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Posts posted by FastpacedO

  1. 20 minutes ago, PHJIrish said:

    The Irish were penalized quite a bit, iirc, and Otis would have had well over 500 yards.  I need to get out the video.  It's grainy without commentary, but it's always great to watch.

    Yes he would have had over 500 rushing yards without the penalties. Definitely keep me updated after you watch, because I am pretty sure (not 100%) Otis had 489 yards rushing on around 40 plus carries but had 500 plus total yards adding up his rushing and receiving yards. 

  2. 4 hours ago, MHSTigerFan said:

    I’m curious what was so bad about the visitor accommodations at the Reitz Bowl.

    I’ve never been to a cooler HS football stadium in the state.  To me, it’s like the Lambeau Field of Indiana HS football.

    Granted, parking can be a problem with all the houses and streets (and hills!).  But the Bowl itself is iconic (I think this is its 100th anniversary).

    I loved playing there back in my playing days.

    Reitz Bowl is a beautiful stadium and great place to watch a football game. I think the statement of visitor accommodations is only meant towards the parking. Some stadiums just  don't lend to great parking. 

    One of my favorite places to watch a game from is The Pit at Elder. The parking situation is terrible though. It is the nature of the beast with its location smack in the middle of a neighborhood in Price Hill.

  3. 12 hours ago, IndianaWrestlingGuy said:

    Just learned from a '99 player that Cathedral had zero pass attempts in the 489yard Otis Shannon game. Makes sense, but wild stat. 


    3 hours ago, PHJIrish said:

    I have a recording of that game.  I need to get it out and watch it again.  

    It will be interesting to know what you see on that video. If my memory serves me correctly Shannon not only ran for a lot of yardage, but he had 500+ total yards including receiving. But that was 22 years ago so I can’t state that 100%. Wasn’t that the year they beat St. X at St. X for the first time after a couple years coming close?

  4. 4 hours ago, Bash Riprock said:

    What part of Roncalli in his profile do you not understand?

    No dog in this fight, I haven't read the first thing negative about the field from a CG fan.  Guessing you know that.  Its been brought to your attention repeatedly.

    I sense you like to stir things up.....talk is cheap.

    Lighten up a little. Easy to tell it was all in fun.

    You just made the List! - Francis stripes | Meme Generator

  5. On 9/20/2021 at 12:51 AM, Staxawax said:

    You're being much too "Lou Holtz".  63 or more to ZERO. 

    Also, does the Center Grove game count since it is being played on a

    "crowned crappy grass surface"? Asking for a friend.

    Judging from the past few seasons I don't think you will see Coach Peebles hit 63 points. They will likely get up by a large marigin in the first half. Empty the bench in the 2nd half with a running clock. You could see 42-56 points scored but running clock helps keep it down some. 

  6. 4 hours ago, Jon said:

    Arlington 7000 No way even close to that. There is no way that the visitor side can handle the crowed CG can bring. Maybe CG should get the home side and Cathedral gets the visitor side because they love standing at the fence.



    It wasn't that long ago that Center Grove had a very small Visitors bleachers (only a few years from renovation that increased Visitor seating). Prior to the renovation CG was a 6A school with visitor seating comparable to that of some 3A schools. It always has been a beautiful facility was lacking Visitor bleachers until renovation. Only point is the game shall go on, what matters is the 2 teams playing and the playing surface (field) albeit Natural grass will be more than adequate.

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  7. On 8/28/2021 at 1:02 PM, temptation said:

    Obviously.  Are you honestly expecting folks to have sympathy for Cathedral and Chatard?

    You'll be waiting a while.

    I don't think any Cathedral or Chatard fans, players, coaches want or need sympathy. They just keep their minds to the grind. So there is nothing to wait for. Nor do I think @Olympian06 cares to wait, he brought up valid points especially using Columbus East as an example. What is irresponsible is comparing New Pal and Pioneer. It is night and day difference comparing a 4A school (with a decade of success) playing up in 5A (where they have had a plethora of success in 5A) t a 1A school where the roster numbers will be vastly different.

    22 hours ago, temptation said:

    They are a victim…of their own success. The current crop of kids is being “punished” due to the success of their predecessors.

    A public school of 1000-1100 kids can only punch above their weight for so long.

    They are no victim nor will any New Pal fan, player, or coach claim to be a victim. The Decatur Central game was 100% a game they could have won (considering DC is a solid 5A team so is New Pal). Brebeuf is 3A and they lost to them, but Brebeuf is a very good team this year. I don't see where the victim card should be played. New Pal if healthy will do just fine in 5A.

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  8. 7 minutes ago, Lysander said:

    Please offer up your best Week 2 games but I will offer the Brebeuf v. New Pal game as incredibly interesting.

    5A New Pal defeated 5A Decatur Central (#12 All Classes 2020 as a 5A team) 31-21.

    3A Brebeuf defeated 4A Chatard (#6 All Classes 2020 as a 3A team) 24-19.

    I’m thinking we will get a great overall measure of the strength of both of these teams and their relative classes.

    Not to step on your toes, but New Pal lost to Decatur Central 31-29. New Pal did try and kick a FG as time expired to win 32-31 and it was no good. I do agree it should be an interesting game between New Pal and Brebeuf.

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  9. 5 hours ago, WestfieldRocks said:

    Westfield also was without QB Maximus Webster for a lot of the second and third quarter, after taking a hit early second quarter. Backup Cole Ballard (Colt's GM's son) threw three of the four pics, the last two when Westfield was knocking on the door to score. Westfield also had a TD taken away via a penalty after Ballard ran it in. The next play he was knocked out with a knee injury, and Webster came back in.

    Westfield had no answer for that huge, quick Cathedral defense. They almost totally shut down the run game and were in the QBs face almost all game. Credit Westfield's defense, down their best player, but still held the Irish to 14 poinits, and if not for two very costly Ballard errant throws deep in Irish territory, could have actually won this game.

    Actually Ballard and Webster both threw 2 picks each.

    Cathedral looks to be solid. Their defense seems stout enough to carry them as their offense gels and gains experience. Cathedral Soph QB can really zing the ball. I would venture to say the Irish coaches will really work on cleaning up the penalties in practice. One of the Westfield drives that got deep in Irish territory had a lot of penalties (I think it was 40 or 45 yards in penalties on that 1 drive). 

    Westfield has 2 very good QB's. Hopefully neither of their injuries are serious.

  10. 28 minutes ago, Footballking16 said:

    I’m not sure how it isn’t irrelevant? Despite being significantly outgained Cathedral still had the ball with the lead and one play to win the game.

    I guess what probability would you give then for a team to:

    a) get a 4th and 1 stop

    b) go 50+ yards with no TO’s

    c) not only score but score a TD

    all with just over a little minute left to play.

    If I would have offered you even money prior to the 4th down play that Center Grove was going to win the game would you have seriously taken that bet?

    Will the HCTV be televising this game on IHSAATV tonight? Or will it only be on the radio only?

  11. 43 minutes ago, Bash Riprock said:

    Interesting view.  I might contend you are oversimplifying the game and basing it down to one play.  As Grover pointed out, had there not been a 70 yd interception return earlier, your comments about the game end don't even come into play.  There were several factors in that game that led to the final outcome...not just the last series of plays and decisions.

    Cathedral had difficulty moving the ball during the game.  They had one offensive TD, that occurred from a missed tackle on the sideline.  Cathedral had a total of 183 yds....60 of it rushing.



    At the end of the day, it was a great game.  Kids were not injured (a great thing given its a year end non-conference regular season game, with nothing at stake other than bragging rights) with both teams winning their class state championships.  It was in 2020...as someone else said...its history.

    Question...why the tone above? Isn't it ok on a discussion forum for people to have different takes? 

    I agree 100% that Cathedral struggled to move the ball and score throughout the game. Actually Center Grove struggled to score too. Both teams struggled to score and it was 13-10 with about 1 minute left to go.

    From an outside perspective. Cathedral's RB was running very well behind the Offensive Line in that 4th qtr. I believe most of his yards came on Cathedral's last drive. He was at the time the hot player. The gamble was on that 4th and half a yard instead of handing it to him they ran their Jet play. The Jet play had been a good play for Cathedral. To Center Grove's Defensive coaches and players, they were very well prepared for it. They ended up stopping the Irish. That and the CG QB avenged his pick 6 with a terrific drive to score the go ahead TD.


    In hindsight yes the Irish HC said he wished he could take it back and give the ball to the hot player, but took a gamble with a play they run very well. CG on the other hand was well coached, scouted that play very well, and ultimately came up with the stop. 

    It all doesn't matter now the outcome was what it was and the game lived up to being one of the best games in the State last year. Best of luck to both in 2021!

  12. 11 minutes ago, Irishman said:

    We did.....our youngest sister still has the metal box it was put in if we were not home. We used to love riding through the neighborhood on the truck as well. 

    It was cool too, to scoop the cream from around the top of the bottle. 


    2 minutes ago, PHJIrish said:

    The milk box was a good place to put the extra door key too, in case you forgot yours.😉

    Dinosaurs I tell ya! Only kidding 2 of my favorite GID posters.

    kurt angle wrestling GIF by WWE

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  13. 19 hours ago, Titan32 said:

    This is a fantastic post in that at it's core tugs at our heart strings and at what all people worth their salt try to teach their kids.  Unfortunately it doesn't apply in this case...not even in the slightest.   I still can't wrap my head around intelligent people on this forum pretending they don't know what the 1) P/P inherent advantages are.  DT's article 2) maybe didn't go down the best path to illustrate that, but neither does, "the rules are the rules", and you guys know that....all of you know that.  It has nothing to do with "trying harder" or "government being in the way"....you guys all know that too.  It's so simple at it's core and I'll say it again for the newbies:

    Given decent tradition, coaching etc. a P/P has more athletes per capita/enrollment just by nature of their institution type.  That's it...that is all there is to it.  I get it, it's nice to get that advantage along with tuition, 3) but don't tell me I'm sending any kind of incorrect message to anyone (especially my kids) to call out that disparity.

    1.) I haven't seen many P/P supporters deny that there are some inherent advantages. We also know the student body at P/P isn't the same make-up as Public Schools @Irishmanis my favorite on this subject because he is unbiased having coached at both P/P and Public. However I have seen non-P/P supporters gloss over advantages they could utilize. The biggest and number one advantage a Public School can use over a P/P school is feeder system. Not only is Coach Moore a terrific coach at CG and CG a big school, but Coach Moore has 100% utilized an advantage that no P/P school has. Feeder system the CG Bantham League. The Trojan youngsters are running CG's bread and butter Offense and Defense from 2nd grade in Bantham Football and the same system in their middle school teams. By the time they hit High School they know this offense and defense as well as their alphabet and multiplication tables. The Coaches work on strength, speed, discipline, and incorporating more in depth of the scheme and plays, but the basic principle of the scheme is already ingrained in them. That in no way is a bad thing towards CG, I am sure @Grovercan tell you the connection between Coach Moore and the Board/Coaches at CG Bantham is absolutely terrific. I am seeing more High Schools utilize this too.

    While CYO is a terrific league with some great football being played. Many of those kids will be playing at different H.S. When they get to their H.S. those coaches are teaching their base Offense and defensive scheme as Freshman because some may have played in Shotgun and 3-4 but others were running I-Formation, Wing T, 4-3, or 50 defense.

    2) Maybe didn't go down the best path? I don't think there is any maybe about it.

    3) I don't see why you would send any message of disparity to your kids about disadvantage to P/P or advantages a P/P has. To me that is just setting them up for failure before they ever play. Not once did I ever mention to my son any disadvantage his school had or advantage a P/P school had when he played for a Public school. It didn't even come up not once. His discussions with me were with how he could become a better football player, how he could help his team, and more than anything else his technique. He focused on strength and speed with his coaches and technique was something he worked on non-stop. Wasn't blessed with the size and talent to be a D-1 college player, but his hard work and diligence made him a terrific D-3 player that he had some success at. I personally feel don't even send a message of disadvantages and focus on your own tools but that is just me and people of all walks have their own opinions.

  14. On 7/9/2021 at 9:58 PM, Grover said:

    That was a fun game to watch.   The kid from Covenant Christian runs like a deer.  Reminds me of a running back from long ago but I won't go there.  Where is he playing next year?


    On 7/10/2021 at 10:17 AM, Thor77 said:

    As of now, still looking. That kid is one of the best athletes I’ve ever seen play high school football. And as a South Adams fan, gave me feel PTSD last night. 


    On 7/11/2021 at 3:07 PM, psaboy said:

    Can't find any mention of him on any of the football recruiting sites. I remember watching him against South Adams and was very impressed. Probably to small to get any notice from non P5 FBS or FCS schools I'm wondering.

    They said on the broadcast and in the news paper he is going to Davenport University in Grand Rapids Michigan. Very impressive showing by him and he was an All Star fill in that got a phone call a couple of days prior to start of All Star events to sub in for an injured RB that was on the South All Star Roster. Then he ends up with the MVP 6 carries 101 yds 2 TD's (25 yd and 63 yd rushing TD). Great game by this young man.

  15. 18 minutes ago, temptation said:

    Just wish that folks would speak the truth and unfiltered...the young kids at BD, Mount Vernon and Warren deserve it.

    Who says he didn't speak the truth and didn't keep it unfiltered. He didn't leave Mt. Vernon to go to Carmel another MIC school. He left Mt. Vernon to coach at the place he played football Warren Central. What he said was probably absolutely the truth, but when Warren Central came open a place he played at himself it probably felt fitting to him to be HC at his dream job. Doesn't mean he was untruthful. Just means something (his dream job) came open at a time that was fitting for him. I don't believe for a second he makes his decisions to make you or anyone else happy for that matter. He makes decisions on what he personally wants to do. Coaching at his Alma Mater I would think would be his absolute dream job.

  16. 2 minutes ago, scarab527 said:

    Generally I don’t fault coaches, or anyone for that matter, for leaving one job to go to another they feel is better for them. Yes I don’t like people going back on their word, but circumstances can change in 3 years, it’s a little unfair to expect someone to feel the same way now as they did then. Coach Kirschner might’ve gotten from MV the break he needed at the time, he could’ve realized he missed the grind of the MIC and working with a larger number of kids. I’m sure he has his reasons, and as you’ve been alluding to, I don’t doubt that winning in the tournament is part of it. 

    Yes he could have gotten the break from the grind at MV. Yes he could have missed the grind of the MIC. Honestly who knows. In all honesty no matter how much of a break from the grind a Coach wants, when they have the opportunity to be the Head Coach at their Alma Mater (especially a Alma Mater that is at the highest level) most coaches would jump at that opportunity regardless of circumstances.

  17. 1 hour ago, DT said:

    CC did something that no public school can do.

    It decided to start a football program from scratch, zero, nothing, and in 5 years won a state championship.  CC does not need to recruit in the traditional sense, its mere existence is a recruuting tool for families who are looking for a different type of educational/athletic experience for their children. And the fact that those student athletes are drawn to the institution from a very broad area give it a huge avdanatage over a boundaried public school.

    CC is really just a smaller version of Cathedral.  Both are PP football magnets.  One Catholic, one Christian.  One big, one small.  


    Loop Trump GIF

    Wrong...see Fishers High School under coach Wimmer

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  18. 2 minutes ago, Thor77 said:

    I don’t care about them, they don’t has as much invested in their football program. Stud athletes aren’t looking at Park Tudor for football. Giving examples of small private schools that don’t attempt to be great at football is a weak excuse for the CCs, Lutherans, and Luers of the world. Saying Park Tudor struggles doesn’t take away the fact of CCs advantage. And what difference does it mean to Park Tudor if they also go 2A? They’ll lose the same games there too. 

    On a side not Tony Dungy's son played football at Park Tudor. I know doesn't fit your agenda

    2 minutes ago, Thor77 said:

    As far as shifty and speed, never seen that before in high school. I don’t have too much history watching a lot of IN high school football, but Wilson’s the best I’ve seen. Which is annoying, I’ve seen people post to “get better” when that’s something that absolutely cannot just get better at. Yes, I’m sure Wilson works hard, but a lot of that is God given ability that doesn’t pop up much out in the cornfields. 

    It popped up in the cornfield's of Sheridan with the Zachary family.

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