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Everything posted by Impartial_Observer

  1. OK first of all, Waffle House is delicious. Yes I have a Blackstone as part of my arsenal on deck and I'm certain it gets used more than our kitchen range does. I cooked on it twice over the weekend. Range was used 0. There is NOTHING more entertaining/fascinating than going in an old school Waffle House where the grill is right behind the bar, and watching a guy/gal who's good on the grill ply their craft. I could literally do it for hours. Best I ever saw was at the Waffle House on Roswell Road in Marietta, GA. Dude was a magician. And yes I'm a redneck.
  2. Obviously learned his telestrator skills from Randy Marsh. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AiPUjGNTi24
  3. Depends. The cooling cycle is a lot more electricity dependent than the heating cycle. Nationally according to EIA coal amounts to about 27% or our electricity generation. I would guess that percentage is a lot higher in Indiana. Heat exchangers would run on a variety of fuels which is typically mandated by location. I'm not sure coal is in the equation. Fuel oil, natural gas, and propane I would guess are the major fuels. Of course there are still electrical components. My point being industrial facilities are the largest users of energy across the board. Whether a high rise office building or a manufacturing facility. Individuals switching the light bulbs in their home is akin to pissing in the ocean.
  4. Industrial chillers with boilers systems, now you’re in the ball park for reducing energy consumption.
  5. Typical green gobblygook. Residential lighting accounts for less 6% of our nation’s energy bill. A 7% decrease in lighting costs amounts to about .4% reduction in energy usage. No mention of the increase electric cars are causing power consumption.
  6. IO walking thru the door: Mrs. IO: How many beers did you have? IO: 2 or 3 Mrs. IO rolls her eyes.
  7. CFL’s were a train wreck shoved down our throats. I have been switching everything in home and business to LED. The technology is fairly mature at this point, the price continues to fall, it makes fiscal sense. You can’t look at the initial costs, in the long term LED is a better investment. I’ve been using LED for several years and have only replaced on bulb, within days of it being installed, it was obviously a defective bulb. The real issue I had was what the government did to the fluorescent industry, first ramming immature technology of digital ballast down our throats, then essentially banning T12 lamps......
  8. I think both of you are missing the point, Hamilton himself didn’t do anything other than listen to their problems, there’s no conspiracy.
  9. 1. I never said it was a scam, I merely stated how he stayed in office. 2. Lee retired after two incredibly close elections to Jean Leising. In a district that was hand drawn for a D, it didn't take Baron long to piss it away. 3. Wiki is not always your best research tool.
  10. I posted a cowpie! We debated feces.....but I will admit, it's junior high level entertainment.
  11. The issue, everyone hates congress, but loves their representative and keeps sending him back. I watched it play out for years with Lee Hamilton. He was a less than stellar rep in my opinion, however he would hold town hall meetings all over the district, old people would show up with a problem with their SS or Medicare, he'd have some lackey take care of it, and he was the best congressman EVER. Unfortunately all of those old people eventually died, the district became a lot less gerrymandered, and ol' Lee was out of a job, but his career of sucking at the public teet, continued.
  12. Right, wrong, or indifferent it’s a free country, you can choose to do whatever you want, but you can never escape the consequences of those decisions. I would also say it’s not just purple hair, gages in the ears, a hog ring in the nose, etc., poor grammar, poor social skills, and other non-appearance factors will also cause people to dismiss individuals. I will admit I’ve said more times than I care to remember made it known, I don’t trust people with a week handshake. After teaching my kids to be polite and say please and thank you, it was one of the first social skills I taught them, how to shake hands, and to never trust anyone that gives you a limp fish. Other tools like looking people in the eye when you’re talking to them, speaking up, being clear and concise, many of these skills are being lost as our society moves to less personal forms of interaction.
  13. They were so giddy with excitement to get it posted, they didn't have time to spell check.
  14. Finally, a conversation of interest! Looks like it was pinched off, I'm going with turd. This is a pile of shit.
  15. I used to have a vet on my crew who got an elaborate patriotic themed tat that went down his arm. He told me up front before he did it and offered to wear a flesh colored sleeve. I asked some AD’s and coaches about it. The answers were pretty predictable according to age. I didn’t ask him to wear a sleeve, however his employer does, Indiana State Police. I’m 54, I’m old school, you only get one chance to make a first impression. Clean shaven, good looking clothes, shined shoes. As a supervisor for club SB, I harp and harp at guys about their uniforms. Hard to take an official serious when he stinks and wears dirty wrinkled clothes, and 2-3 days beard.
  16. My brother knows a guy who's sister is married to a lawyer who knows a dude who once interned at SCOTUS and he said RBG is a communist.
  17. Not really interested. Everyone knows how this is going to play out, Longmire reruns are much more interesting.
  18. Living your life based on polls is pretty disappointing. https://www.politico.com/story/2016/10/clinton-trump-poll-abc-news-230199
  19. Took her to one of her favorite restaurants, picked up a bottle of wine.......it all ended OK!
  20. Apparently my wife thinks the airing of grievances is an all day thing today.
  21. Hands down the WORST job in the world is MS Assistant Principal. Dealing with the dregs of society all day er' day.
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