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Everything posted by Irishman

  1. Soooooo, Hoosier fans; a high quality coach is now out of a job in Cleveland. He did a great job at Michigan; good recruiter and good coach. Do you take a shot at getting him?
  2. Seeing what friends on that side of the spectrum are posting, I think Bloomberg is becoming more of a target for attacks than Bernie is. It has definitely divided the party as far as which one they hate more. Crazy thing is, if they focus too much on one, the other could get the nomination. I still see a Hillary contingent raiding the party either just before, or at the convention.
  3. Interesting to see that it has been almost 11 months and there has been no talk at all about this program. Bob Knight makes his return to Assembly Hall. I admit to being emotional about it. While it was long overdue, I am glad that it did actually happen. It is a shame that IU’s team could not rise up to the occasion. This team is just not good. I have to think Archie’s days are numbered in Bloomington. But who is out there to take his place? Can this program get to the level of being in Top 5 or even 10 in the country consistently? It is frustrating watching them play now though.
  4. Multiple points made, and that is all you keep coming up with? Go ahead and keep telling yourself whatever you need to. lol
  5. So much fake news in just one post. 1. There have been links provided. You have yet to address a single specific claim in any of them, including the one that Rush and Sean told you had a liberal bias. 2. You give yourself FAR too much credit. 3. You love painting people with such broad strokes without knowing all the facts. There are not four Democrats challenging you as you claim. You might be half right at best. But I guess those who are not Trump supporters are all now Democrats? 4. Who is triggered? Because someone tries to have a conversation about something in particular, challenging the validity of it, they are somehow triggered?
  6. lol....ummmmmmmm yeah......ok Again.....not really the point. You did not fact check it yourself, and without doing so, you continue to post it.
  7. Nothing in your reply addresses the point I made. You rip them regularly for fake news, yet have no interest in fact checking yourself. Agreeing with the quote is one thing. But your repeated posting of it with it being attributed to Patton makes you no different than anyone you are critical of regrading fake news. What is also hypocritical is that in one post, you make fun of people for posting fake news without checking facts, then make fun of them for taking the time to fact check something. Make fun of liberals all you want, but the reality is you are not very effective at promoting conservative views. The one sided blindness you accuse the left of is the same lens you use when posting about Trump and conservative views.
  8. Not ashamed to admit I choked up a little when I saw this. John was truly one of the good guys in pro sports. RIP https://www.wishtv.com/news/local-news/john-andretti-takes-final-lap-at-ims-before-being-laid-to-rest/?utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook_WISH-TV&fbclid=IwAR1FUob8JORzRgH-pLR9_5J5boO1MvVutzza_lyCScfaLIKBa4O02bx3vxw
  9. So, exactly what in the snopes research do you consider fake? I am not saying I used that, but there are plenty of sources that will show the term "liberal democrat" was not a term used in that time period. Asking honestly; but the reality is that you post something fake while at the same time rail constantly on people here for lying and fake news claims.
  10. Just curious why you continue to post this so often when it has been proven it is not a quote from him?
  11. The wisdom of Mike Leach......he could be his own topic here. enjoy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gGIap2_tmng
  12. We do not have an endzone camera; but we do have hudl sideline; so the plays load to hudl within seconds of recording. hudl's program automatically puts the clips back to back; I believe.
  13. Here is a scenario to consider........I see both sides, and this case makes it a tough call. A young student is caring for her single mom who has cancer. The student has not yet reached the age to get a job. Mom passed away recently. She has no other relatives. She is a good student, and a good person, and through no actions of her own, has been placed in a spot where she is on her own. So, if she happens to have an issue, is the thinking here that the student is completely responsible for her own health care or any medical bills that may arise? The fact is there are many young people in similar circumstances; do we just say sorry for your luck?
  14. I agree. I think he reached too far by running for President. He would have been better suited to take on Holcomb here at home.
  15. For different reasons, I think Pete is in a similar spot at this point that Trump was in 2016. People in the party are weary of the age of the candidates, their message not really resonating, and them having been in DC WAAAAAAAAYYYYY too long. The media will beat up the front runners which may clear the path for Pete.
  16. At a speech in Houston in 2016, the President said in regard to the handful of players who were "disrespecting the flag"......"they should fire every one of those sons of bitches". Just curious if he still feels that way about anyone who disrespects the flag during the anthem or not?
  17. If you went to IUPUI's school of HPERD at that time (the oldest School for Physical Education in the country, by the way :) ) , it is "Physical Education"; not even PE, Phys. Ed., and ESPECIALLY not gym.
  18. My first was the Paradise Theater show in Indy. It was an incredible show. I had zero interest in the Mr. Roboto tour. That album was just not good enough to me. I will say though that seeing Dennis DeYoung a couple Summers ago at Summerfest was awesome. He still has "it". I cannot see Styx without him up front.
  19. I saw Triumph in Indy on March 12, 1983. Golden Earring was the opening act. That was a great night.
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