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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


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Everything posted by DumfriesYMCA

  1. Fair enough he’s a great coach. I was living in Kalamazoo when he brought western Michigan to the spotlight. man is a living legend to the people there
  2. Tua is obviously a favorite....Justin fields, Jalen hurts, Joe burrow, Jonathan Taylor..... well Jonathan Taylor until today lol all are probably worthy but the best player in CFB right now is Chase Young...hands down. 4 sacks today against my precious badgers...13.5 on the year. Man is an animal time to make the heisman about the best player. Chase Young is the best player right now
  3. The gophers won’t win out lol they have penn state Iowa northwestern and Wisconsin left. they just have faced a favorable schedule early on
  4. Booooo get out of here last year people cried about GS praying after games even though it was voluntary and the complaint was of a non paid coach or what not participating. GS players and fans told everyone they were still going to pray. They were just going to make sure it followed all the rules. it’s all voluntary. Nobody is made to feel left out. Y’all just want something to complain about.
  5. Ohio state is a lock I think. Chase young is ridiculous. Never seen someone dominate the badgers like he did today. Simply outmatched. clemson just has to win out. Simple i think LSU will take the SEC spot and Alabama will be the 4 seed with only a loss to LSU
  6. Whoopsie. BOONE grove is undefeated lol my bad guys Yep 😂 my bad
  7. Wasn’t beech grove and btc undefeated? btc was 9-0. Could have swore BG was 9-0 too
  8. 2 undefeated teams go down. B town is a shock to me. But the pirates were 7-2 so maybe not so much
  9. 49-28 Final Gibson Southern over Salem. The score is so misleading. This was a dog fight for over 3 Quarters. hats off to Salem. annnnnd Gibson Southern will get their rematch Vs Heritage Hills next week now. This time at home. Hopefully GS makes it a game. Should be a better one than the 49-14 thumping in week 6. Grab your popcorn. The board might get wild this week boys and girls lol
  10. GS with another pick 6 49-28 @WWFan Salem has played GS tough. They have had some bad breaks though and has made GS look silly. looking at the scores from Salem this year...I feel like Salem’s defense went unnoticed...they kept the games they lost close and seemingly gave everyone fits. I wonder if it’s just one of those things where their offense just hasn’t been as good as the defense so it hasn’t shown up this year too much. salem is 6-3 soon to be 6-4 but by all accounts they are a very good team and probably better than rankings and record suggest
  11. Gibson southern in Salem territory..4th and 2. Run play...chain gang. By an inch they get it. Next play big pass on crosser. Touchdown! GS 35 Salem 28 4th about to start
  12. Annnnnnd Gs gets flagged for intentional grounding (questionable) 3 and out. Go to punt. Punter put his knee down on low snap Salem takes over 6 yards out...scores. 28-28. mental mistakes and changing tides of momentum is the story for both teams
  13. Gibson Southern 14 Salem 14 at the half both teams have shown great defense/bad defense....run pass...1 turnover each. Weird game almost. Momentum seems to be key but the tides change fast in Salem tonight. 2nd half adjustments will be key. Great game though
  14. Jesus. Adam May puts a spin mover on (tap B) and takes a pass 53 yards for a touchdown. gibson southern 14 salem 14 30 ish seconds left til half. It’s definitely a ball game
  15. Yikes. Salem ties the game with a nice run to get inside the 5. Then GS throws an INT and Salem scores again. 14-7 Salem. Almost half...maybe a minute
  16. Gibson Southern 7 Salem 0 2nd Quarter loooooong drive down the field. Had to chip away at it.
  17. Gibson southern Salem 0-0 after 1...just some punting. Nothing giving yet. GS was looking to score but got backed up and turned it over on downs.
  18. Yes. Their schedule may be weak. But man. I don’t know if there have been many teams ever who could do as well as they are. simply are performing as good as you could you could ask them
  19. Honestly the best scenario possible. Now if they meet in the Super Bowl mahomes wont have a feel for the defense lol
  20. For bosse, none at least in the last 35 years according to John Harrells site. so I take that as a no lol
  21. Game day! Safe travels and hoping everyone stays healthy. on paper these games look easy to call but I think all games but the HH will be interesting. HH is just so good and will likely make quick work tonight with flawless play once again. Gibson Southern vs Salem will be interesting. Gotta stop the run tonight if GS wants to win! Mt Vernon is no slouch so SR won’t overlook them. bosse vs north Harrison should be interesting. Likely a game where you can flip the coin and the one it lands on will execute in all phases.
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