one of the comments to this commentary states "Speech is a threat to authoritarian rule".
  13. Hmm, I have been told on this forum multiple times that Indiana High School football isn't about the money. Now I guess it is:
  14. With all this passing going on just play a 0-4-7. Four linebackers and seven defense backs.
  15. Ahh, min-maxing high school football, a game played by children. Make it like a video game I guess................
  16. Karen? I just don't enjoy seeing a high school team throw the ball 50-75% of their offensive snaps. And I'll vote with my wallet, thank you very much. It is the American Way. Glad to know there are other wise coaches out there in this great country: https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/2019/09/19/spread-offenses-take-over-football-some-coaches-gain-an-edge-by-going-traditional/ https://www.azcentral.com/story/sports/high-school/2019/10/09/old-school-offenses-still-have-place-todays-hs-football-scene-wing-t/3920486002/
  17. Inflating Grades For Social Justice: https://www.theamericanconservative.com/dreher/inflating-grades-for-social-justice-racism/ I know a lot of academics read this blog. Please comment below or e-mail me (rod — at — amconmag — dot — com) to share your experiences with this phenomenon. Is it happening in your institution? Your department? How do you deal with it? Grade inflation has been a problem for a while, but it takes on a nasty, and potentially career-destroying dimension, when allegations of bigotry are brought into the mix. UPDATE: A reader e-mails: Another professor writes:
  18. Then I guess this old fan won't be paying to watch an Indiana High School football game for much longer. Run The Ball. Play Defense. Win.
  19. Ahh, so the passing cognoscenti have had to use rule changes to make their preferred play style viable. Must be nice to have the OMG! High School Athletes to run such a system year after year after year. Control the clock and the number of possessions. Win the game.
  20. Three Things Can Happen When You Pass and Two of Them Are Bad. Wise words by a famous coach who has a higher football I.Q. than anybody else on this forum.
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