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Everything posted by Muda69

  1. https://www.indystar.com/story/sports/columnists/gregg-doyel/2022/03/30/ncaa-transfer-portal-fair-just-and-completely-out-control/7205682001/ (Note, commentary is behind a paywall) Mr. Doyel then goes on to not only call the aforementioned Mr. Kelly as weasel coach but basketball coaches Archie and Sean Miller weasels as well. Opinions on the NCAA Transfer Portal as it stands now?
  2. What, you don't believe in the concept of "in loco parentis" when it comes to public school teachers and administrators? I once had an assistant superintendent pull that line on me once in a discussion we had over the IMHO illegal search of high school students belongings.
  3. Yeah, your criticism of school choice IS nonsense. And anti-freedom.
  4. *yawn* This is one of the more boring off-season threads I've seen on the GID. That said, of course it is usually a p/p or mega school that does this due to different reasons: Mega schools, by their very nature, just have that surplus of OMG! Athletes which makes athletic specialization more possible. And p/p tend to develop their much smaller pool of OMG! Athletes into multi-sport automatons, coaches are able to plug them into a different sport after a relatively small practice window.
  5. Biden's Desperate Wealth Tax Flip-Flop https://reason.com/2022/03/29/bidens-desperate-wealth-tax-flip-flop/
  6. Look like 11.2% of the parents in Nevada/Clark County are segregationists and need to be punished by the state for not believing the government schools are the best and only real educational option for their children.
  7. So those parents who choose to send their children to a non-government school are practicing segregation. Got it. Guess they should be imprisoned, fined, or something. After all, the state automatically knows what is best for all of us, right?
  8. The advanced aged, like Mr. Biden, tend to welcome routine and fear impromptu spontaneity, lest they get confused and befuddled. That's why he needs the questions in a certain order, hence the staging of the entire event.
  9. You're being outraged about school choice? Yeah, we get that.
  10. Thank you Bob. Another stadium boondoggle where all the rosy projections of "more jobs", "increased property values" , "more $ pumped into the local economy", etc. will in reality fall far, far short of those projections. And the public will be on the hook for hundreds of millions of dollars. Again. Shameful. Another story on this big waste: https://sports.yahoo.com/bills-reach-deal-for-new-stadium-with-a-record-amount-of-taxpayer-money-funding-it-164653173.html Keeping sucking on that sweet, sweet public teat Mr. and Mrs. Pegula. You know you won't be the ones on the hook for more $ when there are the inevitable construction cost overruns and maintenance emergencies costing even more $ once the facility is completed. After all why would expect you to actually spend approx. $1.5 billon of your own fortune?
  11. https://www.indystar.com/story/news/local/indianapolis/2022/03/28/indiana-state-police-house-chambers-statehouse-vandalized/7191040001/ This kind of vandalism of the People's House cannot be tolerated, especially the drawings of a penis found in the House chambers. Shameful.
  12. If Jada Smith doesn’t like jokes about alopecia Then that’s hair loss.
  13. COVID Revealed America To Be a Nation of Rulers, Not of Laws https://reason.com/2022/03/25/covid-revealed-america-to-be-a-nation-of-rulers-not-of-laws/ A true Pandora's Box of authoritarianism and oppression has been opened.
  14. High-Quality 'Public' Schools Don't Want Low-Income Students https://reason.com/2022/03/24/high-quality-public-schools-dont-want-low-income-students/ Have there been statistics released since Indiana went to an open enrollment system of exactly how many students state-wide are now attending a government school that is not their geographically-assigned one? And are the government schools that accept transfers compiling reports of who these students are and from what government school districts they are coming from? Could provide interesting information.
  15. Dang hermaphrodites. How many of them sit on the SCOTUS or want to swim at the collegiate level?
  16. https://www.nationalreview.com/2022/03/no-on-ketanji-brown-jackson/
  17. Possibly. After all according to her only a biologist can answer such a question correctly.
  18. https://www.theamericanconservative.com/state-of-the-union/what-is-a-woman-judge-jackson/
  19. Would be interesting if he goes back home to Lafayette/West Lafayette...................
  20. The Takeover of America's Legal System https://bariweiss.substack.com/p/the-takeover-of-americas-legal-system?s=r A somewhat long read, but worth it.
  21. Heh heh, I see what you did there. 🙂 That said, there is a very good chance this veto gets overturned by the Indiana state legislature. It's just virtue signaling by Mr. Holcomb. Edit: Yep: https://www.indystar.com/story/news/education/2022/03/22/indiana-general-assembly-transgender-sports-ban-veto-gov-eric-holcomb-sen-mike-braun/7125744001/
  22. Maria Montessori's 'Libertarian View of Children' https://reason.com/2022/03/22/maria-montessoris-libertarian-view-of-children-2/?comments=true#comments A remarkable human being. Good that her ideas and ideals are still being followed today.
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