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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/29/2022 in Posts

  1. Non-football news, but Jasper has hired Brittany Maners (daughter of John Hart and sister of Nick.) I wonder if that means her husband Jared, former coach at Princeton, will be joining the staff at Jasper? https://www.courierpress.com/story/sports/high-school/2022/03/29/ihsaa-girls-basketball-brittany-maners-named-jasper-high-school-coach/7199248001/
    1 point
  2. You're being outraged about school choice? Yeah, we get that.
    1 point
  3. Thank you Bob. Another stadium boondoggle where all the rosy projections of "more jobs", "increased property values" , "more $ pumped into the local economy", etc. will in reality fall far, far short of those projections. And the public will be on the hook for hundreds of millions of dollars. Again. Shameful. Another story on this big waste: https://sports.yahoo.com/bills-reach-deal-for-new-stadium-with-a-record-amount-of-taxpayer-money-funding-it-164653173.html Keeping sucking on that sweet, sweet public teat Mr. and Mrs. Pegula. You know you won't be the ones on the hook for more $ when there are the inevitable construction cost overruns and maintenance emergencies costing even more $ once the facility is completed. After all why would expect you to actually spend approx. $1.5 billon of your own fortune?
    1 point
  4. That's never stopped the GID before!! I should have used more purple in my previous post
    1 point
  5. https://nypost.com/2022/03/28/biden-used-cheat-sheet-while-doubling-down-on-message-to-oust-putin/ President Joe Biden once again referred to a printed cheat sheet sheet as he doubled down on his unscripted weekend claim that Vladimir Putin “cannot remain in power.” On Monday Biden, 79, told reporters he made “no apologies” for his remarks — made off the cuff and not part of his prepared speech in a nationally televised address from Poland Saturday — and did not view it as a provocation to Russia. “It’s more an aspiration than anything. He shouldn’t be in power. There’s no — I mean, people like this shouldn’t be ruling countries, but they do. The fact is they do, but it doesn’t mean I can’t express my outrage about it.” His comments closely aligned with notes printed on a small piece of paper that he was photographed holding in his left hand as he spoke that began as follows: If you weren’t advocating for regime change, what did you mean? Can you clarify? I was expressing the moral outrage I felt towards the actions of this man I was not articulating a change in policy “I was talking to the Russian people. The last part of the speech was talking to the Russian people, telling them what we thought,” Biden told reporters. The president has been photographed several times using a cheat sheet to talk to reporters and voters both in the White House and on the campaign trail. About two weeks before the 2020 election, he pulled notes out of his jacket as he fielded a question about taxes at a Town Hall event. “I carry this card with me,” Biden told the inquiring voter as he repeatedly referenced the notes to recite a litany of dollar amounts and percentages pertaining to his plan to eliminate the tax cuts of former President Donald Trump. Photos showed he used several cheat sheets during his first presidential press conference, including one with the headshots and names of reporters he planned to call on. Biden also utilized notes during a 2021 summit with Putin, while touring the damage of Hurricane Ida in Louisiana and while calling on reporters at the G20 summit in Rome. “I’ll take your questions, and as usual, folks, they gave me a list of the people I’m going to call on,” Biden told the assembled media at the November forum. Talk about scripted......Look, I'm not coming down on the guy for using notes, I do that as well. But when the questions are coming from "impromptu" reporters "firing off questions" at him IN THE SAME ORDER OF HIS NOTES, I might be a little suspicious it may be staged.......
    1 point
  6. So basically the privates and the mega schools. Where are the usual suspects to blow this up? 😁
    1 point
  7. Unless you have large numbers on your team, I never saw a reason why weights took 2 hours? Just thinking out loud.
    1 point
  8. This should be a great game as Mville is very talented and is great for region that they are back. Congrats for Coach Seiss and whole staff. The region is better when Mville is great. The hot mess of Valpo has won 17-18 DAC games over the last 2 1/2 years, and beaten Penn 3 times DT City has not been better then Valpo the past 4 years...stop saying that City has dominated the DAC ...they have not beat Valpo or won the DAC ...and you know it...I dont get why you keep on spewing a false narrative
    1 point
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