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Booster 2023-24
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Everything posted by Bobref

  1. Sports listed as “co-Ed” do not have both boys and girls teams. Baseball has softball. Both play soccer.
  2. You”re both sort of right. I went to St. Ed’s my 1st 3 yrs. of high school. Then my family moved to Indiana and I finished my senior year at Munster.
  3. I certainly understand with a new commissioner, and everything going on right now, if the IHSAA wants to defer putting anything more on their plates at this particular time.
  4. I was at the game, and I agree 100%. If they could find someone to snap the ball, they’d be at least 2 TDS better.
  5. Well, they usually win. But I gave Brownsburg full credit. They kept playing hard and it paid off in the end.
  6. Just based on this, I think if they played 10 times, X would probably win 7-8. But they only play once, and you’ve got to tip your cap to B-burg. They never stopped playing hard and sometimes, if you’re talented like they are, that’s enough. Great effort by the Bulldogs, and it was rewarded.
  7. Same old X. Not flashy. They just out-execute you. What’s impressive to me is that this is their first game, and Brownsburg ’s second. I’ve heard a lot of coaches say you make your most improvement from your first to your second game. Brownsburg is clearly very good. They’re actually playing toe-to-to with X, for the most part. If you’re a fan of Ohio high school football, be sure to catch defending big school champ Pickerington Central opening up against crosstown rival North at noon tomorrow on one of the ESPN channels.
  8. That raises an interesting question about the First Amendment. I seem to remember a quote from my first year Constitutional Law class: “Students do not have to check their constitutional rights at the schoolhouse door,” or something like that.
  9. There is no restriction on players of the kicking team releasing downfield prior to the punt. When I saw the heading “Rugby Punt,” I was preparing for a question on roughing the kicker. Lot of misconceptions about how that works with the rugby punt.
  10. I take it you feel the rule is unnecessary now because of the ability to have organized workouts basically year round? It’s a hangover from the “old” days?
  11. Is it your position that the 10 practice rule is unnecessary generally, or just that it should be waived this year because of special circumstances?
  12. The 10 practice rule is for safety purposes. Waiving it is out of the question.
  13. So, I’m going to be in attendance at Bremen tomorrow night. What can I expect from the teams? What are the fan attendance restrictions? Where’s a good place for a pregame meal? 😉
  14. The correct answer is burned at the stake ... because a hot stake is always better than a cold chop. 😂🤣😅
  15. Which way would you rather go: burned at the stake, or head chopped off?
  16. Well, we made it through Week 1 with a minimum of issues. I look for us to start getting back to “normal” now, as teams will no longer be satisfied just to be playing. Post issues that arise in Week 2 games here. Keep the bit*hing to a minimum and give some specificity with your observations, so they can provide the grist for our discussion mill. Good luck to the third team on the field this weekend! MIBT!
  17. I think Biden might be going to his “prevent “ defense with a lot of time left on the clock.
  18. https://scoop.upworthy.com/viral-shopping-cart-theory-determines-moral-character
  19. Rob Parker — no relation I don’t see a problem here. Saban said playing college football was not all about the money. He didn’t say coaching college football wasn’t all about money. 😂🤣😅
  20. Yeah, but when was it taken? I biked the Panhandle Pathway on Saturday.
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