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Everything posted by Muda69

  1. Saw this on another website recently: Why Do The Protected Need To Be Protected From The Unprotected By Forcing The Unprotected To use The Protection That Didn’t protect The Protected In The First Place !
  2. Probably 92. Too busy farming and feeding Hoosiers to worry about a children's game.
  3. https://www.ibrc.indiana.edu/studies/AgReportOct2015_FINAL.pdf Lot of top 10's there.
  4. Nicely inflated by Indianapolis area urban sprawl, much like Posey county and Evansville.
  5. Meh: https://www.acrevalue.com/map/IN/?lat=39.795072&lng=-86.44123&zoom=7 Clinton County, Indiana: Ave Acrevalue: $7,151/ac Gibson County, Indian: Ave Acrevalue: $6,894/ac
  6. https://www.theamericanconservative.com/articles/a-nation-of-online-gamblers/ I have zero interest in gambling, online sports betting or at a casino. And these online sportbooks ads are really becoming annoying; they are now as ubiquitous as big pharma ads.
  7. The Indy Star high school sports writer has all the Indy area schools with the exception of Tri-West moving on to the state finals: https://www.indystar.com/story/sports/high-school/2021/11/18/indiana-high-school-football-playoffs-ihsaa-semistate-predictions-2021-schedule/8633616002/
  8. In this context turning a profit on its operations, or at least breaking even. http://ti.org/antiplanner/?p=18621
  9. OSHA Halts Enforcement of Biden Vaccine Mandate, Pending Litigation https://reason.com/2021/11/17/osha-biden-vaccine-mandate-halt-litigation/ Good to hear. A lot of businesses are breathing a sigh of relief right now.
  10. Op-Ed: Kyle Rittenhouse a hero? No, he was a callow, foolish boy who had no business being in Kenosha https://www.indystar.com/story/opinion/2021/11/17/op-ed-kyle-rittenhouse-hero-no-he-foolish-being-kenosha/8656284002/ I tend to agree with Mr. Haynes. Young Mr. Rittenhouse is no hero, but neither do I believe he is guilty of all the crimes the prosecution has charged him with.
  11. Except for the abject failure that is Amtrack, right Dante?
  12. I recommend not getting anything at the Lizton Dairy Bar. It's kind of gross.
  13. Since 2008, Monetary Policy Has Cost American Savers about $4 Trillion https://mises.org/wire/2008-monetary-policy-has-cost-american-savers-about-4-trillion Forget about saving U.S. dollars. Buy Gold. And Seeds.
  14. Jury Begins Deliberations at Kyle Rittenhouse Murder Trial https://www.usnews.com/news/us/articles/2021-11-16/jury-to-begin-deliberations-at-kyle-rittenhouse-murder-trial I have never heard of this 'jury raffle' for deliberations before. Is it just a Wisconsin thing or to other state and local courts use this method?
  15. Billions and Billions to Be Wasted: https://www.cato.org/blog/billions-billions-be-wasted Yet another huge spending bill, yet another huge waste of taxpayer dollars. Thanks Joe Biden.
  16. Good win for the Redskins yesterday again the Super Bowl champs.
  17. Yes, but it's an older home with only 100amp service and the breaker box is full. Upgrading to 200 amp service or adding a subpanel is outside our budget, as is the cost of a Tesla or another electric car itself. So?
  18. Tell us all about your own personal independence from oil and gasoline products, Dante. Tesla machines are overpriced junk. And there is not the charging infrastructure in my neck of the woods to make such a limited type of vehicle a viable alternative to the internal combustion engine.
  19. So American government officials holding guns are functionally equivalent to third world dictators. Really? Please explain.
  20. Easy. Political Correctness. Don't know why individuals are afraid to call it what it is.
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