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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


Booster 2023-24
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Everything posted by temptation

  1. Yes. Still a playoff contender with a win tomorrow and the remaining teams on the schedule. Should be able to beat Houston again, Jacksonville twice and the Jets. Find a couple more and that gets you to 10.
  2. Yes! And it seems like they always have Iowa and Nebraska’s number (though I’m too lazy to look up or verify that belief).
  3. Coming into the season all I heard was that they had 18 returning starters. Combine that with Allen recruiting better and you can’t develop depth? Maybe they just weren’t that good last year after all?
  4. First playoff rankings Tuesday should be interesting. Hopefully common sense prevails and Cincinnati isn’t #2 and Oregon is in front of Ohio State but I’m not holding my breath. The Temp’s Top 10: 1. Georgia 2. Alabama 3. Cincinnati 4. Oklahoma 5. Michigan State 6. Oregon 7. Ohio State 8. Notre Dame 9. Wake Forest 10. Michigan WHO you lose to and HOW you lose should matter more than WHEN you lose.
  5. Purdue and Indiana football fans must scoff at the notion that a team that is going to be ranked in the top ten and is 7-1 “is not that much fun watching.” Spoiled? I could watch Kyren Williams highlight tapes for hours.
  6. Is he on here? I’ll gladly share some of my haters with him.
  7. Looks like they were up 21-0 after 1 according to Max Preps…
  8. It’s almost as though three weeks between games is a bad idea…
  9. Was actually traveling across town this afternoon (after leaving my mom’s basement) and had a few extra minutes so I stopped at the Taj Mahal of central Indiana football. A little bit of standing water at the 40 yard line… other than that, completely playable. As a matter of fact, this looks luxurious compared to the night CG rolled into town. Why the move to UIndy?
  10. Apparently not. But I come to a football forum for a discussing about…wait for it…FOOTBALL related material! You turned any states purple yet? You still don’t get it. It’s about PEOPLE too dude. Always good for a quote Brett…definitely not igorant.
  11. LOL, you are on the ropes here. Should I just continue jabbing or go for the upper cut and knock you out?
  12. Huh? Why would the contract not say “All regular season contests and any potential postseason contests?” LOL. It’s not like they could double book the facility. You are talking yourself in circles here.
  13. Nope. Not when a precedent had been set two weeks earlier. You’ll never convince me that Arlington is in worse shape right now than it was two weeks ago. The only difference is the opponent. Hell even a couple of Cathedral posters insinuated that the week 10 game against Center Grove was bigger than a 5A state title for the Irish…and one referenced the coaching staff echoing this sentiment. It all makes so much sense if you open your eyes.
  14. This would not surprise me and I’ve actually heard something similar. Now I’m pretty sure that the schools can order extra medals out of pocket after the fact, no? I’d assume that’s what many schools do as many of the mega schools seem to have 25+ coaches. How about this one? The boys and girls cross country state finals are this weekend in Terre Haute and each coach is limited to “up to 18 athletes” for its tournament roster (7 actually participate)… However, the IHSAA only allows 10 per roster to get in with passes. Any athletes betting that number must pay their way into the event.
  15. Why are you only referring to scholarships? Don’t be so close minded. I am largely the man I am today BECAUSE of my participation in high school athletics. I chose my career based in part to my love for them, created lifelong relationships because of them and networked my way through life based on many of those relationships and experiences.
  16. A game played by children that can open doors for many of them. A game played by children that takes the time to crown a champion. A game played by children that takes the time to compile national rankings. A game played by children in which networks show high profile contests on national television. A game played by children that has a dedicated forum like this one that you spends hours on each day. You like to “poo poo” the significance and interest in the sport all the while allowing it to consume a large chunk of your time. Interesting.
  17. The topic is playing fields. The most debated/questioned playing field of the season has been Arlington for obvious reasons. Indiana had a chance to put itself on the map and in the national spotlight earlier this month and one school chose not to by playing the contest on a slip and slide. CG’s speed is far superior to Cathedral’s, both at the top end of the roster as well as depth. That is not debatable. Cathedral had multiple state finalists but nearly every kid that CG put on the bus that day last June earned all state recognition. “At the end of the day, we’ll decide what field suits us better to win the game.” FINALLY…an admission. I know this was a big step for you but it’s critical to the healing process. Now, I need the REAL story on why Tech is no longer an option for Cathedral…I’ve heard rumors…
  18. An extracurricular that molds youngsters and teaches many life lessons through sport, no? Can we at least agree that extracurriculars can play a large role in the lives of youth and aid in helping the become successful adults? Or are you also not willing to concede that point?
  19. Those in education-based athletics commit themselves to putting those very same children that you speak of in the very best position to succeed whether it be in the classroom or on the playing field. Can’t have it both ways. Do better.
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