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Everything posted by Muda69

  1. https://www.theamericanconservative.com/dreher/free-kyle-rittenhouse/ Don’t know if you saw it, but in his testimony, Gage Grosskreutz, who was shot by Rittenhouse but survived, admitted that Rittenhouse didn’t shoot him until he (Grosskreutz) first pointed his gun at Rittenhouse. We know that the two others Rittenhouse shot that night were Rosenbaum, the convicted criminal who chased him and tried to disarm him, and Huber, a protester who lunged at him on the ground, and hit him with a skateboard. Those seem to be clear-cut cases of self-defense, as with the Grosskreutz shooting. But the jury will have its say. It’s a shame that Rittenhouse is even on trial. True, he was 17, and shouldn’t have been out on the streets that night. But what a sad story: a fatherless boy who wanted so badly to be a good man, to serve his community, to protect good people from bad ones. And this is where he is today. As J.D. Vance explains, tech media refused to let people raise money for Rittenhouse’s defense. They have decided that Rittenhouse is the enemy. This class of people have decided that people like Rittenhouse are the enemy. I’m sick of it. Where, aside from J.D. Vance, are the Republican politicians who stand up for the Kyle Rittenhouses of the world? The tears of that boy on the witness stand ought to tear your heart out for what has happened to this country, and what the Machine does to someone like that. Agreed. This trial is a sham.
  2. Drumming up some interest: Boilermaker coach making a name for himself with upsets: https://deadspin.com/drumming-up-some-interest-boilermaker-coach-making-a-n-1848025516 If the Boilermakers defeat OSU this Saturday will this be Mr. Brohm's last season in West Lafayette?
  3. The Prosecution Had a Very Bad Day in the Kyle Rittenhouse Trial https://reason.com/2021/11/09/the-prosecution-had-a-very-bad-day-in-the-kyle-rittenhouse-trial/ "It wasn't until you pointed your gun at him, advanced on him…that he fired, right?" asked Chirafisi. "Correct," Grosskreutz replied. Many in the media have focused the case against Rittenhouse on the fact that he foolishly chose to inject himself into a chaotic situation where trouble was assured: He didn't belong there, and thus he bears responsibility for the deaths. It's perfectly fine to scrutinize Rittenhouse's rationale, and to lay moral blame for what happened at his feet. But his self-defense claim has absolutely nothing to do with any of that—it is only about whether he reasonably believed he was in danger at the moment he fired those shots. Grosskreutz's testimony gives significant credence to Rittenhouse's contention that such a belief was valid. It's impossible to say for certain how the trial will conclude, of course. But if Rittenhouse is acquitted, it will not necessarily be because the justice system is dead, but rather, because the prosecution failed to establish beyond a reasonable doubt that Rittenhouses's actions were unreasonable at the moments they occurred.
  4. https://reason.com/2021/11/09/free-markets-are-the-best-and-fastest-way-to-cut-greenhouse-gas-emissions/ Agreed. Let the free market solve the problem, because more government won't.
  5. What exactly makes Ms. Sears look "insane" in that photo, Dante?
  6. Gov. Eric Holcomb directs state to file lawsuit over federal vaccine mandate https://www.indystar.com/story/news/politics/2021/11/04/gov-eric-holcomb-directs-indiana-sue-over-federal-biden-vaccine-mandate/6281657001/ Good move by Mr. Holcomb.
  7. Have Fun Defending the Emergency OSHA Rule in Court https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/have-fun-defending-the-emergency-osha-rule-in-court/?utm_source=recirc-desktop&utm_medium=homepage&utm_campaign=right-rail&utm_content=corner&utm_term=first Here is what the administration cites as its reason for using emergency power: The administration is trying to buy some time here — a rule hanging in the air and not enforced for months will prompt employers to start complying in advance, but cannot be challenged in court until it goes into effect. But once that can happen, courts will notice that this is not, in fact, “immediate” action or anything like it, and the conditions cited — contrary state orders, workers getting infected and dying — are not new. In fact, it may well be the case that the rate of infection, hospitalization, and death may be lower in January than it was in September (or, for that matter, in the spring and summer of 2021, when the vaccine was available and resistance to vaccination was already a public-health controversy). It is certain to be the case that more workers are vaccinated by then. This being a case of national importance, it will likely move up the judicial ladder quickly, and could produce conflicting decisions, so the odds of this rule ending up before the Supreme Court are fairly high. One thing we saw repeatedly during the Trump and Obama years is that Chief Justice John Roberts really does not like it when executive or administrative powers are invoked without the executive branch doing its homework. On occasion, as in Shelby County v. Holder, Roberts has done the same thing to Congress. The Biden administration could have a very hard time explaining to the chief justice why it is entitled to assert emergency powers that exist to address “immediate” threats, then do nothing with them for four months. Agreed. Just yet another power play by the Biden administration.
  8. Case Arena, one of Indiana's true basketball palaces.
  9. A lot of H.S. fields now either have have school's name on the scoreboard or some kind of signage on the press box that reads "Home of the <insert mascot here>" or something similiar. Shouldn't these types of "home field enhancements" be covered up for tournament games? And what about school name and symbols on the field itself, typically at the 50 yard line and in the end zones? I assume removing those type of home field enhancements from all these fancy-dancy artificial turf field is an exercise in futility.
  10. Hmm, I'm a mashed potatoes guy myself, although green beans are ok.
  11. I think we have to accept the fact that COVID-19 is now endemic, just like the common cold or seasonal flu. The fact that the CDC had to change it's definition of the word "vaccine" over these Covid-19 "vaccines" speaks volumes. It doesn't prevent an individual from contracting the disease, as the commonly accepted definition of the word describes, but instead is a strong therapeutic.
  12. https://reason.com/2021/11/03/congress-spends-more-on-defense-than-the-next-10-countries-combined/ Agreed. The M-I-C runs Washington, not "we the people".
  13. Mr. Rodgers is a liar: https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2021/11/03/aaron-rodgers-was-secretly-unvaccinated/
  14. All of the progressive liberals are whining by releasing stuff like this:
  15. Maybe someday, if I could get tickets for free or cheap. Both my father and grandfather were Navy veterans.
  16. I have been to a Notre Dame football game in the past. Nice, old stadium, but kind of cramped seating. Beautiful campus.
  17. Sorry, again I don't personally equate romance with a football game. Nostalgia yes, romance no. Good to know students hard earned $ is being spent on such a class. And I suspect this particular game is of more importance to Notre Dame's aging and wealthy alumni base than the average undergrad.
  18. I already have it. It's called being happily married for 30+ years. Don't know what a specific football game has to do with romance though. Just curious, is there a required class for undergraduates where all the ND football "lore" is taught?
  19. https://www.theamericanconservative.com/dreher/battle-of-virginia-in-the-wokeness-war/ And no, that graphic doesn't come from the Babylon Bee. It's real.
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