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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


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Everything posted by Fkfootball

  1. I’d like to see East leave the HHC. And add the 2 Bloomington Schools to the HHC. East just seems more like a Central Indiana school.
  2. Floyd Central fans travel well, everywhere. For any sport.
  3. Yeah he’s a great assistant coach. And he obviously knows his team better than I do. It’s not like I’m on here trying to lie. Make excuses, yeah maybe. Still a great year.
  4. Actually, suprised, not insulted. And I meant to say Hyatt, not Wyatt.
  5. Well as far as I know you lost Willman during the season. You lost Farley. You lost Deweese during the game. I thought there was someone else. Wyatt I believe was out. And I thought his replacement was out too. I may have been mistaken. Im actually insulted that you care more about the validity of the players being out, then myself being very complimentary of your staff and your team for a tremendous season and overcoming a lot of injuries. You guys did a hell of a job.
  6. Our injuries were too much to overcome. I was proud of this team because we had already lost 3 starting DBs/WRs and lost a 4th in the 1st half of the game. We had 2 OL out. Our RB playing injured. We had a lot of other injuries this season and guys that have come back. For this team to go 9-3 and win a Sectional and play a team like Bloomington South, I’m pretty proud of their team efforts.
  7. I just think the better team won. Had Floyd Central won, it would have been an upset. South is much deserving of this win and I hope they can give something to New Pal. I know that’s a scary team right now.
  8. Bloomington South 40 Floyd Central 14 Final Competitive game for 1 half. FC outscored 27-0 in the 2nd half. Wenkers Wright tried to play on a bad ankle but he just wasn’t himself and that was costly. South was clearly the better team though and I tip my hat to them and wish them luck next week. FC had a great season finishing 9-3 and return several starters for next season. That’s it for the HHC. Better luck next season.
  9. The community loves him. He’s a keeper. Appreciate your kind words. You’re class, as is BSHS.
  10. It would take a Herculean effort from Wenkers Wright to give us a chance. With his injury last week, I’m not sure how that’s going to play out. It’s been a solid season for the Highlander’s though, who will return most of its core, including Wenkers Wright and QB Tristan Polk, next season, so I expect them to have a chance at a Regional next year as well.
  11. That’s pretty bad. The Highlander Mascot is 10 times better. Lol.
  12. Although it would be lopsided, I would be stoked to see FC host a Semi-State game.
  13. Not a “good RB.” Hes a “great RB.” But we don’t know if he will be 100% yet. Floyd Central has one of the best trainers in the State and I’ll leave it at that.
  14. We play you guys in basketball too. Floyd Central basketball has been really competitive with South. We were ranked in the top 5 the past 2 years. Pretty good team this year too.
  15. We play in a weaker conference. East is very good though. But we did hang with the #12 team in the nation for 1 half. I think South will win at home, but FC is deserving of their 9-2 record and S.C.
  16. I did not know this. I can’t believe that’s actually a rule. I learn something new every day. Thanks for telling me. He was under duress.
  17. I hadn’t remembered what their record was, but thanks. That makes more sense. Lol. I’ll give you an example. FCs QB scrambled outside the hashes and threw it out of bounds and got called for Intentional Grounding. I also liked the 3rd and 20 play where Polk threw the ball deep and Jeff’s DB literally grabbed the back of the WRs jersey but no call.
  18. The 98 team was probably the best FC has ever had. That team beat East like 44-6 or something ridiculous like that. Had they beaten Cathedral, it’s very possible that Floyd could have made it to State and possibly even won.
  19. Not yet, but I’m sure college coaches are aware of him and are looking at him. It will be a tough challenge for us as well. I have to believe that South is favored going into this game especially since they will host the game. We have really good team speed and a lot of weapons. But FC is not a very big team. We are undersized in almost every game we play. It’s been like that for 10 years.
  20. That was Kyle Bramble who led the State in Rushing and was AP All-State. He was a machine. Wenkers was adopted from Haiti as a child. He’s one of the best Athletes in the State. He’s been timed with a 4.39 40. He is extremely explosive and is impossible to bring down in the open field. I believe he’s 2nd or 3rd in the State in Rushing. He’s about 6”1 180 LBs. He has the ability to take over a game. He’s only a JR too. So he could be the top tailback in Indiana next season. I think he has D-1 Potential.
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