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Donald Trump thread v2.0


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1 hour ago, Muda69 said:

Donald Trump's Handling of Classified Material Looks Worse Than Hillary Clinton's




Favorite excerpt from the article-


Over the years, it has been used to prosecute spies such as Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, who were executed in 1953 for being Soviet agents

I'm looking forward to DJT's fusillading.

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2 hours ago, Muda69 said:

Donald Trump's Handling of Classified Material Looks Worse Than Hillary Clinton's


SF's favorite excerpt from this story - 

Trump had a "standing order" as president that automatically declassified material he moved from the Oval Office to his residence at the White House. 

"Cavalier" or not, this will be the obvious defense IF there is ever a serious pursuit of prosecution.  This detail is being overtly ignored......


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49 minutes ago, DanteEstonia said:



Favorite excerpt from the article-

I'm looking forward to DJT's fusillading.

URL is behind a paywall.  


Just now, swordfish said:

SF's favorite excerpt from this story - 

Trump had a "standing order" as president that automatically declassified material he moved from the Oval Office to his residence at the White House. 

"Cavalier" or not, this will be the obvious defense IF there is ever a serious pursuit of prosecution.  This detail is being overtly ignored......


I'm curious if other Presidents have had the same "standing order"? 

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Trump's Defense Suggests His Treatment of Classified Material Was Remarkably Cavalier: https://reason.com/2022/08/17/trumps-defense-suggests-his-treatment-of-classified-material-was-remarkably-cavalier/


The main justification for the FBI's August 8 search of former President Donald Trump's home at his Palm Beach resort—securing state secrets—requires us to accept the government's characterization of purloined documents that we are not allowed to see. Trump, meanwhile, insists he had no classified documents, which is even harder to believe.

According to the search warrant inventory that was unsealed last Friday, the FBI found 11 sets of classified documents, ranging from "confidential" to "top secret," at Mar-a-Lago. The top-secret documents included some that were labeled "SCI," or "sensitive compartmented information," an especially restricted category.

Trump does not dispute that the documents bore those labels. But he says "the very fact that these documents were present at Mar-a-Lago means they couldn't have been classified," because he had "a standing order" as president that said any material "removed from the Oval Office and taken into the residence" was "deemed to be declassified."

If so, Trump's treatment of classified material was remarkably cavalier. The fact that he removed documents to study in preparation for the next day's work, which is how he describes it, had no bearing on the question of whether declassifying them could compromise national security, which is supposed to be the main consideration in such decisions.

Taking Trump at his word, all of his homework, no matter how sensitive the information it involved, was automatically declassified. Theoretically, any random person could have obtained copies of those documents under the Freedom of Information Act unless another exception applied.

Trump's "standing order" was news to John Bolton, who served as his national security adviser for 17 months in 2018 and 2019. "I was never briefed on any such order, procedure, policy when I came in," Bolton told The New York Times. "If he were to say something like that, you would have to memorialize that, so that people would know it existed."

Maybe Bolton was out of the loop. But the fact that Trump's own national security adviser was unaware of this purported policy underlines how irregular and haphazard it would have been. By Trump's own account, his blanket declassification of whatever he happened to remove from the Oval Office meant that many documents marked as "top secret" were not secret at all.

On its face, Trump's handling of classified material was at least as reckless as Hillary Clinton's when she was secretary of state. Trump has long maintained that Clinton's use of an unsecured private email server when she ran the State Department was so egregious an affront to national security that she should go to prison for it.

As Trump's supporters are quick to point out, there is a legally relevant difference. As president, Trump had the unilateral authority to declassify secrets, while Clinton, as secretary of state, did not.

Assuming Trump really did declassify all the material found at Mar-a-Lago when he still had that power, that might mean he is not criminally liable under the Espionage Act, one of the statutes cited in the FBI's search warrant. Or it might not, since that law does not mention classification, referring instead to mishandling of "defense information" that "could be used to the injury of the United States."

Either way, Trump's defense raises troubling questions about his judgment and care as the nation's chief executive. So does his puzzling decision to keep indisputably unclassified government documents, such as his pardon for Roger Stone, that belonged in the National Archives under the Presidential Records Act, a potential violation of another law cited by the FBI.

I don't know whether Trump's trove of government documents posed a national security threat grave enough to justify the unprecedented and politically explosive decision to search the home of a former president who is the leading contender to oppose the current president in the next election. But its existence provides further reason, in case any was needed, to believe Trump is not qualified for that office.


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1 hour ago, DanteEstonia said:

It's funny because DJT will be in prison soon. 


Lets just (for DE's sake) pretend this has even a snowball's chance in Hades of happening.  Desantis becomes the heir-apparent, glides to an easy win in 2024 over who or what ever the left nominates then pardons the Don.

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6 hours ago, DanteEstonia said:

It's funny because DJT will be in prison soon. 

LOL, I’ve heard this for a half decade.

Grasping at straws once again.

5 hours ago, swordfish said:


Lets just (for DE's sake) pretend this has even a snowball's chance in Hades of happening.  Desantis becomes the heir-apparent, glides to an easy win in 2024 over who or what ever the left nominates then pardons the Don.

Hell, I could run for the Republican nomination in 2024 and get more votes than anyone the Dems dare trot out there. 

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On 8/18/2022 at 10:33 AM, swordfish said:


Lets just (for DE's sake) pretend this has even a snowball's chance in Hades of happening.  Desantis becomes the heir-apparent, glides to an easy win in 2024 over who or what ever the left nominates then pardons the Don.

I don't come into these often, Buuuuuut No chance a pardon would come from DeSantis. He and Trump despise each other. 

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On 8/19/2022 at 10:11 PM, Irishman said:

I don't come into these often, Buuuuuut No chance a pardon would come from DeSantis. He and Trump despise each other. 

I think they are a little more aligned than the left is comfortable with, so the story of a "rift" continues.....

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58 minutes ago, swordfish said:

I think they are a little more aligned than the left is comfortable with, so the story of a "rift" continues.....

As far as stances on issues, absolutely. But Pence and Trump are aligned similarly as well; how is that one going? Same with the GA Gov and SOS there. But DeSantis and Trump are not at a point where one is going to do the other ANY favors. Hell, look at the grief Alex Jones got when he flipped to DeSantis from Trump. 

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SF is perplexed as to why the DOJ (AG Garland) is so intent on keeping the affidavit justifying the "raid" on Trump's residence sealed.......while the former POTUS is pushing for it to be released......


The federal government received bad news as Judge Bruce Reinhart ruled that they must unseal the affidavit leading to the FBI raid at President Donald Trump’s home at Mar-a-Lago.

Judge Bruce Reinhart rejected the Justice Department’s argument to keep the affidavit hidden from Americans. Reinhart called the raid “unprecedented” and said there is “intense public and historical interest” for unsealing the affidavit.

The Justice Department is given more time to propose redactions to the affidavit in order to protect the identities of FBI agents and investigative sources.

Ultimately, this is a major victory for Trump who has encouraged the release of the affidavit while the DOJ requested to keep it sealed.

In his ruling, Judge Reinhart said he rejects “the Government’s argument that the present record justifies keeping the entire Affidavit under seal.”

It’s widely speculated that the affidavit will shine light on the fact that the search was politically motivated and a “political scam.”

The affidavit is the place where the DOJ specifies the crime they believe has been committed by Trump. This would be needed to show cause for a federal judge to authorize the Mar-a-Lago raid.




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6 minutes ago, swordfish said:

SF is perplexed as to why the DOJ (AG Garland) is so intent on keeping the affidavit justifying the "raid" on Trump's residence sealed.......while the former POTUS is pushing for it to be released......


The federal government received bad news as Judge Bruce Reinhart ruled that they must unseal the affidavit leading to the FBI raid at President Donald Trump’s home at Mar-a-Lago.

Judge Bruce Reinhart rejected the Justice Department’s argument to keep the affidavit hidden from Americans. Reinhart called the raid “unprecedented” and said there is “intense public and historical interest” for unsealing the affidavit.

The Justice Department is given more time to propose redactions to the affidavit in order to protect the identities of FBI agents and investigative sources.

Ultimately, this is a major victory for Trump who has encouraged the release of the affidavit while the DOJ requested to keep it sealed.

In his ruling, Judge Reinhart said he rejects “the Government’s argument that the present record justifies keeping the entire Affidavit under seal.”

It’s widely speculated that the affidavit will shine light on the fact that the search was politically motivated and a “political scam.”

The affidavit is the place where the DOJ specifies the crime they believe has been committed by Trump. This would be needed to show cause for a federal judge to authorize the Mar-a-Lago raid.




Yet another “conspiracy theory” proven true?

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Even if sensitive materials were on the Mar-a-Lago grounds, they weren’t strewn about as you’d see in Ernest Hemingway’s office. They were secured as every former president has a staff upon leaving office. The act of taking them is the declassifying act. There is no actual law violation in the search warrant. Lastly, the government overclassifies everything. We will keep coming back to this, but one of the items the National Archives wanted back from Trump was a cocktail napkin. 

So, back to the personal records angle in this FBI raid fiasco. Judicial Watch filed a legal motion to recover tapes reportedly stored in Bill Clinton’s sock drawer. This lawsuit happened ten years and was rejected by a judge since those tapes, which included conversations about Slick Willy’s presidency, the potential firing of a CIA director, and nominating Madeline Albright as secretary of state, were deemed personal records by Bill Clinton. The court also ruled that the National Archives had no legal authority to take them (via Washington Times😞

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2 hours ago, swordfish said:

Trump has enjoyed living rent-free in their heads since 2016.......Expect the levels of these attacks to get worse as the next election(s) loom large......

“Oh shit, this vaccine doesn’t do what we originally claimed….how can we run damage control?”

”I know, let’s blame Trump.”

Such a predictable playbook.

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Nearly 2 years later - the truth starts coming out......and members of the FBI at the highest level are complicit.  Watching the rats starting to abandon the ship......


FYI - In case you don't realize it (since there is no real media reporting this) POTUS Biden (even though he claims otherwise) IS in the center of all of this BS - He originally waived Trump's executive privilege back in 2021 (unprecedented) - which opened the door to the latest invasion of Trump's privacy.  They are doing everything they can think of legal or not to keep him from running again.






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10 hours ago, swordfish said:

Nearly 2 years later - the truth starts coming out......and members of the FBI at the highest level are complicit.  Watching the rats starting to abandon the ship......


FYI - In case you don't realize it (since there is no real media reporting this) POTUS Biden (even though he claims otherwise) IS in the center of all of this BS - He originally waived Trump's executive privilege back in 2021 (unprecedented) - which opened the door to the latest invasion of Trump's privacy.  They are doing everything they can think of legal or not to keep him from running again.






Dey scared.

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Student learning loss and poor test scores as a result of the pandemic are now also Trump’s fault according to the WH.

Man, these people have some rich takes.

Everything the left accuses the right of, THEY are the ones actually guilty.

Even “respecting law enforcement” was dropped recently.


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WASHINGTON (AP) — A federal judge in Florida has dismissed Donald Trump’s lawsuit against 2016 Democratic rival Hillary Clinton and former top FBI officials, rejecting the former president’s claims that they and others acted in concert to concoct the Russia investigation that shadowed much of his administration.

U.S. District Judge Donald Middlebrooks said in a sharply worded ruling on Thursday that Trump’s lawsuit, filed in March, contained “glaring structural deficiencies” and that many of the “characterizations of events are implausible.”

He dismissed the idea that Trump had sued to correct an actual legal harm, saying that “instead, he is seeking to flaunt a two-hundred-page political manifesto outlining his grievances against those that have opposed him, and this Court is not the appropriate forum.”

The lawsuit had named as defendants Clinton and some of her top advisers, as well as former FBI Director James Comey and other FBI officials involved in the investigation into whether Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign had coordinated with Russia to sway the outcome of the election.

A 2019 Justice Department inspector general report did identify certain flaws by the FBI during the Russia investigation, but did not find evidence that the bureau’s leaders were motivated by political bias in opening the probe.


No surprise here.....A Clinton appointed Judge says the characterizations of events were "implausible".  Even though (in the same article) A 2019 Justice Department inspector general report did identify certain flaws by the FBI during the Russia investigation



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