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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


Booster 2023-24
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Everything posted by Bobref

  1. Please. There are 32 head coaches in the NFL. There’s only one Notre Dame head coach.
  2. Job security involves more than financial security.
  3. ND is the better gig by far. No comparison between the job security at ND and that in the NFL.
  4. The Mayor and his wife just plead guilty to mail fraud & tax evasion in federal court.
  5. If so, it’s highly unlikely they’re going to get their money’s worth.
  6. They are a consortium formed by the 10 FBS conferences and Notre Dame.
  7. I don’t get that. The only difference from a regular week is a few hours on a bus. Sort of a dress rehearsal for one of those long semistate trips. It’s not like they have to walk to Merrillville. Pretty sure they’d be up to the challenge.
  8. You can certainly question the legitimacy of calling the winner of the CFP the “national champion.” But it’s an event, designed to make money. So, they’ll do it, and they’ll call it whatever they want.
  9. Bobref

    NFL Week 1

    That they have let a talent like Matthew Stafford go largely unrecognized and unappreciated borders on the criminal.
  10. I still am not getting any notifications, and there’s no button on the display I can use to get to my account. Help!
  11. Bobref

    NFL Week 1

    At least they didn’t subject live people to watching that game.
  12. Yes, the rules provide for something called a coach-official conference. The coach can request a conference. It must concern misapplication of a rule, not a judgment call. If, after the conference, the ruling is changed, no timeout is charged. If there’s no change, a timeout is charged. If the team has no timeouts remaining, it’s a delay of game penalty.
  13. They’re going to get a chance to make a statement this Friday. I don’t care how down Penn is this year. They’re still Penn.
  14. That error is correctable until the ball next becomes alive by snap or free kick. After that, we live with it.
  15. The College Football Championship is not an NCAA event. The NCAA has no say in who gets to play for the championship.
  16. The economic case for school vouchers, i.e., how a voucher program actually reduces the cost of public education. https://www.jec.senate.gov/public/_cache/files/419da43a-40bb-4ab4-819b-fca69b2fe891/the-fiscal-effect-of-private-school-vouchers.pdf
  17. It’s not officially “crazy” unless the band is involved. Here’s the standard by which all others are measured ... and found wanting.
  18. I would be interested to hear your thoughts on the reason for this correlation. Are you saying that something about the change to six classes caused these teams to somehow get even better?
  19. I can attest to the fact that PHJIrish does, in fact, exist. Met him a couple of years ago when St. Edward came calling on the Irish. He’s Cathedral’s #1 fan! Somebody get this guy some tickets!!!
  20. Through the first 3 weeks of the season, we’ve had some interesting discussions, but nothing in the way of controversy. So, I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop. Maybe this week. Post issues that arise in Week 4 games here. Keep the bit*hing to a minimum and give some specificity with your observations, so they can give us some fat to chew. Good luck to the third team on the field this weekend! DFIU!
  21. In these divisive days, perhaps some shared memories of the experience might bring us more together. Share your thoughts, special memories, etc., regarding the 9/11 tragedy here. I watch this every year on this date. This commercial aired only one time: during the 2011 Super Bowl. And then it was withdrawn, because Anheuser Busch did not want to profit from it. I wouldn’t drink Budweiser if I were dying of thirst. But I’ll drink one tonight. Never forget.
  22. Officials reviewing their own performances on game film is commonplace. Our crew started doing it in the 1980s. These days with virtually everyone using HUDL, it’s a lot easier. I used to carry a blank VHS cassette to my games, with a self-addressed, stamped mailer, to get a copy of the game video. If I didn’t have it by Wednesday, I’d start making a nuisance of myself. But in 43 yrs of officiating, I’ve never heard of a coach sending video to a crew in advance of a game. In fact, aside from those schools where the AD was also the head FB coach, I don’t ever remember communicating with a coach in the week before a game.
  23. And I suppose words like “libtard,” sprinkled liberally (ironic, eh?) through your rants, are terms of endearment?
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