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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/15/2023 in Posts

  1. The go-to argument of the weak. "You're racist".
    2 points
  2. The gap between AC and SA is larger this year than it has been. AC will need to improve in the secondary for potential bigger matchups down the road, but the difference up front between the two is way too big for this to be competitive. I do expect Heritage and Bluffton to compete on an even higher level than last year. Looking forward to what is hopefully another classic against Eastside with their new coach.
    1 point
  3. Calling someone a baby is racist now??? What is your evidence that Center Grove is a “school full of racism”, and that there has been “repeated racist attacks”? What a joke! Apparently CG is only racist in certain sports since Carmel continues to play CG in the sports they haven’t been getting beaten regularly in. Your argument proves there is no argument for not playing CG! Except maybe they’re tired of losing…
    1 point
  4. Which schools are those? Looking like in 2024 that all of the MIC schools with the exception of Carmel and North Central will be back on CG football schedule. Meaning they retracted their previous statements. Also, I’m fairly positive that Carmel will continue to play CG in pretty much every other sport going forward. I’m curious to hear which schools you are talking about?
    1 point
  5. Or maybe Center Grove could stop being a school full of racism. You ever stop to think why MULTIPLE schools don’t want to play you in sports and why a Superintendent at another district threatened the AD that she would not let her son travel to Center Grove for sporting events due to repeated racist attacks? Your comment just proves why now SEVEN schools have dropped Center Grove in at least one sport over the last three years.
    1 point
  6. Congrats to the North Posey and Tecumseh girls softball teams for winning the 1A and 2A state titles!! Pretty impressive accomplishment for the PAC!!
    1 point
  7. I am on board with liberal use of the power of the pardon to protect people from reprisals when there’s a shift in the political winds. And you had better believe there are going to be a bunch of new US Attorneys chomping at the bit. The rest of it is bordering on silly. Amounts to a kid smashing the checker when he realizes he isn’t going to win the game.
    1 point
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