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Everything posted by foxbat

  1. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/fact_check_review/ https://www.jacksonville.com/article/20120928/NEWS/801246493
  2. Respect from adversaries ... https://sports.yahoo.com/raheem-moster-says-hes-giving-damien-williams-his-super-bowl-jersey-back-013209812.html This is something that I try to explain to my youth players on the field. Football players are a unique "warrior class" that share a lot in common with the guy across the ball. You can spend the entire game going hard at each other, but still have the utmost respect for the guy. In the end, there's something shared between those who have strapped on a helmet that transcends the field.
  3. When I saw them in '83, it was at the Texxas Jam ... they probably put on the best of the five sets that day. The only drawback for their show was that it was during the day in the Astrodome, so everything was lit up, and pyrotechnics and light show were pretty much non-existent. Other acts were Uriah Heep, Sammy Hagar, Ted Nugent ... long before he went off the deep-end politically ..., and Styx. During Hagar's set, Nugent and Rik Emmett came out on stage and they all performed Zeppelin's Rock and Roll. Unfortunately, that was the year that Styx was touring with Kilroy Was Here and they were headlining. Styx was my very first concert, Pieces of Eight Tour, and I'd also seen them on Cornerstone and Paradise Theatre ... all of which were outstanding shows. Not so that year ... Kilroy Was Here was just plain awful and, to have followed the likes of Nugent, Hagar, and Triumph earlier in the day, it just made that segment at the end of the day nearly unbearable.
  4. Saw these guys in Houston back in '83. The message still continues to resonate. Every moment of your lifetime Every minute every day Fight the good fight every moment Make it worth the price we pay
  5. Is that carbon paper printout on there from a good old-fashioned typewriter? Manual typewriter I'd surmise. And then the hand-written grades because it takes too much time to put those things back in the typewriter, with the carbon paper, to type in the grades. 😀 Talk about a whiff of nostalgia! BTW, those zero absences are ruining your devil-may-care, rebel facade. You were a good kid. 😀 That's not CJB's car is it?
  6. It's been that way for a while now ... and not even only with the opposite sex. I never fully close my door when I'm with a student in my office unless there are other members of the institution present and, even then, only if absolutely necessary to protect a student's confidentiality.
  7. The economic of the buffet line ... https://thehustle.co/the-economics-of-all-you-can-eat-buffets/?utm_source=pocket-newtab
  8. If they were 3A, they'd be in Sectional 28. 😀
  9. At the youth level, we talk about that reliance too, but also about the fact that, especially in football, if you aren't doing your job, the chance that someone else gets hurt goes up dramatically.
  10. Terry Jones, one of the initial Pythons, passed away a couple of days ago. I often thought of Jones as the "glue" of Monty Python ... not necessarily first and foremost, but held everything together and enmeshed throughout. Most folks, especially Americans, could name the likes of Idle, Cleese, Chapman, and Palin when naming the members of the troupe, but somehow Jones, and perhaps animator and mainly behind-the-scene guy, Gilliam, were the ones named last or perhaps forgotten all-together. All the same, his influence on Python, from a writing and directing perspective, was monumental ... especially for Python's stroll in the cinematic realm where he co-directed Holy Grail and directed Life of Brian and Meaning of Life. Palin, in recently speaking of Jones, referred to him as "the spirit of Monty Python." As a junior high kid, discovering Python late-night Saturdays after the latest episode of SNL had finished, I admit that I was drawn to the "flashier" and quirkier Idle, Chapman, Cleese, and Palin, but in my high school and college years, I developed a deep appreciation and understanding of the writing side of comedy and found an appreciation and admiration for Jones's work. I've provided a few articles that detail a bit more about him behind the scenes as well as a couple of classics from him and Palin's tribute to his friend. https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/monty-python-star-terry-jones-death-comedic-legacy-timeless-troupe-ncna1121436 https://www.nytimes.com/2020/01/22/arts/television/terry-jones-dead.html https://www.cleveland.com/entertainment/2020/01/terry-jones-brought-many-gifts-including-spam-to-the-monty-python-lunacy-machine.html
  11. You do realize that @BARRYOSAMA's number is in millions of pounds while yours is in millions of metric tons? One million metric tons = 2,204,620,000 pounds .11 million metric tons = 242,508,200 pounds
  12. Can you see @Coach Nowlin being escorted out of the gym at a girls' basketball game? "Do you know who I am? Do you know who I am?" 😃
  13. Ares on Netflix ... Not for the faint of heart. Eight episodes of roughly 30 minutes each ... will take about four hours to binge the first season.
  14. And some from West Lafayette get tossed in with them ... see "The Sectional of Death," Sectional 28.
  15. I heard from friends that he puts on a great show. Never saw him or Zeppelin live, but had friends in another band that used to play a lot of Plant and Zeppelin in their sets back in college. I liked his later stuff from Now and Zen and Manic Nirvana, but there's something about Pictures at Eleven that's unrefined and gritty, in a good way, that always intrigued me.
  16. Fun read on Led Zeppelin's origins ... https://getpocket.com/explore/item/how-led-zeppelin-came-to-be?utm_source=pocket-newtab
  17. Not on the same level as Notre Dame this season in win-loss, but Texas A&M played five of the Top 15 this season. Also, at the time that they played, three of these were ranked #1 ... Alabama, Clemson, and LSU ... and Georgia was ranked #4 with Auburn at #8 at the time. Lost by 14 to Clemson, 8 to Auburn, and 6 to Georgia.
  18. Passing of a phenomenal drummer, a genius lyricist, and all-around thinker ... Rush's Neil Peart passed on earlier in the week after fighting brain cancer. As a young kid growing up in the 70s, I fell in love with his philosophical lyrics that proved that music could be both for the mind and the heart and the story-telling that became Rush's moniker. He was a technician and a magician ... a thinker and a creator ... a "philosopher and a plowman" ... "a blacksmith and an artist." It was only fitting that the very first song that I learned to play on the bass guitar was Temples of Syrinx from Rush's magnum opus, 2112. That song unlocked my interest in the bass and also in the study of lyrics ... and Rush, especially Peart, provided a rich feeding ground for how literature could move music. A lot of my bass repertoire contains Rush classics ... and so does my written library. Plenty of introspection this week with the realization that "we are only immortal for a limited time." RIP Professor. NPR article on remember Peart: https://www.npr.org/2020/01/11/795555335/remembering-neil-peart-a-monster-drummer-with-a-poets-heart Peart At Work in A Drum Solo In Frankfurt, Germany A chance to check out his melodic musings on La Villa Strangiato: Peart capping off Letterman's Drum Solo Week ... And, of course, a throwback post that looks at the musings of YYZ, inspired by the airport landing signal for Toronto's airport:
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