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Booster 2023-24
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Everything posted by Muda69

  1. Wouldn't any coach worth his salt want to maximize his team's number and length of offensive possessions, and minimize his opponents? Of course they do, which is why "four yards and a cloud of dust" is the perfect offensive philosophy. What matters is that you win, be it 7-0 or 40-39.
  2. https://reason.com/2021/10/22/indiana-woman-must-shut-down-business-after-county-officials-determine-her-farm-isnt-zoned-for-commercial-goat-yoga-or-goat-snuggling/ Boo to the Karen NIMBY who had this business and positive influence in the community shut down.
  3. Thank goodness that debacle is over. Men against boys. Bring on basketball season.
  4. More Evidence Emerges that the NIH Funded Coronavirus Gain-of-Function Research in China https://reason.com/2021/10/21/more-evidence-emerges-that-the-nih-funded-coronavirus-gain-of-function-research-in-china/ Mikolaj Raszek, founder of the Canadian genomics analysis company Merogenomics, has written a careful dissection of the recently released NIH progress report on its EcoHealth Alliance coronavirus research grant. Raszek points out that "a log of 1 of any number is that same exact number (21 = 2) and therefore log 1 simply indicates no growth." In fact, a summary of the fourth year of research in the just released documents reports that the mice infected with the SHC014 W1V1 virus ended up with much higher viral loads in their lungs. That would seem to mean that those experiments yielded "growth by more than 1 log compared to wild type strains." According to Tabak's C.Y.A. letter, "EcoHealth failed to report this finding right away, as was required by the terms of the grant. EcoHealth is being notified that they have five days from today to submit to NIH any and all unpublished data from the experiments and the work conducted under this award." Given that the COVID-19 coronavirus apparently emerged in the city where NIH-funded research to enhance the infectivity of such viruses was taking place, why did it take so long for top NIH bureaucrats to get around to asking EcoHealth and the Wuhan Institute of Virology to disclose exactly what they were up to? Tabak's letter went to great pains to point out that the COVID-19 virus is genetically distant from the viruses used in these experiments. "This analysis confirms that the bat coronaviruses studied under the EcoHealth Alliance grant could not have been the source of the [COVID-19 virus] and the COVID-19 pandemic," it concluded. That is likely right, but that does not take into account that such experiments trained researchers at the institute on how to easily manipulate the characteristics of coronaviruses. Did those researchers use their newly acquired skills in modifying coronaviruses to enhance their ability to infect human beings in experiments that have not been disclosed? In any case, once it has the information it has ordered EcoHealth to supply, the NIH should immediately release it. As Raszek concludes: Yes, indeed. Given Fauci's congressional testimony denying that NIH funded gain-of-function research at the Wuhan institute, you should expect further inquiries into what Fauci knew and when he knew it. The Rutgers biologist Richard Ebright, a longtime critic of gain-of-function research, has made it clear what he thinks of the matter. Whether or not the pandemic coronavirus leaked from the Wuhan institute's labs is yet to be determined. But the fact that the Chinese government continues to reject the World Health Organization's proposed follow-up investigation into the origins of the virus will certainly and properly fuel suspicions that it did.
  5. Coastal Carolina University Is Trying To Fire a Professor for Saying Hurt Feelings Were Not 'a Big Deal' https://reason.com/2021/10/20/coastal-carolina-university-theater-professor-fired-speech-whiteboard/ Oh, the widdle college snowflakes got their feeling hurt over a complete misunderstanding. Incredible. It's like these morons are on the hunt, looking for something to be outraged about. I really don't see how these progressive liberals are going to make it in the real world, outside of the "safe spaces" of academia.
  6. Netflix Caving On Chappelle In 5…4…3… https://www.theamericanconservative.com/dreher/netflix-caving-on-chappelle-watch/ Stop right there. Those who walk out should be told by Netflix to keep stepping. More: Man, I do not get this. At all. Publishing and media executives do this crap too. Do they have any idea what kind of business they are in? Chappelle’s great sin, in the eyes of these crybullies, was that he said trans women aren’t women because they do not have the biology of women. I believe that. A lot of people believe that. Maybe Chappelle is wrong about that. But if this now unsayable, even by a comedian (who makes fun of everybody), this is madness. Sarandos ought to tell those protesters if they cannot handle working for a giant media company that distributes a comedy show in which a standup says only biological women are women, then they should find another line of work. This is cringe. More: That’s not a “no,” is it? And it’s a not-no that leaves open the possibility that there will one day be so “many calls” that Netflix decided to take it down. Look at this, and try to make sense of what Sarandos is saying: Translation: “We’re going to throw money at making more trans and non-binary shows, so please, I beg you, leave us alone!” When do you think Netflix will actually pull the special? I bet they’re waiting to see what the response to tomorrow’s walkout is. Remember, even though probably 95 percent of America doesn’t care if a comedian says “only women are women” on his Netflix special, the five percent who do are concentrated in the circles in which Netflix executives move. Soft totalitarianism is about to claim another scalp… Indeed it is.
  7. And yet we continually seem to have the idea that the larger the enrollment the generally better football players and OMG! Athletes, both in quality and quantity, a program will have access to. It's why it's anathema to even consider the notion of a Pioneer playing a Center Grove, right? Yet history tells us this is not always true. I have maintained that Frankfort is a "4A" school with a mid-2A sized athletic talent base, at best. And that discrepancy will play out yet again this Friday, and it really does either side no good. Honestly, Chatard doesn't even need to send the first stringers to this game, their JV should be able to easily win by 4-5 touchdowns.
  8. Dems Try To Pass Off $10,000 IRS Reporting Threshold as Merely Going After the 1 Percent https://reason.com/2021/10/19/dems-try-to-pass-off-10000-irs-reporting-threshold-as-merely-going-after-the-1-percent/ Emphases mine. Raise your hand if you qualify for the dragnet. As the Wall Street Journal editorial board rightly worries, banks (as well as all other financial institutions) "would bear the cost of reporting each of more than 124 million U.S. accounts, which might require new software and additional staff. Customers could count on these costs showing up in higher user fees." When the IRS deputized foreign financial institutions to cough up information about their U.S. clients abroad a decade ago, millions of Americans were kicked out of their accounts. The IRS itself acknowledges that "the United States enjoys a relatively high and stable voluntary tax compliance rate." But in order to maintain the laughable fiction that "the cost of the Build Back Better Agenda is $0," our already-intrusive, Fourth Amendment-busting federal access into personal financial affairs has to be vastly expanded into a—their words!—"comprehensive financial account information reporting regime." One that no doubt will have less-than-ironclad data security. Those who value their financial privacy, and are not rich enough to afford the kinds of professional tax-minimization services this enforcement measure will fail to curb, are advised to keep their transactions in cash. If the Biden administration gets its way, they might not have any choice. Cash, gold and buy seeds. For you and your family's future.
  9. The Sectional 22 game of Chatard at Frankfort really shouldn't even be played for due to player safety issues. Just yet another flaw in the primarily enrollment based classification system. Frankfort is a "4A" school in name only.
  10. I know of several manufacturing plants in central Indiana that have resorted to driving their own trucks, usually with a forklift, and driven by their own employees all the way up to Chicago area container yards so they can unload critically needed parts and material and drive it back to their manufacturing plant. Local transportation companies that would normally pick up that container in Chicago and deliver it to the manufacturing facility simply don't yet have the manpower and trucks to handle the demand/backlog.
  11. My comment still stands regardless of "traditionally", "historically", or "traditional rivals". Thanks for the correction, Mr. English Major.
  12. Key word in Crimson Ace's statement was "traditionally". And in the days of pre-class basketball it was certainly true. It's how the likes of Kokomo (who had every other small Howard county school in it's sectional along with the likes of Maconaquah) and Vincennes Lincoln (similar demographic as Kokomo) are up there as the all time leaders in pre-class sectional championships.
  13. It won't operate 24/7 no matter how much smoke Mr. Biden blow because: a. It will take months to hire additional union workers to staff such an endeavor, if the union allow it in the first place b. Like you alluded to you can unload all the container ships you want but if there isn't sufficient ground or rail transportation to take the containers somewhere then now you just have thousands of container sitting in a yard somewhere instead of on a ship. All of this has happened on Biden's watch. He is to blame, right?
  14. So to you a 15-year old uttering a racial slur is an unforgivable mistake warranting punishment and tracking for life. Much like a sex offender. Got it.
  15. No, Joe Biden Can't Save Christmas https://reason.com/2021/10/15/joe-biden-is-not-americas-santa-claus/ I have a relative that is one of those "moving mountains around the globe" for the holiday rush. He will work an average of 12-14 hour days starting around 11/1 through 12/25. And Joe Biden didn't order him to.
  16. I'm glad I didn't grow up in a world where everything you said or did as a youth (< 18 years old) was tracked and recorded. So in our now surveilled world children are not allowed to make mistakes?
  17. As if the truck drivers obey those speed limits 100% of the time. Stop trying to cover for the labor unions you love so much, Dante.
  18. Why? Are these individuals now "domestic terrorists"?
  19. Don't want to get those uniforms mud stained a week before the tournament starts.
  20. Michigan Professor Survives Cultural Revolution, Succumbs to Campus Wokeness https://www.nationalreview.com/2021/10/michigan-professor-survives-cultural-revolution-succumbs-to-campus-wokeness/ I truly fear for the future of this country, with institutions like UofM graduating such snowflakes.
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