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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


Booster 2023-24
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Everything posted by temptation

  1. Keep posting dude. If what I said “insulted” you, find a therapist.
  2. 8…having 4 teams get a bye is still unfair in my opinion. 8 teams…five conference champions, 1 group of 5…two at large. This year it’d look like this in my opinion. Alabama - SEC champ Michigan - Big Ten champ Georgia - at large Cincinnati - group of 5 Notre Dame - at large Baylor - Big 12 champ Utah - Pac 12 champ Pittsburgh - ACC champ
  3. I was just taking his word for it, my mistake. But the fact that you are keeping score and still posting in this thread shows you are so butt hurt. The school which you support is less than a month removed from winning the state championship and you’re out here pretending to be outraged about disrespect due to some mythical poll… Prop your feet up and have a drink dude.
  4. Imagine attempting to display outrage at a fellow poster and claim disrespect because he is stating his opinion on a mythical poll in which he probably still thinks CG is a top 25 team just not top 5. @Footballking16and I have our differences on this board and rarely agree but you attacking his opinion is comical. If Brady Allen doesn’t deserve Mr. Football in @Grover’s opinion due to lack of competition than you also have to question CG being placed in front of teams with much better resumes who have played tougher competition.
  5. Also, I thought these hypothetical rankings were meant to promote the sport and generate discussion? Some people need thicker skin.
  6. That’s another good point that speaks to the college game. Though I don’t have specific data to back this up, it seems that NFL leashes are much shorter on coaches. Hell, Nagy was just the NFL coach of the year THREE seasons ago.
  7. Could we also say the jury is still out on Day though? I mean two years and mainly with Meyer’s players is a small sample size, though Stroud and Henderson are his guys. Its easy to take over a full cupboard and live in a recruiting hotbed…taking over the Bears (or any other struggling franchise for that matter) is a much larger undertaking.
  8. Yep, very few have pulled it off. Day, Meyer, Spurrier and Saban (just to name a few) lined up on Saturdays with large talent advantages 10-12 times every fall. I know this makes me sound like a hater and as if I’m discrediting them but the track record on the NCAA to NFL move isn’t pretty. Day has some endearing qualities. He’s an elite play caller but I don’t think he’s proven enough at the college level yet to warrant NFL attention.
  9. Had a state champion recently that is doing great things at Purdue. Indiana is a single class state in cross country by the way. Wrap your mind around that.
  10. I’m not sure Carmel will have too many takers. I think it’s HCC or independent at this point.
  11. Still gonna regret those collapses against Baltimore and Tennessee when playoff time rolls around. They “should” be in control of their own destiny in terms of the division title.
  12. Just another reminder that this dude wrote books on leadership… That’s all.
  13. Just making a statement that some folks are unqualified to speak regarding certain subjects. He always takes the bait too.
  14. Only roughly 150 kids fewer than Cathedral. Bet if they had a better coaching staff that worked harder they could compete with the Irish...
  15. I agree but it will be interesting to see how hurt the MIC's feelings are. Also, if they do continue to play one another in a home and home series, does that dispel the rumor that the shooting at BD played any role whatsoever in this decision?
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