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Everything posted by BDGiant93

  1. They might pursue him, but I can't imagine Mike coming back into the MIC. Not at this stage of his career. Been there, done that, has the t-shirt. I would have to root for him though.
  2. HAHAHA. Ask Criss Beyers. He did the same thing in basketball.
  3. Mike Kirschner left with no immediate intention of going anywhere else. Mount Vernon came after him. https://www.indystar.com/story/sports/high-school/2020/12/07/ihsaa-football-warren-central-coach-jayson-west-leaves-franklin-central-indiana/6481998002/ Kyle Neddenriep's story. I respect Jayson West a lot. He is a good man, and I hope he does well at FC. He's done a good job at Warren Central.
  4. It wouldn't be a DT post if there wasn't some ridiculous conference conjecture.
  5. Franklin Central is an ok job. I think they'll struggle to be competitive in football in the HCC. Never understood the move. It's a nice place to work. I was there for two years.
  6. Congratulations to Ben Davis Alum Mike Brevard ('09) on a new opportunity to coach linebackers at his alma mater! https://twitter.com/coach_brevard/status/1334295326371377152?s=20
  7. Tom would still be at Ben Davis if he stayed. His 2004 team should probably have beaten Warren in the Regional. The '05 team struggled and was young. The '06 team lost to WC.
  8. I for one hope that everyone gets a full offseason under the same rules and regs. Not an excuse (CG was the class of 6A by far), but county location made a difference in what programs were able to do.
  9. What if we just make six classes totally based on success and points rather than enrollment? This way a school at the tail end a class is competing against schools it's much more competitive against and vice versa.
  10. You tend to be knowledgeable about high school football at all levels as well as many of the nuances involved with why teams succeed or don't. I've been around the neighborhood, however, long enough to know that it's not always what you say but how you say it. Sometimes it seems that you say things specifically to get a response. If I'm wrong on that assessment, I apologize. It works both ways, though. I have posted things here I'm not proud of, and I admit there have been a few times that I have crafted a response and decided not to hit reply. Sometimes it's best just not to reply and move on. I direct this quote not at anyone, but I post it because I like it. As Mark Twain or Abe Lincoln (I've seen it attributed both ways) said, "Tis better to be silent and thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt."
  11. Everybody at Ben Davis is always following "The Guy" since 2003. Dick Dullaghan set the standard of Ben Davis as a State Championship winning program (though Bob Wilbur got them close in the late 70's). Everyone who follows him will always be the guy following THE guy. Same for Penn or any program that has been lucky enough to have a Dullaghan or a Geesman or a Moore or an all-time great.
  12. That's accurate, but it also works the other way. Sometimes football is all a kid in a tough situation has, so that's why I hate this "contraction" conversation we have ever so often here is that it leaves out that even those students who play on an 0-10 football team are staying in school and keeping their grades up to play each week.
  13. Should but doesn't. There was a time BD just didn't have much size walking the halls. It's weird, but it's the way it was. I remember talking to Mike Kirschner about this when he was HC. He said something to the effect that everyone says, "Well...you have XXXX number of kids, there has to be someone walking the halls..." It doesn't always work that way. I remember he said, "Jon, you're here every day. I've got every big kid I can get on this team." He was right. Sometimes you just end up short at a given position even in a huge school.
  14. True. Also, don't ever discount the value of assistant coaches. BD has had the same strength and conditioning coach since 1984, Kevin Vanderbush. He came in with Dick Dullaghan, and BD has had just two sub .500 seasons since. From 1937-1983, the Giants had (I think) just 13 .500 or above years.
  15. Probably not after he leaves either. He's set them up for greatness. He's made CG a destination job.
  16. Right, but they both were in 2019. Warren was dominant in 2018. BD was dominant in 2017. It's cyclical in the MIC.
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