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Everything posted by Impartial_Observer

  1. The one thing that has bothered me from the start of this thing, is the POTUS is not allowed private conversations with foreign heads of state? I have a giant problem with politicians once they're in power, using their authority to investigate their political rivals. "Lock her up" was a HORRIBLE idea. Just the very idea of an investigation post election was sickening to me. In Trump's case, this is exactly what's happened, dating to the BHO administration. Biden has admitted, in fact bragged on the campaign trail to exactly what Trump is being accused of. Look if this stuff rises to the point of impeachment fine, but it plays across the board. All subsequent administrations shall be held to the same standards and to the letter of the law. Trump has been his own worst enemy, he steps on his d#$ every chance he gets, but in my view, we are seeing a coup de t'etat right in front of us.
  2. I agree with Bob on this one. Officials only have authority to suspend a game due to weather.
  3. I would venture to guess this impeachment will lead us right into election season.
  4. On the bright side of things, there won't be any time to get any legislation passed.
  5. No, when it wanders into the weeds of 2A, it's time to move one. Pretty much all of these threads go down the same path: 1.DT wants less football playing schools. Gee this is a high school football forum, I wonder how that will be perceived? 2. Muda doesn't want government schools. Gee this a high school football forum, I wonder that will be perceived? 3. Virtually everyone else wondering why you two post on a high school football forum. This thread has run it's course. It's game day, lets move on. Everyone needs to make sure they're drinking plenty of water today, it's going to be a hot one tonight.
  6. Yawn, Trump accused of what Biden has admitted to. As if this collection of clowns running for president wasn’t enough, this impeachment debacle will cost the D’s the house. I thought Pelosi was more savvy than this. And for the love of god, someone as rich and powerful as Nancy Pelosi, get some dentures that fit.
  7. I'm sorry, I just can't get Cartman and Kenny out of my head at the Mexican border in the Go Go Action Bronco.
  8. A grey tie with a tan suit, are you kidding me? I guess it's a good thing I'm not prez.....
  9. Good luck coach, I hope you find a crew. If you want to move to Saturday, we're open 😉
  10. @StinkTownClown C'mon man you gotta have something for this!
  11. I believe there is case law regarding this dating back to the 40's which involved military avation. It is my understanding that your property extends upwards as far as you can reasonably use. If I hunt fowl on my property, it would certainly be easy to mistake a drone for a Northern honker 😉 This is clearly an issue that needs to be addressed, but congress is currently tied up with "important" business of the day.
  12. Looks like you got it done, hopefully you can find some striped shirts.
  13. W-L is not the be all end all measuring stick for high school coaches.
  14. We've all been there. I assure you, when it's you that blows it, there's not a hole deep enough to crawl into. I know that doesn't help your cause any, but it is the truth. It's not unusual for us to have a play here or there with no whistle. See leather!
  15. I think the whole thing in the nutshell is the government has very little oversight in the vaping world. All of this is merely and exercise to gain control and extend the government's tentacles into the vaping industry in the name of "safety". I mean after all 7 who used vaping products are dead.
  16. I can tell you straight from multiple AD's mouths, there are two issues with joining CI. Terre Haute North and Terre Haute South.
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