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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×

Coach Nowlin

Athletic Director
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Everything posted by Coach Nowlin

  1. MY QB Tremendous Draft by my Beloved.... Home Opener will be ELECTRIC
  2. I bet Bears make a play on buying and owning the 31st Street lot in a deal with McCormick Center. One sorta solution NOW: Onto what transpired Last Night. So Exciting. Please be right!!! Hope Carolina blows again next year, if they do then top 5 pick in 2nd round for Bears to finalize the deal that put it all in motion. Tip Cap to Panthers
  3. The IRONY of it all.....to read his apology it was behind a paywall....... I read his apology, made no reference to the actual main issue, NOT THE HEART gesture....nope it was the ole "do that back to me, we will be just fine". line was the absolutely brutal.....then half the room laughed....equally vomit worthy.....
  4. His Sister sent me a message tonight that the 4 schools Coach Spencer served as HC at turned on their lights tonight for him: Corydon Central Tell City Connersville and Perry Central
  5. Condolences out to Perry Central and those who knew HOF coach Mike Spencer. Coach Spencer nephew played for Rensselaer back in late 2000s. https://ifca-hof.org/inductee/spencer-mike/
  6. I think UCONN had a game plan others tried to do do the last 2 years, let Edey have his and shut the rest down, probably for Purdue was size of UCONN guards and the fact they stayed disciplined on protecting the 3 point line at all costs, so Purdue tried and did get in the lane, just couldn't keep up with those 2's and the tough 2s that UCONN made them shoot. They had the more talented team and showed against everyone in the tournament.
  7. final score: UCONN 75, Purdue 60 Pretty Impressive @Muda69 Great effort/ year for my Boilers, no shame in finishing 2nd in that tournament.
  8. hope not, they are pretty freaking good, that for sure Vegas has it arourn 6 to 6. 5 for UCONN
  9. playing for a Natty in case you are wondering
  10. whats the winner get 😃 I predict a tie!!!! It would be classic Chicago Bears and still an option on the results table !!
  11. For me, the sources of the information coming out matter. For instance, would I tend take what Colin Cowherd or Skip Bayless opinion on CW or would I think former College/NFL greats who are still involved in the business opiniion when it comes to leadership, player performance, attitude etc? And I believe when you say your watching of college football and that is fine Once again, watching the headlines last 2 weeks get out of control during the time period of Combine to Draft where the majority of these "hit" pieces generates from is what caused me to comment in this thread in the first point with a counterpoint opposite of yours and others opinion on CW, the player, person, leader. You know, fact was, I put COKE first, because yes, its clear cut, however, since it was tenuous discussion, felt the need to put a poor leader of beverages, a beverage with no skill, leadership, and other negative traits out there for that reaction. Felt it was needed. No argument, Coca-Cola over all I agree with this: Reason: unlike every other Chicago Bears rookie QB, they actually will have surrounded him with actual bonafide NFL offensive players to throw and hand the ball off to along with a skilled, productive defense. Those are the reasons why I believe they can make the playoffs with him as a ROOKIE QB. Won't be easy with the division on the upswing, and health and OL development is still paramount, but the bears organization as a whole is in far better shape with roster, talent, cap space and skill then previous 10 years.
  12. @Muda69 YOU HAVE TO BE EXCITED ABOUT THIS: 80 team super league: however 10 team rotated PROMOTION/REGULATED!!! right up your alley https://ftw.usatoday.com/lists/college-football-super-league-college-sports-tomorrow-relegation-70-teams
  13. https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/draft/news/2024-nfl-draft-what-we-learned-from-caleb-williams-pro-day-as-potential-no-1-pick-throws-for-nfl-teams/ Did any other QB. have their pro day aired live on NFL network? I honestly do not know but wanted to post what some of t shirt throws looked like and general positive reports (I mean, there will never be a negative pro day highlighted and shown imo)
  14. for me, the question is not something that can be broadly answered For Maconaquah, to Frankfort, to Carmel, to Rensselaer and all in between all have different needs Public Education is not a 1 size fits all The issues that could face Carmel are not the same issues that face East Chicago nor Castle. (reference, picked a north school, middle state school, southern tip school) So Muda, question cannot be answered by me, because from your home in the county/city/town you reside could be enough, for you, but for your neighbor it may not just like it may not be enough for another public school district elsewhere
  15. Also, I shall note, if this conversation was being had with Temp, Bash, Bob, and myself with those tasty Pepsi's that can be found coming out of a tasty tap then you would find that the conversation would be your typical sport chat amongst pals Dudes talking sports if you will. Assumptions of tones in message boards continue to misconstrue messages being delivered.
  16. Our staff has had a relationship with a successful coach in Cali, Coach Murphy, He just stepped down at Clayton Valley Charter, anyways, he had a black turf field told me when I asked about it that it was actually field tested to be less hot to play on then other color fields/grass fields for what its worth. in short, NO, your local property tax is very much no longer close to being anything significant for funding since 2009 https://www.chalkbeat.org/indiana/2015/1/4/21101788/the-basics-of-school-funding-in-indiana-difficulty-defining-fairness/ A move away from property taxes Since the 1970s, Indiana has relied less on local property taxes to fund schools than neighboring states, with the state funding a larger share through sales and income taxes than many states that base their systems primarily on local property taxes. In the 2000s, Indiana’s state share of general fund dollars to pay for day-to-day operations of schools — such as salaries for teachers and other school workers, equipment like computers and supplies needed to run the schools — had grown from about two-thirds to roughly 85 percent. Just 15 percent of local general funds for schools were paid by property taxes before 2009. But a change in the law took local property taxes out of the equation entirely when it came to funding the day-to-day expenses of schools. Some local property taxes were still collected to help schools pay for transportation or buildings. Schools could still ask voters to raise local property taxes for extra operating money, but most haven’t asked. As part of the shift to state funding of school operations, Indiana increased the state sales tax to 7 percent from 6 percent and touted the new system as tax relief for homeowners. But when a recession hit at the same time, causing sales and income tax revenue to drop, the state budget was soon stressed, and schools were among the services that saw funding cut. As of 2012, U.S. Census data showed that just two states had a greater percentage of school spending coming from the state rather than local, federal or other sources than Indiana’s 51 percent. Only five states relied less on local taxes to fund schools. But Indiana also spent less per student on education than the U.S. average, ranking 28th nationally, according to the Census. Of the four states that border Indiana, only Kentucky spent less per student. Lawmakers cap property taxes In 2010, school funding was complicated some more by an effort to make property taxes, which sometimes shifted up or down unexpectedly for homeowners when their home values changed, more stable. The legislature’s solution was tax caps: homeowners now can’t pay more than one percent of the total assessed value of their property in property taxes. So if a home is assessed at 150,000, the residents won’t pay more than $1,500 in property taxes. But while this stabilized tax bills, it made funding for some school services that still are paid by property taxes, such as transportation, less stable. Before the change, the tax rate rose when the assessed value of a home dropped, so schools and local governments could still collect the same amount of money. But with the tax caps, the tax rate is now fixed at one percent. The limit means that revenue might fall behind what schools and government need to support the services they pay for. For example, some districts are using property taxes to pay down debt for school buildings they’ve constructed. For those districts, debt service might eat up a greater portion of the property taxes collected, leaving less to pay for other services, such as busing children to school. When a district in that situation hits the maximum amount it can collect in property taxes, money can run short as expenses still grow. Costs go up, for example, to buy new buses, repair older ones and pay bus drivers. When that happens, schools face difficult choices. They can pay for busing by making cuts in other areas, or they can ask voters to approve an additional local property tax hike through a referendum. As a last resort, some districts have cut back transportation services, reducing or even seeking to eliminate buses to bring children to school.
  17. Negative statement on why you feel CW is not going to be successful Clear cut statement that you do believe in his leadership ability, Yes you didn't call him a loser, correct, you have questioned his leadership citing only thing as crying on national tv after a loss. See above, you inferred this, YES< you win, sir, you did not type "POOR LEADER". you implied a through and through "did not capture essence of leadership for me". Your opinion, however, that is a negative statment clearly implying that moment was not up to snuff for you and you inferred questioning his leadership ability. "stuck a nerve comments". I am too emotional comment. Lets address this: So. I come on this thread about Bears, I read from @Bash Riprockand @temptation commentary on why you both think and have poked at CW as a football player with his poor performance in 1 game, (I showed a thread of other GREAT QBs having a bad college game to debunk that narrative regurgitated from the national clicks and now I have provided a throughal counter point questioning his "crying' his leadership from others who are far more connected to this guy, college and football overall than any of us here. Because I have done that, I am now obsessed with your opinion because I have a different one and have shown with other sources why your opinion could be rooted in falsehood from a negative national media narrative. Exactly why I posted the Herbie clip from McAfee from a few days ago, sums exactly what happens for guys like... Caleb Williams. and wait for it..a guy like Zach Edey..... and of course a gal like Caitlin Clark Those 3 players are the BEST players in their respective sports, both you can argue have been the BEST for 2 consecutive years. Because of that, they are targets for negative clickbait gotta fill space and make money articles and narratives to discredit they work they have done on the field so that content is available to make money. I feel like yourself and temptation have followed those narratives, which I used the world Lazy.. that is my opinion on it. I view this threw a different lens you have and that is fine too, but to dismiss all the info I have provided as me somehow rage posting in this scenario is just not accurate.
  18. Thanks Herbie. Another voice of reason as it relates to Internet narratives
  19. Perhaps the power to be will finally let an ALUM like Coach K the time to rebuild the once proud lighting Elmers to their glory!!! Very happy for my him and wish him nothing but the best returning to his Alma Mater
  20. Do you support mental health initiatives in our High School, College, and Pro Sports? Because after all the other nonsense, this what it comes down to here, Kid breaks down after an emotional loss, seeks comfort with 2 parents, then gets vilified for it by folks here in Indiana and nation wide, when I say good for him and I didn't think anything of it at the time well before Bears got the 1st pick and even more so now. Ultimately that is what this current conversation is about, the player himself said it, whether anyone gives it a second notion, that is on you all, but for me, I believe in the impact of negative mental health and its performance on the field. Why are many College, Pro orgs hiring full staffs for this very thing? I sat in at the IFCA state football clinic with Jake Gilbert and his DC now current HC, Josh Miracle along with 3rd party mental health program they have started for the Rocks, It was phenomenal and I took alot of great things from that session. Sadly, not sure in this thread or not, but there are those sentiments that these conversations and actions of these players make them WEAK and add in all the other macho nonsense that still gets spewed out there, again, Sadly. Nick Hardwick: He was pretty decent: https://www.wishtv.com/news/health-spotlight/former-nfl-player-tackles-mental-health-with-men-of-westfield/ Here is former Westfield HS assistant Coach who started this company and this is what Westfield is doing right now in conjunction with a Psychology teacher who is now an volunteer coach on staff, she is vital role on staff for their mental health and pulls kids off at practice to discuss different things if needed by inventory the players take via emails I believe. https://www.mentaltrainingplan.com/ Here is TIkTOk from the owner and how he started this with Westfield QBs in 2018. https://www.tiktok.com/@coachbencarnes/video/7346703290031279402
  21. ZERO expand quote to see specific questions answered So if he cried behind closed door with his teammates then he gets a pass, but because Mom / Dad right there, because he explained the raw emotion in the presser I posted, still makes him a poor leader. Got it. I have stated many times over, the Chicago Bears have been a fine financial investment option for me and that continues today as well. Since 1986, only 16 different teams of the 32, so if Math is hard, that is only HALF the league in the last 4 decades have been Super Bowl Champions......so sensitive nope, merely pointed out the fact to some of our friends in this thread who have already assumed so much about the Caleb Williams that there is the other side of the coin that I believe I have successfully pointed out with you know actual NFL pedigree folks, backed up with STATS of the original twitter thread I showed, still not sure if you actually invested in reading that or not, plus a former players and current NFL analyst for the mothership network feeling on it. At the end of the day, whether its the 2024 Draft, the 2025 draft, the 2020 draft, etc, its a RISK business, there will be a risk of taking CW 1st, just like it would be if you trade out of the spot and all the other scenarios. I think it is just pure lazy opinions spouted on here about the shortcomings according to some which is nothing more than a regurgitation of headlines across social media and other yappy shows filling way too much time for way too much content they have to create. I started many posts ago stating that RYAN POLES has earned my trust in what he is doing, so far we know for a fact, he prioritized resetting the QB clock over JF extension. That tells me with his staff they have decided that they are going to be as good or better position with this mode regardless of the new QB they draft. Thats what we know right now., It seems as CW is the consensus pick from just about everyone, so perhaps thats what happens, if it does, he will get my full support, just like I would if JJ or MAYE or whoever, its up to him , the coaching staff and players to keep that support by making the next step improvements organization wide. I believe we are on that path, ultimately time will tell as also stated.
  22. It means at some point in this 2 year cycle they will play in the tournament sponsored by IHSAA. Sometimes its in year 2, sometimes right away but IHSAA has to have them included as those schools have indicated they are playing 11 man football. Faith Christian for instance, 1 year of 8 man, year 2 jumping into 11 man this fall, honestly no idea if they are playing tournament this year, but I am sure they will be in 2025
  23. of course, there is that as an outcome, he doesn't perform well, doesn't win, is a headache Then there is the other, which is positive outcomes That can be literally added to every single top draft pick especially QB in the last 20 years. Nothing ground breaking there
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