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  3. Let me reconsider that statement. He will likely come back in the event BD gets off to a hot start and starts winning games.
  4. We should treat potential violators in #2 just like we do in #1. Preventive officiating is important. We’ve been lining up wide receivers forever. If you’ve got a kid who lines up illegally, but doesn’t gain an obvious advantage, get to him between plays and move him back a step, at the same time explaining to the coach why we’re doing that.
  5. I really hope we don't get too technical on #2. It will create unnecessary problems especially if some crews get technical and others don't. The first few association meetings could be interesting and telling.
  6. Didn’t go, but I believe Memorial hosted Castle and Boonville in a scrimmage recently
  7. you people bore me, answer the real questions how many years for Bellicheck to take asdkfljasdf 1a school to the 6a state championship multiple times in a row. oh is this hyperbole? oh is this unachievable because of enrollment? do tell. I promise I have latched on to this to keep me entertained till August I will not go away quietly all of you cowards will answer my questions, you will stand your ground on enrollment not being important long before I am done. @KmartGiant the people want to know.
  8. Hard to believe it has been 14 years now. Anyone still in contact with Mrs. T.A.? How is she doing?
  9. Yesterday
  10. Zero sum game. You have a winner and a loser.
  11. I think there are a lot of other factors in play when making that decision. Skill level ie average hs player or next level player, multi sport athlete, friend group, girlfriend, both teams success history, likelihood of clearing IHSAA and I’m sure there are others. If I have realistic expectations of playing at next level so an above average player, likely transfer only after eliminating position change on current school team.
  12. Student A is next man up. Student B transfers in from another school and takes Student A's position. Does Student A: a) Be a good teammate, accept his status as 2nd string, and help his team get better. b) Tell his coach to "go pound sand" and look for other opportunities. The obvious answer in my opinion is b. Leave your program and let them worry about the issue of "depth."
  13. Interesting that with people crossing state lines, the “transfer portal” is not necessarily a zero sum situation, i.e., whatever one Indiana school gains, another loses.
  14. A little too early to be tailgating? The season is only 6 weeks away!
  15. Elkhart has also received a few transfers from Goshen. Also hearing Northridge is benefitting from some transfers as well. Last year transfers helped Northwood.
  16. Elkhart already boasts 3000+ students. Add recruiting to the equation and this program could be dangerous with an average coach. It won't even take a great coach. Did I hear this is happening at schools like Warren Central? Someone please riddle me how Northrop, Harrison, Columbus North, Portage, and Jeffersonville are suppose to compete with this.
  17. I don’t have any numbers or names but in the Region specifically I’m hearing of a lot of Illinois players transferring into CP, HC, LC, Munster. Historically, I believe that LC and Munster have been net losers in transfers meaning losing more kids to Illinois Catholic League schools. CP under Buzea who came from Homewood Flossmor has increased his activity with Illinois kids as well as other Region schools. Hanover which is very close to the state line has been getting some now as well. I’ve heard that they have quite a few with some being very good players. All could be just rumors but that is what I’m hearing.
  18. In the Region, Lowell and Bishop Noll will have new turf fields. DAC: all turf NCC: Hanover - turf KV - turf Munster - turf Highland - turf Lowell - turf Hobart - turf Andrean - grass GSSC - whiting - turf BNI - turf Calumet - turf Boone Grove - turf Griffith - turf ECC - turf Wheeler - turf Gary Westside - turf Lake Station - ? River Forest - ? Bottomline is hardly anyone with grass anymore.
  19. Having great coaches, feeder systems, and a culture for the sport absolutely matters. But so does enrollment, here's why: From 1980-2016, unless you can prove me otherwise, Carmel, Ben Davis, Warren Central, North Central, and Penn were the five largest schools in the state. During that time period, state championships in the biggest school division are as follows: Warren Central (9), Ben Davis (8),Carmel (7), and Penn (5). That's 29 state championships in 37 years. Four of the top five enrollment schools ranked 1, 2, 3, & 4 in number of state titles. You really think there's no correlation between enrollments and championships? The other eight championships were spread out among six other schools. Center Grove (2), Bloomington South (2), Snider (1), Castle (1), Lawrence Central (1), and Fishers (1). Still coincidence? You can't win without a good coach and a good culture, no one is arguing that. The argument is simply this: Large enrollment numbers makes it a hell of a lot easier.
  20. What do you call a lesbian on fire? LGBBBQ. 🤣
  21. No inkling at all but they handed track over to an assistant and haven’t skipped a beat.
  22. Historically, North Central was the largest school in the state and was routinely in the top 3. They did "sneak in" perhaps in the 2017 timeframe I showed, but during the 80's and 90's, undoubtedly one of the largest, if not the largest. Point is with their size being a 3500+ school and a winner of multiple state championships in a variety of sports, they have never won a state football championship. I do agree when you compare 3500 to a 2000 person school, that in vast majority of cases that it should be easier. But we all know there are 3000+ size schools that have not been able to use that size advantage to win championships. Perhaps that will change in the future, but having great coaches, feeder systems and a culture for the sport matters. Heck, NC couldn't get competitive with 3 former coaching greats that all multiple state championships at other schools.
  23. Great point...I had friends from various states contact me and tell me how awesome what Indy had done with Lucas Oil to host the trials....and almost all of them commented on the number of swimmers and divers that have Indiana roots. It is very cool!
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