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Everything posted by Bobref

  1. No question. They play no one lower than a 4A, and those are no cream puffs: New Prairie, Hobart, Lowell.
  2. If the NFL is like college or high school, it’s not a foul to have a pass hit an ineligible. It’s only a foul if the ineligible muffs, bats or catches the pass.
  3. Would love to hear the back story on that one. My guess is someone has already heard from the IHSAA.
  4. Officiating is like anything else. You achieve success by standing on the shoulders of others. I owe a great many people.
  5. It depends what you mean by “sacrifice.” Will they only run “vanilla“ offenses and defenses, so as not to show anything? Probably, although by that time of the season it’s no mystery what they’re doing. But would they pull people early, or even hold people out who would otherwise be playing, doubtful.
  6. I have seen things ... They actually threw the flag, conferred as a crew, and then picked it up. Can’t fault their process. But they came to the wrong decision, and there’s no excuse for not knowing the rule.
  7. Regrettably, yes. Fortunately, the favorable field position did not result in a score, and the receiving team ended up winning.
  8. I am somewhat embarrassed to report that neither option was chosen ... because the crew got it wrong. We had a nice little chat about it after the game.
  9. Bobref

    ND vs. USF

    For the uninitiated, the “Buck” linebacker in ND’s defense is the inside linebacker who plays on the weak side. The Irish had to replace All American Drue Tranquil at that position. In the preseason, Kiser wasn’t mentioned in the top six candidates for that position, but has now apparently worked himself up to #3. Good for him. He’s up to 227#, so he’s obviously been diligent in the weight room.
  10. Saw this happen Friday night. It was obviously coached to be executed this way, and that just goes to show you it pays to know the rules. On a kickoff, the kicker popped the ball over the heads of the first wave of the receiving team, and a member of the kicking team ran to a pre-designated spot and caught the airborne kick on the dead run, with no member of the receiving team in the vicinity, and headed for the end zone. Of course, the officials blew the ball dead immediately. This play, while a spectacular example of flawless special teams execution, did not stand. When the kickers touch an airborne free kick not touched first by the receivers, it is a foul for kick catching interference, even though the receivers were not in a position to field the kick. It’s different on a punt. But on a kickoff, this is a foul. If accepted, the receivers have their choice of a 15 yd. penalty from the previous spot and a re-kick, or an awarded fair catch after a 15 yd. penalty from the spot of the interference.
  11. She will go down as one of the great Associate Justices in the history of the Court for her work on gender equality. And what is going to happen now with her replacement is going to be a real sh*t show, you can bet on that. When the dust clears, if Trump sends a nominee to the Senate, my money is on Amy Barrett from the Seventh Circuit.
  12. The left guard is questionable. I’d like to see what it looks like from the viewpoint of a wing official standing on the line of scrimmage.The left tackle is clearly bad. This is a foul simultaneous with the snap for an illegal formation, a 5 yd. live ball penalty, if accepted. The conventional response to this is for the wing official to tell the referee to move those players up. The referee goes into the offensive huddle and tells them to move up. If they don’t, next step is tell the offending coach: “Coach, we’ve told your guard and tackle to get up on the line. Next time, it’s a foul.” That usually takes care of it. If not, there’s always the flag.
  13. He was disqualified, but the disqualification was rescinded by the IHSAA.
  14. I highly recommend the Irish Tailgate. One of the great experiences in Indiana High School Football. I was invited a few years ago by @PHJIrish and found it to be the ultimate in pregame preparation, fine dining, and great sportsmanship.
  15. Close. The point was that there is a market for NFL franchises, so their fair market value can be estimated. There is no comparable market in which Notre Dame could be bought or sold. Therefore, the concept of fair market value is inapplicable.
  16. I’m sure this isn’t a serious question. But darned if I can figure out your point.
  17. The Forbes article on the Bears essentially calculated the fair market value of the franchise. “Valuing” a college football program is a lot different, since there is no “willing seller and willing buyer” for a college football program. The concepts are inapposite.
  18. Or for that matter, only one Slippery Rock. But I think my meaning was clear. Keep going. You left off a few.
  19. I was not speaking only of football prowess, but more generally of the “brand.”
  20. Notre Dame is a unicorn. Admit it. You’ll feel better.
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