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Booster 2023-24
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Everything posted by Bobref

  1. Yes. You need 5 ##50-79. You can put them anywhere on the LOS you want.
  2. Technically, no. We can get complicated with what down it is and whether we're in scrimmage kick formation if you want. But on a basic scrimmage play the offense is required to have 5 players on the line numbered 50-79. #23 can legally play guard if you want, although he's ineligible by position. But as long as you have 5 numbered 50-79 somewhere on the line of scrimmage, you're legal.
  3. Honestly, the "bad" comments are a real stretch. In the case about the Brady disclosure, her dissent had nothing to do with being pro-prosecution, or anything like that. It had to do with the proper role of a federal court reviewing a state court conviction. Not surprisingly, her position was that state courts are entitled to some degree of deference when they determine whether something was fair or not in a state court prosecution of a state crime. Hardly an arch-conservative position. In the Illinois lockdown case, that was merely an appellate affirmance of a district court's ruling denying a preliminary injunction. You would be hard pressed to find a case at the Circuit Court of Appeals level, outside the area of labor law, where a district judge's denial of a preliminary injunction was reversed on appeal. Such a ruling doesn't necessarily say anything about the actual merits of the case in the long run.
  4. But ... what if the 2020 Center Grove team changed their name to the Center Grove Ditkas?
  5. One more time. If R is the first to touch the kick beyond the LOS, the next down is 1st down for whichever team has the ball when the play is over. Touching by R beyond the LOS breaks the continuity of downs. K does not have to reach the line to gain, regardless of where they recover the kick, if R touched it beyond the LOS first.
  6. But if it does ... we're all over it!
  7. I thought every game was precious. After all, that's supposedly why we have an all in tournament, so we won't "deny" anyone the chance to play one more game. Nobody ever got better from an open week. They have, however, gotten better even after a long road trip and a loss, by testing yourself against the kind of team Chatard always is.
  8. 😢☹️😫😩😭 I don’t know why they even have officials on the field anymore. You can see so much better on the live stream or TV broadcast.
  9. Touching of the kick by an R player behind the LOS is ignored, like it never happened. If R touches the kick beyond the LOS, and K recovers it, it’s a 1st and 10 for K at the spot of recovery. Anytime R is first to touch a scrimmage kick beyond the LOS, the team in possession at the end of the down is going to have 1st and 10.
  10. If Chatard wins, it’ll be the way they always do. Slow the game down running the ball. Play solid defense. Limit mistakes. Don’t turn it over. But in my mind, it’s Merrillville’s game to win or lose. If they don’t commit stupid penalties, and they don’t turn it over, they’ll win. If they do, Chatard will take advantage ... as they always do.
  11. Checked it out. Have no problem on my laptop, using IE.
  12. I use Safari on my iPad. It’s already set to select desktop sites automatically. I need to go on my laptop and see if I have the same problem.
  13. Of all the “big game” atmospheres I worked in — tournament or regular season — The Inferno was my favorite. A great “high school” feel to it. Rabid hometown fans. Teams that play a physical, emotionally intense brand of football. Their 2009 semistate against Bishop Dwenger was the best game atmosphere I can recall experiencing in 40 years on the field. I should add, no disrespect to Coach Kilmer who has done a great job, but much of the credit for the way the Lowell program has become one of the premier programs in the Region has to go to Kirk Kennedy.
  14. Coach Doyle is a Workers Compensation attorney. I’ve met him a couple of times. He is a member of the Defense Trial Counsel of Indiana, an organization of which I’m a past president. He is highly regarded in his field.
  15. I will be very interested to hear how this one turns out. I’ve seen Merrillville. They are big, fast, and athletic. But Chatard is a different animal than what they usually face. Very disciplined, and they fear absolutely nothing and no one. Merrillville has a problem with penalties. They’ll find that they can’t give away 75-100 yds. in penalties and beat a team like Chatard. It’ll be a great contrast in styles.
  16. If the kick is recovered by R anywhere on the field, it belongs to R. In this scenario, if the ball is not touched by R beyond the LOS, then it depends what down it was when kicked. If it’s 4th down, and the recovery is behind the LOS it’s going to be R’s ball regardless who recovers, because the line to gain was not made. If it wasn’t 4th down, if K recovers behind the LOS, it’s K’s ball and the down counts. These all assume a recovery, but no advance.
  17. Did the defensive player touch the kick beyond the line of scrimmage? If he did, and the ball hadn’t been first touched beyond the LOS by a K player, whoever has the ball at the end of the down is going to be able to keep it, 1st & 10. If the ball wasn’t beyond when touched, it’s dead there where recovered by the K player.
  18. I still can’t access my notifications, messaging, account, etc.
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