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Everything posted by Muda69

  1. Homer referee calls at Eastbrook are no surprise. It happened frequently back in the my playing days of the 1980's when Eastbrook was in the now defunct Mid-Indiana Conference.
  2. So a government bailout saves another institution, and this game is now place for primarily nostalgia's sake. Got it.
  3. Doyel: Colts have to sit Carson Wentz to keep 2022 first-round draft pick https://www.indystar.com/story/sports/columnists/gregg-doyel/2021/11/01/colts-must-sit-carson-wentz-keep-first-round-pick-2022-nfl-draft/6155489001/ (Note: article is behind a paywall) Nice to know Mr. Doyel has already given up on Mr. Wentz and now advocates tanking the rest of the season.
  4. Run what you brung. I guess these turf teams that have to play on grass better invest in some good old school cleats. It works better if you file the last 1/8 inch or so of plastic from each cleat, so that the end of the metal post is exposed.
  5. Apparently this two-stack rule did not cover the area owned/ran by the Port of LA, but was a local ordinance for the surrounding container/truck yards in Long Beach and Los Angeles: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=29026781 https://losangeles.cbslocal.com/2021/10/22/long-beach-eases-rules-on-container-stacking-to-ease-the-backlog-of-cargo-ships-waiting-to-unload/
  6. You talking to me Dante? If so then it may surprise you that me and my entire family are vaccinated, although I do take exception to this current COVID "vaccine" being called that because it apparently does not actually prevent one from contracting the disease (see definition of the word here). At best it is a strong therapeutic. And I am not an 'anti-vaxer' but I do oppose government coercion used to force individuals to choose vaccination.
  7. Come now Dante, as a supposed lover of history surely you know the power of the military-industrial complex? "In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist." - Pres. Dwight D. Eisenhower
  8. Looks like a fine children's football facility to me. Still doesn't hold a candle to best high school football field in the country though:
  9. Ok. So with a game moving to a different field/school that $ is now divided by 3? Or are the AD's at these schools opening up their fields and concessions bro bono?
  10. How are the gate receipts and concessions sales divvied up when such a move occurs? Is the prior home field school athletic department now out considerable $?
  11. My quote from that article doesn't mention athletic scholarships, so would would assume those numbers also include those playing sports at a non-scholarship level school like D3. Still, 7%. Good for you. I assume that greater than 7% of your high school athletic teammates also chose their careers based in part of their love for high school athletics, so they have some sort of career in athletics?
  12. Just fine, thank you very much. How is your incessant bitching about grass fields going for you? Changed any hearts and minds yet?
  13. The Constitution Thwarts Joe Biden https://www.nationalreview.com/2021/10/the-constitution-thwarts-joe-biden/ Yeah, good call by Congress. Biden is not a King.
  14. I wouldn't exactly call 7% "many of them": https://scholarshipstats.com/varsityodds FTA:
  15. Just a game. And I spend a lot of my time on this forum over in the OOB section, posting about important issues affecting our state and country.
  16. So the citizens of Indiana were given this choice? I don't remember getting an email or text indicating where I could vote on the matter. And here we go again with this 'national spotlight' nonsense. Just a game. Played by children.
  17. I'm willing to concede that there are other activities, "extracurricular" or not, that molds youngsters and teaches many life lessons along helping them to become successful adults, other the football. And that the condition of a playing field or scoreboard is irrelevant to that role. Yet some on this forum seem to believe it is.
  18. Interesting that they replaced an entire scoreboard without also replacing the old scoreboards malfunctioning controls. And please expound on this 'liberal agenda' you claim the school superintendent is pushing.
  19. Probably more important uses for taxpayer funds that fixing a scoreboard. And why don't the wealthy farmers around Royal Center pony up some $ for improvements?
  20. https://mises.org/wire/three-reasons-start-taking-secession-seriously Kilgore can barely contain his contempt. He might as well be saying "If those Red State troglodytes are allowed freedom, they’ll surely embrace a racist and misogynistic dystopia that fills the air with poisonous fumes. These are religious zealots, after all!" Anyone who doesn’t want to live out his or her life as subject to the whims of men like Kilgore should take his few moments of candor as an ominous warning. These people will never “happily accept” self-governance outside Washington’s purview because they quite literally equate it with slavery and the hatred of women. In other words, the more the Left condemns secession in detail—as they must now do because dismissive scoffing no longer works—they only provide additional reasons for why secession is likely the only real solution to the national divide. Now Is Time to Ask the Difficult Questions Finally, the mainstreaming of secession means now is the appropriate time to start asking the difficult questions about how separation would actually take place. For example, the issue of nuclear weapons cannot be ignored—although the case of post-Soviet Ukraine shows it’s not as intractable a problem as many suspect. Moreover, the question of the national debt ought to be approached. It will likely also be necessary to admit that under all realistic scenarios, a partial default is the likely outcome either with or without secession. And finally, there is the problem of “ethnic” enclaves. Historically, this always comes with secession, as with the ethnic Russians in the secessionist Baltics or the pro-Spaniard populations left behind throughout Latin America in the nineteenth century. Moreover, how "complete" would this separation be? It is entirely conceivable that a United States with two or more self-governing pieces could nevertheless remain within under a single head of state or within a single military alliance. In real life, big political changes have a habit of occurring regardless of what the official planners want, and what the official plans say. That is, events have a way of overwhelming what the elites think is the proper way of doing things. But fostering serious discussion now could help avert at least some unpleasant surprises in the longer term. On the other hand, living in denial about secession won't improve things. And, of course, the matter of secession is not "if" but "when." All polities come to an end at some point either through disintegration or revolution. In many cases, the world improves when old states like the Roman Empire collapse. The fanciful America-will-last-forever position is something that should seem plausible only to small children or the hopelessly naïve. Definitely something to consider.
  21. Again, just a game. Played by children. Trying to equate Indiana High School football with the the importance of the educational classroom are deluded, plain and simple. It's called "extracurricular" for a reason. And I agree. You can't have it both ways, yet your statement seems to advocate exactly that.
  22. Biden's Nominee for Comptroller Wants To Put an 'End to Banking as We Know It' https://reason.com/2021/10/28/bidens-nominee-for-comptroller-wants-to-put-an-end-to-banking-as-we-know-it/ Mr. Biden must have put forward this nomination to placate the far, far left progressive socialists in the Democratic party. And it would be a disaster for the American economy, and therefore the American people, should she be confirmed and her socialists policies allowed to take root.
  23. Just a game. Played by children. People need to remember that and put it in the correct perspective.
  24. "pour field conditions"? And why not move the game? Because in this case why would you want to take way Indian Creek's lucrative gate receipts?
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