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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


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Posts posted by FastpacedO

  1. 11 hours ago, Grandpa B said:

    Just rediculous.   You have been at this 20 years.  GIVE. IT. UP.  SF works.   Roncalli has one State Championship in past 15 years.   SF works.    You might get 5% support in the IHSAA to support a 2 bump up in class.  Want to know why?  SF Works.   It is enjoyable to come back on here every couple of years and see the calories you burn on this nonsense.  Appreciate the entertainment.   When my Grandsons who are two years old are playing for Roncalli and Guerin 12 years from now, I hope I can come back on here and get a couple of minutes more of enjoyment because I know you will still be at it!   

    Welcome back! Just wanted to hop on to say that!

    6 hours ago, Lysander said:

    Gawd, I really do enjoy and appreciate the level of BS you are able to spew.

    It’s well beyond my ability.....or even....remote willingness to.

    Gotta give you credit.

    I have absolutely no idea what you mean as regards “Whitewash”.

    I got a good chuckle off the educate comment. Likens itself to James Jones and The Peoples Temple, about the same kind of educating going on. At any rate you would think someone adamant about a 2.0 multiplier would at least be able to name all of the P/P they are looking to apply it to (they are not all named), and also possibly add in Charter schools. At any rate I'll go back into hiatus so I am no longer deemed abusive. Good day sir take care of yourself.

    • Like 1
  2. 16 minutes ago, Muda69 said:

    Interesting, and telling, that you want to take away choice from a community regarding their government school and it's extracurricular activities.  So once an extracurricular activity is created it can never, ever be removed.  Got it.


    Who says the community knows best? There are some that have no kids in the school system that may want to pull the plug, then others with children playing football aka extracurriculars that feel its impacting their children's life. So do you let out of touch members decide the fate which will impact those in touch. Might I ask have you had children in the Frankfort school system? Someone who is impacted by decisions yu want to make. Like I said it's easy for someone who has no child playing to say cut the program. I am wagering you don't have a child playing. But you continue on with your BS contraction talk.

  3. 15 minutes ago, Muda69 said:

    And what should happen to those programs where the "work ethic" has essentially died, even through multiple coaching staffs, senior classes,  athletic directors, etc.?  Should the community which that extracurricular athletic activity serves have the option to pull the plug on that program?


    No they shouldn't pull the plug. If the proper staff is in place they won't have the problem with the work ethic. Basically some coaching staffs may think they are instilling it, but it falls on deaf ears. once there is total buy in things can change in a heart beat. Contraction does nothing but rip away from something that can shape lives in more ways than just winning and losing. This is exactly why I say your and DT's talks of contraction come solely from looking at win/loss records and not from an insider view of what is going on within the program. Playing football can be a difference maker in a kids life.

    what should happen is a re-evaluation of the Coach leading he team by the community and the staff.

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Muda69 said:

    So the term "work ethic" only applies to Indiana High School Football?   By all means please regale us stories of your "work ethic" when it comes to Indiana High School Football.

    Nobody, including me, is denying or denigrating the work put in by the FHS players and coaches to achieve what they have so far this season.  I don't now how you can even infer that by what I have posted in this thread.  That is a separate issue with regards to contraction. 

    No, I won't be "working" the games. I will be probably be watching though.  Will you?  And I claim no sense of victory regarding the Hot Dogs gridiron fortunes this season.  That is primarily for the players, and players alone,  to claim and reflect on.


    FYI "Work Ethic" applies to football in general. Not Just Indiana Football. In other words if you aren"t doing the work in the weight room, Film study, Game prep. You aren't going to be successful. It takes total buy in and some work! Even at the Collegiate and pro level those are important aspects.

  5. Just now, Muda69 said:

    Ahh, and here we go with the personal attack.   

    I win.

    Have a nice day.  I'll be working most of it. How about you?


    No personal attack just stating the obvious. Anyone (yourself or DT that is onboard with contraction) makes it blatantly obvious that your not onboard or of the understanding of the dynamics of coaching football. AKA how games are won and lost (and its not only on the football field). It all starts on te dedication in the weight room and toss in game film. Then on top of that you have the game prep plan. I'm assuming your saying you"ll be working the games? There is nothing to win, but you call yourself a victor if you wish.

    • Haha 1
  6. 2 hours ago, Muda69 said:

    Thank you for your support.

    This very well may be Frankfort "once is a decade for a government school" team/level of talent.  We shall see.


    Uh there is no support. 

    Perhaps Coach Byers is instilling work ethic in the players (something I wouldn't expect you to be onboard with).

    • Disdain 1
  7. 16 hours ago, DT said:

    Fairfield has earned its way off the Contraction Watch List


    Your conraction talk is nothing but a bunch of "BS". There will be down times at certain schools. Get the right coach that knows what he is doing and develops talent and things can turn around in a heart beat (prime example Mooresville post Coach Bless had a rough go bring in Coach Gillin and it all changes). Never cheat young men the opportunities in life development football can provide!

  8. 8 minutes ago, Muda69 said:

    Congrats to the Frankfort Hot Dogs for having their first winning regular season (5-4) since 2009.  


    I agree congrats to Farnkfort. At the same time I say shame on YOU and your fellow cohort @DT for the contraction talks. There are going to be times where schools are really in the dumps. Get the right coach who developes talent and boom you start to make strides. Contraction is for IDIOTS (my opinion). Honestly you both should be ashamed of yourselves for wanting to cheat young men (regardless of record) the opportunity to play a game that could shape their lives. It's easy to sit back behind a keyboard and the critical stuff, but you are not there living the day to day lives. Just saying.

    • Like 1
    • Sad 1
  9. 4 hours ago, Lysander said:

    DT - a mutual friend who was sitting in the stands (and no longer participates on the GID) has asked me to remind you that “maybe it was CG that almost gift-wrapped the game to Cathedral.  The Irish had 183 yards of total offense with one scoring drive.  Their other score was a gimme pick 6.”

    To paraphrase, he thinks you had somewhat selective memory and, as most always, he and his wife were sitting in the stands.  

    He also commented  that it was a classic hard-hitting game.

    Don’t kill the messenger.  Or do....I’m ambivalent.


    To be honest neither team gift wrapped anything to the other. Both teams made great plays. No matter how many yards of offense for either team they both simply made plays. The pick 6 wasn't a walk in the park free shot to the endzone like you sometimes see when a team is backed up near the goal line. It was a 73 yard pick 6. Honestly CG had an opportunity to tie it and missed a FG. Then Cathedral had an opportunity to ice the game and didn't execute (regardless of the play call) and CG made a play. Then again Cathedral had CG in 3rd and 9 or 10 with about 36 seconds and again CG made a play hitting a 12 yard pass. I believe Cathedral got them in a 3rd and 1 too on the eventual TD pass (memory is faded I'm old). Regardless both teams played well enough to win. CG made the plays when it counted an won. Both are fantastic teams and gave it all they had (even though some thought they would be saving themselves for the playoffs). It was a classic hard hitting game. It lived up to the hype and while some thought there would be a lot of scoring it ended up being a Defensive slug fest. Cathedral 1 Offensive TD 1 Defensive TD, CG 2 Offensive TD's 1 FG.

    • Like 4
  10. 3 hours ago, southend said:

    CG scored on both bad decisions by Cathedral to go for 1st downs. Field goal in the first half, touchdown at the end of the game.  

    It is what it is. The Head Coach took responsibility and blame for it. Probably wished he had given it to Langdon. Curry DL for CG said in Indystar article he knew either Jordan or Langdon would get the ball. Myself I probably would have ran a play action TE dump pass (I know crazy) but the CG defense was in all out blitz expecting run. Even though others feel differently, punting wasn’t an option to me. Punting had not gone well throughout the night.

  11. 48 minutes ago, Jon said:

    I don't think a fan should complain about opponent facilities when they don't even have on. Personally I like to see cg play somebody else next year. Going to Arlington and playing on grass field right before sectional does nothing for them but increase chance of injuries

    What proof do you have that grass field creates more injuries? Actually there is more data that turf fields lead to more knee (ACL MCL) injuries. Nothing wrong with grass field> Turf dogs has done a great job maintaining Arlington's field after doing a lot of work to it.

  12. 30 minutes ago, CaptainHook said:

    actually I think that was the first drive where they settled for the made FG.  Up 10-7 inside the 7 yard line, they ran inside zone, outside zone opposite the jet motion, and then the QB pulled the ball on third down and then missed the FG


    has punting been an issue all year?

    Just read on Twitter when Kyle Neddenriep asked Coach Peebles about the 4th and 1 call said he’s go for it again but maybe a different call Langdon has been running hard, getting yards. “This one’s in me”.

    punting definitely wasn’t going well. They also do a QB quick kick. I personally feel Coach Peebles has confidence in his offense and wanted to just go for it to end the game. Probably wishes he would have ran the ball with Langdon but who knows. Coach Peebles like Coach Ralph are not afraid to gamble and both love and believe in their kids. They are great coaches as is coach Moore.

    Terrific game though. Everyone thought it was going to be a lot of points but the defense from both teams took control. I was expecting a close game but not as low of scoring 17-13.

    • Like 1
  13. 6 hours ago, DT said:

    Burus is 6-8, 315 and DeGraaf is 6-6 315.  I didnt see anybody that size on the CHS O LIne

    LT 6'5" 330 lbs 
    LG 6'5" 300 lbs 
    C 6'1" 260 lbs 
    RG 6'4" 275 lbs 
    RT 6'6" 280 lbs 
    TE 6'3" 235 lbs
    TE 6'5" 215 lbs 

    looks like a pretty big O-line to me. The Irish RB may weigh 25 lbs less than Steele, but I doubt anyone that watches that game would say he was any less of a tough RB especially in that 4th qtr. heck he’s the one that was making big runs in that drive.

    Most coaches with very good offenses would have went for it in 4th and 1 (including Coach Moore). In hindsight probably should have fed the ball to Langdon who was running very strong. Jordan wasn’t having the best game either. That play however has been a go to especially on goal line. I can see why it was called. It was a gamble and didn’t work this time.

    as far as the last drive. The Irish got CG into 3rd downs. CG’s QB and WR’s made some big plays and they won. Both of these teams are excellent. Both coaching staffs have a great pulse for their team. They have great confidence in both their offense and defense. Better than someone who has never coached or called plays at the HS level. Other than armchair QB what are your Coaching qualifications? 

    • Like 1
  14. 16 hours ago, Bobref said:

    Let me be clear. I’m not talking about effort. I have no doubt everyone on both teams will give it all they’ve got Friday. I’m talking about things like play calling, formations, defenses, tricks, etc. Most teams play it close to the vest going into the tournament, and I expect both of these teams to have their eye on the real prize.

    I get what you're saying. However Center Grove under Coach Moore has been predominantly a "Wing T" team, yes they run some spread stuff on occasion. I don't think there is much for CG or Cathedral to hide Offensively or defensively that they haven't already shown on film. Both coaches are basically this is what we run come stop me, not much fancy. Do they have some trick plays? I would say probably and they probably wouldn't use them in this game (unless they want to throw something on film to make a future opposing team prepare for). I think you will see both team do what they usually do and may the best team win. I definitely don't think either team will be saving themselves for the tournament.

  15. On 10/10/2020 at 10:45 AM, Bobref said:

    Unlikely. Someone’s got to lose. And whoever loses, their fans will say they didn’t go all out because they were saving themselves for the playoffs.

    In 6 season's (this year being the 7th) I have yet to see either CG or Cathedral not go all out because they were saving themselves for the playoffs.

    2014 CG 44 Cathedral 28

    2015 CG 7 Cathedral 0

    2016 CG 44 Cathedral 41 in OT

    2017 Cathedral 21 CG 14

    2018 CG 34 Cathedral 7

    2019 Cathedral 14 CG 9

    I won't buy the statement. My personal opinion when you play saving yourself (worried about injury) is when you tend to get injuries.

  16. 22 hours ago, hhpatriot04 said:

    It can depend. Obviously in 6A most teams are coming from the Indy area and probably have routines -- it might not be a bad thing for even smaller Indy-area schools to stay in a hotel the night before to eliminate distractions.

    Much depends on whether the team wants to practice at Lucas Oil and if they prefer to do so on Thursday or earlier in the week. I don't think there is a hard and fast rule for any program -- lots of moving parts.

    I may be mistaken but I believe each team is allowed only 1 one hour practice in Lucas Oil during the week leading up to the State Championship game.

  17. 47 minutes ago, TheDoctor22 said:

    Congrats Trojans! What a fun game to watch! It wasn't always pretty, but Chatard showed up ready to play. They played tough, physical football all four quarters, which I think was the difference in the game.

    A lot of people quick to dismiss Merrillville after that game, but I'm not so sure. Merrillville was every bit as big and as athletic as advertised. They have some VERY good players on both sides of the ball. As others have mentioned, I think the travel definitely had an impact. Merrillville was also down a few starters. Lastly, Chatard is a pretty darn good football team. They played a competitive game with Cathedral (who is historically good by their standards), which no other Indiana team can say so far this year, including Merrillville's potential semi-state opponent Westfield. I wouldn't count Merrillville out just yet. If they get healthy and clean up some mistakes, they could be a very dangerous team in November. Keep your heads up pirates and good luck the rest of the year!

    I will say if travel had an impact, it is probably a good thing that they played this game. If Merrillville were to make it to the State Championship they would have to travel then to. Helps that they have done the travel now and can look back on what they can improve upon to not have travel impact them as much. 

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