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Everything posted by Muda69

  1. Michigan schools cancel Halloween, Valentine's Day due to concerns over inclusion: https://www.foxnews.com/us/michigan-schools-cancel-halloween-valentines-day-inclusion
  2. https://www.nationalreview.com/2021/10/the-idiocies-of-the-u-s-supply-chain/#slide-1 Yep, labor unions screw up pretty much everything, all to make sure their members can have their cake and eat it too.
  3. Netflix Staff Apparently Unaware That Dave Chappelle's Comedy Special Would Include Jokes https://reason.com/2021/10/14/netflix-staff-apparently-unaware-that-dave-chappelles-comedy-special-would-include-jokes/ Agreed. Mr. Chappelle is a national treasure. Censoring him like these woke scolds want to do would be a crime.
  4. Chicago Art Museum Fires Unpaid Volunteers For Being White https://www.zerohedge.com/political/chicago-art-museum-fires-unpaid-volunteers-being-white Unfortunately for the volunteers, a lack of “diversity” is only apparently a problem at one end of the spectrum. A similar thing happened last month when the English Touring Opera (ETO) kicked out half of its orchestral players in an effort to prioritize “increased diversity in the orchestra.” The act of musical ethnic cleansing was carried out in the interests of following “firm guidance of the Arts Council,” which is a government-funded body. Once again, this all underscores the fact that the only form of institutionalized racism that remains not only acceptable, but something to be encouraged, is against white people.
  5. https://reason.com/2021/10/13/high-inflation-is-here-to-stay/ Good luck with the politicians giving the public the truth. And this inflation is real, we've seen our monthly grocery/supply budget get stretched thinner and thinner over the past several months. Heck a bag of our preferred pet food went up by the $3 dollars at our local grocery in just a two-week period. So we switched to a cheaper option.
  6. IMHO Indiana High School basketball doesn't need one. With no shot clock you can just hold the ball.
  7. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30995074/
  8. https://www.wlfi.com/content/news/IHSAA-adds-new-mercy-rule-for-high-school-basketball-575511831.html Interesting. They must like the 35 point number.
  9. Succession is a darned good TV show. Season three starts on the 17th.
  10. Feds Undermine Themselves by Targeting Parents Who Criticize School Officials https://reason.com/2021/10/13/feds-undermine-themselves-by-targeting-parents-who-criticize-school-officials/
  11. So you believe most parents are idiots. Good to know.
  12. So you believe the FBI being involved in "screaming people and hooligans" at local school board meetings is a legitimate function of the federal government.
  13. Government Keeps Trying To Censor This Brewery. The Owner Isn't Having It. https://reason.com/2021/10/06/free-speech-flying-dog-brewery-government-censorship-first-amendment/
  14. Democrats and Media Do Not Want to Weaken Facebook, Just Commandeer its Power to Censor https://greenwald.substack.com/p/democrats-and-media-do-not-want-to As I have written before, this problem — whereby the government coerces private actors to censor for them — is not one that Yarvin was the first to recognize. The U.S. Supreme Court has held, since at least 1963, that the First Amendment's "free speech” clause is violated when state officials issue enough threats and other forms of pressure that essentially leave the private actor with no real choice but to censor in accordance with the demands of state officials. Whether we are legally at the point where that constitutional line has been crossed by the increasingly blunt bullying tactics of Democratic lawmakers and executive branch officials is a question likely to be resolved in the courts. But whatever else is true, this pressure is very real and stark and reveals that the real goal of Democrats is not to weaken Facebook but to capture its vast power for their own nefarious ends. There is another issue raised by this week's events that requires ample caution as well. The canonized Facebook whistleblower and her journalist supporters are claiming that what Facebook fears most is repeal or reform of Section 230, the legislative provision that provides immunity to social media companies for defamatory or other harmful material published by their users. That section means that if a Facebook user or YouTube host publishes legally actionable content, the social media companies themselves cannot be held liable. There may be ways to reform Section 230 that can reduce the incentive to impose censorship, such as denying that valuable protection to any platform that censors, instead making it available only to those who truly allow an unmoderated platform to thrive. But such a proposal has little support in Washington. What is far more likely is that Section 230 will be "modified” to impose greater content moderation obligations on all social media companies. Far from threatening Facebook and Google, such a legal change could be the greatest gift one can give them, which is why their executives are often seen calling on Congress to regulate the social media industry. Any legal scheme that requires every post and comment to be moderated would demand enormous resources — gigantic teams of paid experts and consultants to assess "misinformation” and "hate speech” and veritable armies of employees to carry out their decrees. Only the established giants such as Facebook and Google would be able to comply with such a regimen, while other competitors — including large but still-smaller ones such as Twitter — would drown in those requirements. And still-smaller challengers to the hegemony of Facebook and Google, such as Substack and Rumble, could never survive. In other words, any attempt by Congress to impose greater content moderation obligations — which is exactly what they are threatening — would destroy whatever possibility remains for competitors to arise and would, in particular, destroy any platforms seeking to protect free discourse. That would be the consequence by design, which is why one should be very wary of any attempt to pretend that Facebook and Google fear such legislative adjustments. There are real dangers posed by allowing companies such as Facebook and Google to amass the power they have now consolidated. But very little of the activism and anger from the media and Washington toward these companies is designed to fracture or limit that power. It is designed, instead, to transfer that power to other authorities who can then wield it for their own interests. The only thing more alarming than Facebook and Google controlling and policing our political discourse is allowing elites from one of the political parties in Washington and their corporate media outlets to assume the role of overseer, as they are absolutely committed to doing. Far from being some noble whistleblower, Frances Haugen is just their latest tool to exploit for their scheme to use the power of social media giants to control political discourse in accordance with their own views and interests. .....
  15. Parents Should Control Education http://www.ronpaulinstitute.org/archives/featured-articles/2021/october/04/parents-should-control-education/
  16. https://www.theamericanconservative.com/dreher/criminalizing-federalizing-dissent-justice-department-school-boards/ I watched the local ABC report, and it is entirely possible that some of these white parents behaved badly without excuse. But it completely ignores the foul-mouthed provocations of the black Democratic official. You’d get the idea from the ABC report that the problem was entirely one caused by hotheaded white people. There is no indication that a black Democratic party official stood and screamed curses at the white parents. Hey, they might even be “domestic terrorists”! Joe Biden’s Justice Department is on the case. Violence — real or threatened — in school board meetings is unacceptable. But here’s the thing: why federalize this? Why isn’t local law enforcement capable of handling these cases? Why involve the Justice Department? One wonders if the Left is not trying to deploy the same strategy the FBI used against the KKK during the Civil Rights era against parents today who dissent from CRT and/or gender ideology taught to their kids, and vaccine policies. How many parents will be willing to show up at all at school board meetings to object if they fear that in so doing, they will become ensnared with the FBI? Perhaps this is the point. You bet that is the point. Keep the dissenters away so the "new normal" can be established and maintained.
  17. https://www.wlfi.com/content/news/West-Lafayette-to-not-recognize-Columbus-Day-575460001.html
  18. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/mcconnell-goads-biden-over-debt-ceiling-says-raise-reconciliation President Biden on Monday ignored McConnell's plea - saying in Monday remarks that he can't guarantee that the US won't breach the debt ceiling, and that it's 'up to McConnell' at this point. Biden pleaded with McConnell and the GOP leadership to give it a rest and just pass the bill, doing everything in his power to try and tag the GOP with responsibility for the holdup. But the message that markets heard, loud and clear, was Biden confirming that, as of Monday, there's no guarantee that the debt ceiling will be raised in time to prevent a breach or even a default. Hammering again on the GOP's alleged obstructionism, Biden insisted that they "need to stop playing Russian roulette with the American economy" and hold a vote on the Senate bill as quickly as possible this week. He also warned that these debt-ceiling standoffs hurt ordinary Americans. In the Q&A, Biden was asked about the McConnell letter, which he said he saw just before walking out to speak. He said he plans to meet with McConnell on the matter: "I plan on talking to Mitch about it, he and I have been down this road before...and I hope we can have some honest conversation about what he's proposing." When asked by one reporter if Biden would agree to reconciliation if talks with McConnell go south, he stood firm and insisted that he couldn't commit to using it, even if it were the only option. Put another way: the game of political chicken between Dems and the GOP continues. Democrats have been unwilling to pursue reconciliation to raise the debt ceiling - a staggering position to take three years after Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) chided Republicans for refusing to use reconciliation to avoid a government shutdown. Yet now that the shoe is on the other foot, Democrats are taking reconciliation off the table. It's because if the Dems do that they'll take 100% of the blame when the economy tanks. They would rather share the blame with the GOP. All uniparty politics. Pitiful. Vote the ALL out.
  19. https://www.theamericanconservative.com/dreher/attack-of-left-wing-campus-mobs/ They chased a US Senator into a bathroom and kept harassing her. This is the kind of thing that amounts to an in-kind contribution to Republican candidates for Congress. Every one of these piss-ant Stalinists should be expelled from Arizona State. You watch, though: they won’t be. There aren’t many university presidents in this country who have the guts to stand up to a left-wing mob. Maybe ASU’s president Michael Crow is different. E-mail him and urge him POLITELY to hold these thuggish student activists accountable for the harassment of a US Senator: Certainly the president of MIT, Rafael Reif, is no profile in courage. University of Chicago geophysicist Dorian Abbot was invited to give the annual Carlson Lecture at MIT — but then the university disinvited him under pressure from left-wing activists. Prof. Robert George at Princeton broke the news this afternoon on Twitter: Here is a link to the Newsweek piece co-authored by Prof. Abbot, and cited by Prof. George above. Excerpts: Read it all. Believing this, and saying it out loud, is considered so offensive that MIT disinvited Prof. Abbot from speaking there. Folks, MIT is not East Wahoo A&M. If this is the kind of standard that reigns at one of America’s most elite colleges, we are in severe trouble. This is soft totalitarianism — and it won’t stay soft long if our institutions keep yielding to these monsters. From the MIT website, information about how you can reach out to university president Rafael Reif and urge him to reinstate Prof. Abbot, and apologize. DO NOT BE ABUSIVE WHEN YOU WRITE! That is counterproductive at best. UPDATE: Back in January, The Federalist reported on Prof. Abbot being under assault in the university itself for dissenting from the DEI policy. Excerpt: Wow. It's clear that in most universities it's what you are that is important, not who you are. Very, very sad. I'm counseling young people in my social circles to really consider trade/vocational schools instead of traditional universities where the woke have taken over.
  20. I was camping this past weekend and only read about this abomination yesterday evening. What I find interesting regarding the events of Friday Oct. 1, 2021 at Rushville High School and the events of Friday Oct. 17, 2008 at Clinton Prairie High School (96-0, never forget) is the attitude of many on this forum. There appears to be real condemnation regarding Lawrenceburg High School and it's coaches actions/decisions in the game against Rushville, with seeming concern regarding the physical safety of the Lions players in this contest. While back in 2008 the overwhelming responses were "So? Clinton Prairie sucks. Get better or get used to it." My, how the times having changed. Are the GID cognoscenti going soft?
  21. Joe Biden's Misguided Attack on Tax Havens https://reason.com/2021/10/01/joe-bidens-misguided-attack-on-tax-havens/
  22. Government is where many who can't cut it in private industry end up.
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