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The Joe Biden Presidency Thread


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Wait a tick.....POTUS Biden yesterday stated we had 0% inflation last month......(With prices way up and production down)



Sooooo - Then why do we need the Inflation Reduction Act?


Edited by swordfish
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3 hours ago, swordfish said:

Wait a tick.....POTUS Biden yesterday stated we had 0% inflation last month......(With prices way up and production down)



Sooooo - Then why do we need the Inflation Reduction Act?


LOL, a zero percent INCREASE from the previous month.  What a clown show.

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Biden's Student Loan Scheme Benefits the Ruling Class (Again)



When I interviewed for a teaching job at private college in Alabama more than twenty years ago, the recently elected governor had won partly on a platform in which the state would install a lottery system that would give students a $3,000 grant for college. As the provost and I discussed the prospects of this new program, he smiled and said, “We hope this lottery passes. Then we can raise tuition by $3,000.”

(The Alabama legislature, despite being controlled at the time by members of the governor’s party, failed to pass and implement the lottery.)

In the aftermath of President Joe Biden’s announcement that the government will forgive up to $20,000 of student loan debt for qualifying borrowers, the responses are following the political ideology of the commentators. For example, columnist Tressie McMillan Cottom of the New York Times declared it a “win,” although she then demanded even more loan forgiveness.

Betsy DeVos, who was secretary of education under Donald Trump, took the opposite position, declaring the loan forgiveness to be “illegal.” Responses elsewhere ranged from comparing Biden’s loan forgiveness program to Jesus Christ dying for the sins of the world and the loan forgiveness during the year of jubilee outlined in the Hebrew scriptures to the entire program being little more than a wealth transfer to those fortunate to go to college from those who didn’t have that privilege.

College Loans Have Helped Drive Up Higher Education Costs

While government officials are implying this is a one-time thing, we know that the political system will not put this to rest. After all, the forgiveness is being applied to student loans taken out in the past, yet college students continue to take out new loans for the coming academic year—and beyond. In fact, Biden’s loan forgiveness is going to have the same effect that my interviewer hoped would be the case if Alabama implemented a state lottery: higher prices for a college education.

That higher education costs have skyrocketed is a given. As Forbes explains:

In 1980, the price to attend a four-year college full-time was $10,231 annually—including tuition, fees, room and board, and adjusted for inflation—according to the National Center for Education Statistics. By 2019–20, the total price increased to $28,775. That’s a 180% increase.

Why tuition and fees have exploded is no mystery. On the supply side, college administrations have grown alongside federal mandates tied to identity politics. This development has had twofold effects. The first is to increase overall college costs—even though administrations have little to do with academic achievement. The second has been to increase the power and influence of the identity studies faculty, which is having a devastating impact upon higher education as a whole.

However, nonessential to a college education, administrative growth would not be possible without the government’s education loan programs, which are to increased costs what gasoline is to spreading a fire. When the Barack Obama administration in 2010 completely nationalized the student loan program, student loans outstanding stood at about $800 billion. Twelve years later, the amount has more than doubled to nearly $1.8 trillion. (One doubts that the value of a college education has more than doubled during the same time.)

To put it another way, student borrowers have financed the slow destruction of higher education, all the while placing enormous debts upon themselves. In the meantime, college administrators and faculty have seen their financial fortunes increase. When one adds politics into the mix, things become even more interesting.

Bending the Law to Reward Democratic Voters

There is no doubt that the student loan program mostly benefits people who vote Democratic. First, college administrators and faculty overwhelmingly lean Democratic, and college graduates are one of the most important Democratic Party constituencies, as well as the main beneficiaries of Biden’s executive order.

Furthermore, one doubts that this is the end of Biden’s loan forgiveness initiatives. Students that now are borrowing money to finance their college educations are tomorrow’s Democratic voters, and one doubts that their party will abandon them, especially when it can transfer their indebtedness (at least in part) to Republican taxpayers.

Perhaps one tweet says it all, this from Harvard Law School professor Laurence Tribe, who declared: “Good news for thousands of my former students. I’m grateful on their behalf, Mr. President.”

It is not an exaggeration to say that Harvard Law graduates are among the elite of the elites in what one might call our “ruling class,” and one doubts seriously that a president who already has demonstrated little restraint when it comes to fiscal matters suddenly will channel his inner Scrooge. Moreover, by employing what only can be called a twisted interpretation of an obscure law to announce loan forgiveness, Biden already has channeled another president known for his reckless policies, Franklin D. Roosevelt. David French writes:

the alleged legal basis for Biden’s $500 billion plan is found in a novel reading of the post 9/11 HEROES Act, which does grant the secretary of education broad authority to “waive or modify any statutory or regulatory provision applicable to the student financial assistance programs under title IV of the [Higher Education Act] … as the Secretary deems necessary in connection with a war or other military operation or national emergency.”

But even if one accepts the dubious proposition that this language includes the ability to waive payment entirely, the Biden administration would still have to show that the covid  emergency justifies the action.

Like Roosevelt, who used the 1917 Trading with the Enemy Act to justify his gold seizure in 1933, Biden has used a little-known law to transfer wealth from those will little political influence to people who make the rules (but do not have obey them). It doesn’t matter that the language of the law has nothing to do with the president’s actions. Instead, it is the application of raw political power.


This is only the beginning of Biden’s financial shenanigans to benefit his party’s constituencies. Economist Alex Tabarrok has laid out ways that both higher education officials and students can further game Biden’s scheme. Regarding the real wealth transfers involved, French writes:

one of the fundamental flaws of the Biden plan is that it doesn’t just help those who need help. Instead, it imposes costs on those who need help to provide a substantial benefit to thousands upon thousands of college and graduate school graduates who don’t.

Understand that Biden invoked emergency powers to deal with something that under no circumstances counts as a crisis to transfer wealth from people with little political influence to those who are in or moving into the corridors of power. As the federal government continues to expand its reach—thus, making a college degree an even more vital gateway to better-paying occupations—the politically powerful will find more ways to dump their financial burdens upon those that can least afford them.


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Kinda seems like threat from POTUS Biden.......


(Wilkes-Barre, PA) -- President Biden says Americans "need an F-15" to protect the U.S. and not a gun. Biden gave a speech in Pennsylvania on Tuesday about his "Safer America Plan," which he said was about "funding the police" instead of "defunding." The President has requested 35-billion dollars in the new fiscal year budget for funding the police. Biden said his plan also calls on Congress to ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. In his speech Tuesday, Biden said to keep America safe, "you need an F-15" and "something a little more than a gun."




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3 hours ago, swordfish said:

Kinda seems like threat from POTUS Biden.......


(Wilkes-Barre, PA) -- President Biden says Americans "need an F-15" to protect the U.S. and not a gun. Biden gave a speech in Pennsylvania on Tuesday about his "Safer America Plan," which he said was about "funding the police" instead of "defunding." The President has requested 35-billion dollars in the new fiscal year budget for funding the police. Biden said his plan also calls on Congress to ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. In his speech Tuesday, Biden said to keep America safe, "you need an F-15" and "something a little more than a gun."




I think the takeaway from this comment was the exact opposite of his intention.

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“After my consultations with the Office of Legal Counsel at the Department of Justice, President Biden has determined than an assertion of executive privilege is not in the best interests of the United States, and therefore is not justified as to any of the Documents,” wrote White House counsel Dana Remus in a letter to Archivist of the United States David Ferriero in a letter obtained by POLITICO.

In a Friday letter addressed to Ferriero obtained by POLITICO, Trump said the records sought by the committee would contain information shielded by “executive and other privileges, including but not limited to the presidential communications, deliberative process, and attorney-client privileges.”

Trump indicated that he wished to assert privilege over 45 specific documents identified by the National Archives as responsive to the committee’s request. Those documents, Trump said in the two-page letter, included protected “presidential communications,” as well as deliberative process materials and attorney-client privileged materials.


Trump also indicated he wants to preemptively declare future requests by the panel, “potentially numbering in the millions,” as presumptively barred from release.

“Should the committee persist in seeking other privileged information, I will take all necessary and appropriate steps to defend the Office of the Presidency,” Trump wrote.

SF hopes everyone realizes there wouldn't be a discussion about "Trump's Classified Documents" had the current POTUS (Biden) not Illegally waived the lawful executive privilege granted the former POTUS......nor would the FBI ever got the legal standing (warrant) to go into his residence.  So the guy that proclaims he knows nothing about anything to do with the FBI raid, etc. is actually right in the middle of it.  He and his left-wing (democrat) colleagues think that by constantly preaching that Trump "broke the law" and "compromised national security" and "He's gonna go to jail" that will influence his ability to ever run for POTUS again. But nevermind the genesis of the retrieval of classified documents (Joe Biden and Company).... 

BTW - this article was from 2021 (long before the raid ever took place)


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While speaking in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, on Tuesday President Biden said, “The bullet out of an AR-15 travels five times as rapidly as a bullet shot out of any other gun.”

Ironically, on June 30, 2022, Field & Stream did an in-depth look at the “Five Fastest Rifle Cartridges” and the two AR-15 rounds, .223 and 5.56, did not even make the cut.

Here are the top rounds, as listed by Field & Stream, and the feet per second (fps) they travel upon being fired:

  1. .220 Swift — A 40-Grain .220 Swift round moves approx. 4,300 fps.
  2. .257 Weatherby Magnum — An 87-Grain .257 Weatherby Magnum round moves approx. 3,700+ fps.
  3. .30/378 Weatherby — An 165-Grain .30/378 Weatherby round moves approx. 3,400+ fps.
  4. .224 Clark — An 80-Grain .224 Clark round moves approx. 3,500+ fps.
  5. .22 Eargesplitten Loudenboomer — A 50-Grain .22 Eargesplitten Loudenboomer round moves approx. 4,600 fps.

By contrast the two AR-15 rounds move at approx. 2,700 – 3,100 fps.

Biden also claimed “the AR-15 just rips the body apart.”

In actuality, the damage done by any round from any gun depends on the type of ammunition used. And with the popular .223 and 5.56 rounds, the result is most often not expansive damage but overpenetration. The small bullet — a .22 caliber — goes right through.

Biden made another statement about a specific gun earlier this year when, on May 30, 2022, he suggested a 9mm bullet will blow the lung “out of the body.”

We spoke to a U.S. Marshal fugitive recovery taskforce member when Biden made the 9mm claim and he laughed out loud and said, “That’s not even in the realm of possibility.”

We asked, “Do you use a 9mm round?”

He said, “Yes, and it is a hollowpoint, but that simply creates a better wound channel, it does not blow lungs or other organs out.”

We told the fugitive recovery taskforce member that Biden also categorized 9mm under “high caliber weapons,” and he laughed again and said, “9mm is the smallest round we use.”





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So would ol Joe rather get shot with a slow moving .45? I mean at around 850-1000 FPS at the muzzle, it should be safe by Biden’s speed analysis right? I mean the fact that one’s a 40 grain round and the other one is 250 wouldn’t  matter would it? 
I think he’s missing the other part of Einstein’s equation. 

Edited by Impartial_Observer
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He’s been on the velocity thing for a while now, I think that’s how 9mmLuger came into the conversation, given +P loads, bullet technology, etc. 

When examining wound cavities, Chanel’s, tissue damage, etc., there are many factors aside from velocity. 

Anyone else remember when hollow points were labeled “cop killers” and there was this massive push to ban them….only to find out they’re actually much safer to bystanders than FMJ or ball ammo, not so much the target, but we were trying to stop him right?

It just goes on and on, new scary buzz words/terms, ghost guns are back….just in time for Halloween…..

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BIDEN DECLARES "MAGA REPUBLICANS" ENEMIES OF THE STATE: https://mises.org/power-market/biden-declares-maga-republicans-enemies-state


Last night Joe Biden was propped up behind the presidential seal in front of historic Independence Hall and gave the most provocative and divisive speech in modern American history. With the site of the signing of the Declaration of Independence cloaked in an ominous blood red, Biden sputtered his way through an attack on “insurrectionists” he labeled as threatening American democracy, political norms, and the rule of law.

The optics of the event were likely the idea of a proud Biden staffer, fresh off receiving a $10,000 subsidy to their student loan debt, leaning into the “Dark Brandon” aesthetic that has become popular among regime loyalists on Twitter. To Americans outside of this Very Online echo chamber, the imagery drew connotations of sinister authoritarian regimes ranging as Nazi Germany, the Empire of Star Wars, or the fascist regime of V for Vendetta. 

The substance of the speech supported these comparisons. It was the display of a weak regime projecting strength at a time of mass unpopularity and rising polling numbers of political opponents in pivotal midterm elections. 

None of this is a surprise. 

As I noted after the chaotic 2020 election, the federal government faced a threat it has not seen in over a hundred years. Concerns over the integrity of the 2020 election struck at the core of the institution’s democratic legitimacy. The result was a Biden inauguration fortified with thousands of national guard members that the Democrat Party didn’t trust with ammunition.

The path the Biden Administration took could have gone one of two ways. The regime could have fallen back on the power of moderation, restoring the isolated Washington uniparty by staffing the executive branch with prominent Republicans who always preferred the Clintons and Bidens over Trump - even if the smart ones refused to say so explicitly  while pursuing a standard policy agenda of foreign intervention, reckless spending, and fortifying the supremacy of the federal government over state control. These policies would have continued American decline but could have served to lull Americans to pre-Trump apathy by reminding them that federal elections have no real consequences for Washington. 

Instead, the Biden regime doubled down on the excesses of the Obama era, attacking hot-button issues such as gun rights, tying state funding to public school promotion of child mutilation and sterilization, and leveraging their control over large corporations to censor political opponents and mandate covid vaccinations of employees. Along the way, they secured funding to increase, arm, and expand the scope of federal agencies  an Imperial Guard for Washington elites to remind red states who is truly in charge.

From the golf courses of Mar-a-Lago, the specter of Donald Trump continues to animate capital hill. C-SPAN hearings over January 6th have been coordinated for prime-time viewing, while his supporters have been subjected to federal prosecution, solitary confinement, and financial ruin.
These concerns may be justified. Outside of Washington, “MAGA Republicans” have found success, particularly in the high-profile senate and governor races.

In Arizona, Blake Masters and Kari Lake conquered John McCain’s former state running on a platform against the 2020 election and the anarcho-tyranny of Biden-era policies while being viciously attacked by both the corporate press and establishment Republicans. In Ohio, Peter Theil-backed J.D. Vance leaned into opposition to American financing of the Ukrainian government while overcoming two more traditional Republican candidates. In Florida, Governor Ron DeSantis has secured the position as the only Republican with the popularity that rivals Trump by translating Trump-style rhetoric into aggressive state policy, with a particular focus on attacking the public healthy tyranny of the soon-to-debate Dr. Fauci.

A common theme of this new class of Republicans has been their explicit calls to stand against the “regime,” railing against Washington’s “administrative state,” and their interest in the intellectual works of “dissident rightwing thinkers.” They have been supported by a maligned by a vocal group of MAGA House members, such as Marjorie Taylor Green, Matt Gaetz, Thomas Massie, and Lauren Boebert, who have seized on the overzealousness of the Biden Administration to normalize calls to defund the FBI and other cherished Washington institutions. 

The primary success of a potential new class of MAGA Senators has created new pressures for Mitch McConnell. Long established as the kingpin of beltway Republican politics, his criticism of the “quality” of candidates has earned him strong public rebukes from Florida Senator Rick Scott - a political figure with both the ambition and financial resources to threaten McConnell.

All of this is creating a unique moment in American history. 

The overreach of the Biden Administration has led to the dropping of the executive mask. No longer is there any pretense of governing all Americans  the notion of liberal persuasion is dead. Brute force and the abolishment of governing norms  such as the facade of a politically independent Supreme Court, state control of elections, or the role of the filibuster in the Senate  are now accepted by mainstream Democrats as necessary to usher in a modern version of reconstruction on the parts of America that still fly Trump flags.

Meanwhile, the most vocal anti-Trump Republicans have faced brutal defeats electorally but still have a home in the comfortable confines of Washington. While Liz Cheney’s blowout primary defeat means she will be giving up the pretense of representing Wyoming, she has been welcomed to the friendly confines of AEI. The View or CBS News are willing to welcome various former Trump Administration figures so long as they engage in the public ritual of condemning their previous boss. The impact of these decisions, however, is declining interest in traditional conservative think tanks, respect for corporate media, and the legacy of formerly prominent Republican legislators and dynasties. 

The regime’s most powerful tool  a federal un-party that fights on Sunday News Shows but works together and socializes in the real world  is fraying fast. 

Republican Congressional offices are being flooded with calls and emails attacking once-non-controversial issues such as foreign aid, the FBI, and the security of elections. While the wiliest of Washington creatures know how to pretend to sympathize with these concerns, the more mediocre ones flounder - with numerous Republican incumbents now forced to move their office from Capital Hill to K-Street. 

The real question will be what comes after 2022. While the sulfur and brimstone tones spewing from Joe Biden may spark news cycles, economic distress continues to dominate the concerns of voting Americans. At the same time, Hispanic Americans, many of which are alarmed about the cultural radicalism of the modern Democratic Party, are undermining the assumptions of the “demographics are destiny” framework that has dictated so much of the left’s political strategy in the recent decades. 

Attempts to smear new-Republican Hispanics as the new “white nationalists” is surprisingly having little impact.

While Joe Biden mocks “brave, right-wing Americans” that cling to the notion that their AR-15 can protect them from the F-15s he controls, the mentally declining Commander-in-Chief should pay more attention to his government’s failures in Afghanistan. The Afghan military surrounded billions of dollars in high-tech military supplies to Taliban forces not because they were out-armed but because the incompetent and kleptomaniac “liberal” regime America installed lacked the true support of the people and was not a cause many saw dying for.

Likewise, the collapse of military enlistment in the American military reflects the sincere and growing disillusionment with Washington itself. While state propaganda may be trying to make the military appeal to America’s growing transgender population, they don’t seem up to the task of replacing young, white working-class men the modern class of Generals dismisses as privileged.

As Murray Rothbard noted in Anatomy of the State, the state needs more than guns and bureaucrats to thrive. It needs the implicit consent of the people.

Thanks to Joe Biden, and his friends in both political parties, instead tens of millions of Americans are growing increasingly comfortable considering themselves enemies of the state.

Civil War to come?


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"Ten Thousand Million" - That's a big number!!  SF gets the feeling she's just tossing a big-ol number out there since it was the lowest monthly gain in over a year.......Meh, nobody'll notice.....


White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre stepped into a hornet’s nest of mockery on Twitter Friday after stating that the U.S. has added "ten thousand million jobs" since President Biden took office.

Jean-Pierre made the gaffe during the Friday White House press briefing while she was talking about job growth for the month of August. 

As Fox Business reported Thursday, the U.S. economy added 315,000 new jobs in August, making it is the "lowest monthly gain since April 2021."


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1 hour ago, swordfish said:

"Ten Thousand Million" - That's a big number!!  SF gets the feeling she's just tossing a big-ol number out there since it was the lowest monthly gain in over a year.......Meh, nobody'll notice.....


White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre stepped into a hornet’s nest of mockery on Twitter Friday after stating that the U.S. has added "ten thousand million jobs" since President Biden took office.

Jean-Pierre made the gaffe during the Friday White House press briefing while she was talking about job growth for the month of August. 

As Fox Business reported Thursday, the U.S. economy added 315,000 new jobs in August, making it is the "lowest monthly gain since April 2021."


What a loser.

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15 hours ago, swordfish said:

"Ten Thousand Million" - That's a big number!!  SF gets the feeling she's just tossing a big-ol number out there since it was the lowest monthly gain in over a year.......Meh, nobody'll notice.....


John & Adam at the No Agenda podcast noticed, they are experts at media deconstruction:  https://www.noagendashow.net/


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On 7/20/2022 at 3:38 PM, swordfish said:

"Look, the border is secure"   Will this be the hill POTUS Biden dies on in Jan, 2023?  Or just some dirt added to the already tall pile?  Benn predicting for quite a while Biden won't be POTUS very long after his 2nd year is up.  You know it's bad when NYC & DC and other "haven cities" are complaining about it.  Put em on a bus and send them to a sanctuary city while waiting for their court date - they'll show up......



The Biden administration continues to assure that the southern border is 'secure' despite record-setting numbers of illegal crossings and proliferation of the crisis over the last few months.

'Look, the border is secure,' Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Matorkas insisted during remarks at the Aspen Security Forum in Colorado on Tuesday.

But he added that the administration is still 'working to make the border more secure.'

'That has been a historic challenge,' Mayorkas said, adding that there is a difference between the words 'safe' and 'secure.'

But insistence that the border is secure comes amid a prevailing rise in crossings as well as complaints from New York City and Washington, D.C. that the crisis is finally hitting home after Arizona and Texas starting busing migrants to the city hubs to deal with them.

Crossings are at an all-time high at this point in the year with nearly 1.75 million crossings in Fiscal Year 2022 with the release of June figures last week – and there are still three more months left to go before a total roundup for the year is counted. 

The last quarter's figures show that 200,000 migrants passed through the southern border every month for the last three months. 





“In many ways, the governors of Texas and Arizona have turned us into a border town. We don’t know how long this will take to resolve. We don’t know how long they will continue bussing,” Washington DC Councilmember Brianne Nadeau said.

She says "Border Town" like it's a bad thing?  Kinda like "Sanctuary City" isn't a bad thing?  .....Maybe that border wall wasn't such a bad idea after all?


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Kamala Harris insists border ‘secure’ as illegal migrants set to pass 2M

September 12, 2022 11:32am 
s in NYC on 9/12/2022
Vice President Kamala Harris insists the US southern border is “secure” — despite the number of illegal migrant arrests on pace to surpass a staggering 2 million this month for the first time ever.
In an interview with NBC’s “Meet the Press” on Sunday, Harris acknowledged the immigration system “still needs to be fixed” before pinning the blame on the Trump administration for the border surge that has happened since President Biden took office.

“The border is secure, but we also have a broken immigration system, in particular, over the last four years before we came in, and it needs to be fixed,” Harris told host Chuck Todd.

The veep doubled down when Todd questioned her claim of border security, given the hefty streams of illegal migrants still flooding into the country every month.

“We’re going to have 2 million people cross this border for the first time ever. You’re confident this border’s secure?” Todd asked.

“We have a secure border in that that is a priority for any nation, including ours and our administration,” Harris insisted. “But there are still a lot of problems that we are trying to fix given the deterioration that happened over the last four years.

“We also have to put into place a law and a plan for a pathway for citizenship for the millions of people who are here and are prepared to do what is legally required to gain citizenship.”

Harris again tried to shift the blame away from the Biden administration, saying: “We don’t have that in place because people are playing politics in a state like this and in Congress.”

“By the way, you want to talk about bipartisanship on an issue that at one time was a bipartisan issue both in terms of Republican senators and even presidents,” she added.

Migrant arrest numbers have almost doubled under the Biden administration and have already exceeded last year’s record, according to the latest Customs and Border Protection data.

So far this fiscal year, Border Patrol agents have reported more than 1.94 million encounters at the border, which is up from the 1.73 million encounters in all of 2021 and just over 458,000 in 2020.

Meanwhile, 748 migrants have died attempting to cross into the US this fiscal year, Department of Homeland Security border data shows. The grim new record is up from the 557 deaths recorded in 2021, according to the data.

Lawmakers on both sides of the political aisle have blamed the Biden administration’s policies for the surge in border-crossers since the president took office in January 2021.

Biden had vowed during the 2020 election campaign to reverse Trump’s more restrictive and controversial policies.

Cackle, Cackle, - The border IS secure!!......Cackle, Cackle, any problems are all Trump's fault!!!  Cackle Cackle......


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I can't be the only one who has noticed this thread is mainly down to 4 folks sharing back and forth.

Remember in 2020 when EVERYONE seemed to have an opinion (and make it known) regarding politics?

What happened to all of them?

I guess you can only reply with "at least he's not Trump" so many times.



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22 minutes ago, temptation said:

I can't be the only one who has noticed this thread is mainly down to 4 folks sharing back and forth.

Remember in 2020 when EVERYONE seemed to have an opinion (and make it known) regarding politics?

What happened to all of them?

I guess they are all afraid to post any more on this forum.


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As Inflation Soars, Biden Hosts Cringey Concert Celebrating the Inflation Reduction Act



There was a party at the White House on Tuesday.

Folk singer James Taylor was on hand to entertain a crowd of hundreds gathered on the South Lawn. The crowd included union leaders like Randi Weingarten, executive branch officials, and prominent Democratic elected officials that, according to Deadline, the White House had invited from "far and wide"—at least as far away as K Street.

"This achievement is a testament to our unity, our optimism, our persistence, along with the tireless efforts of a devoted staff," said Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D–Calif.) during her turn at the podium. "Mr. President, thank you for unifying and inspiring a vision of a stronger, fairer, safer future for all," she added. "Your extraordinary leadership has made this glorious day possible."

"That's an applause line," Pelosi paused awkwardly to remind the assembled crowd, which dutifully complied.

Meanwhile, in the real world, no one was applauding. Tuesday afternoon looked anything but glorious.

An ugly consumer price index report released earlier in the day by the Department of Labor showed that inflation was still untamed, and it sent the markets into a spiral. The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell by 1,200 points, or nearly 4 percent. The S&P 500 tumbled by 4.3 percent, and the tech-heavy Nasdaq Composite took the worst beating of all, falling by 5.2 percent. Overall, it was the worst day for the stock market since June 2020, a painful reminder that Americans are stealing dealing with the twin scourges of rising prices and falling investment returns. We are paying more and getting less.

But at least the politicians had a nice party!

The White House probably couldn't have picked a worse day to celebrate the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act. Despite its name, the bill is mostly a package of Democratic domestic tax and spending agenda items. The biggest portion involves a series of subsidies for green energy. Whatever merits that might have, it's not going to reduce inflation.

The only part of the bill that does address the country's high and rising prices was a provision to use some new tax revenue to pay down about $300 billion of the federal government's staggering budget deficit. But that's already been wiped out, as President Joe Biden's decision to forgive student loans for an estimated 43 million people will end up adding even more to the deficit.

The hard truth is that there isn't much that politicians can do to bring inflation under control because it is a phenomenon of monetary policy. Reckless fiscal policy that demands heavy borrowing and printing can—and has—set off inflation, but once the tiger is out of the cage there is little to be done except wait for higher interest rates to cool the economy. Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell, who is largely responsible for actually combating inflation, has indicated that the fight won't be won quickly or easily. (The Fed is expected to raise interest rates again next week.)

All we can ask of politicians is that they stop making the situation worse by spending even more money, and that they stop celebrating the mess they've made while average Americans struggle to pay for groceries.

On Tuesday, Democrats failed on both counts. The only purpose the South Lawn party served—besides calling to mind George W. Bush's "Mission Accomplished" speech and that time John Kerry trotted out Taylor to sing "You've Got a Friend" to the victims of a terrorist attack—was confirming how hopelessly out of touch these elected leaders and their friends are.

Credit CNN's Alisyn Camerota for having the best reaction to what was unfolding. As she pivoted the network's coverage from the White House party to the bad news coming from Wall Street, Camerota said what we all were thinking: "Feels like it's hard to be celebratory."

But that's only true if you live in reality.

Agreed.  These politicians are living in a fantasy world.  And their MMT experiment has been a colossal failure, costing regular Americans more and more of their already hard-earned incomes.



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