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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/27/2019 in Posts

  1. I guess no coach is going to be liked by everyone but not all Reitz people dislike Coach Lewis, myself included. He was an assistant when I played at Reitz, and was a great role model for me. Always had a smile on his face and quick to give encouragement. He'd let you know if you messed up but he was always positive. He was always gracious with his time for me as webmaster for ReitzFootball.com. I've stayed in touch with him over the years and am proud to call him a friend. Glad to welcome him back to the SIAC and am looking forward to the competition. Just my $0.02. Dan "Rudy" Engler
    4 points
  2. Muda, you've been played. The voucher program is not creating new competition for Indiana public schools. The vast majority of the schools getting voucher payments are, as you noted, Catholic and other Christian-sponsored schools that were already existing "competitors" to their local public schools. And the students using vouchers at those schools mostly kids whose parents very likely would have sent them to that school anyway. Accordingly, the principal beneficiaries of the voucher program have been Indiana's Catholic dioceses (is that the plural?) and the Protestant churches/denominations that sponsor schools. In the past they had to subsidize tuition costs for many of their schools' students out of their collection plates. Now, the State of Indiana subsidizes their students' tuition costs for them - to the tune of $30+ million a year just for the Indianapolis archdiocese alone, per Irishman's report. That's millions freed up to pay for proselytizing to heathens like you, to buy more gold chalices (or a private jet for pastor in the case of the Protestant schools), or fund the settlement of pedophile cases, etc.
    3 points
  3. You will need to amend the State Constitution, obviously, for that to happen. It is weird to me that you favor this government subsidizing of religious organizations with your tax dollars, but, hey, you have said before that you are not consistent in you supposed principles....
    1 point
  4. Article 8 of the Indiana Constitution requires the State to establish a system of Common Schools [aka, a public school system] that's tuition free. It does not guarantee a taxpayer-funded education if someone chooses to have their children attend a (tuition-charging) privately-established school, in lieu of a state-established (no-tuition) Common School.
    1 point
  5. You would think with the resources of the Catholic Church they could hire a decent PR firm and quit stepping on their own di...s
    1 point
  6. W82, I see why you're a lawyer. Once again, our "inalienable rights" are abridged EVERY DAY. You among others have been in favor of that via "jot of the pen" for the greater good. For the purpose of my original post in this thread, lets focus on slavery, which you seem to be focused on. 1. From what I can see there were around 4 million slaves in 1860. I'm guess birth records are somewhat difficult to find for slaves and their offspring. This will most certainly be a boon for your profession. 2. The US government produces nothing, it's sole source of income is the US taxpayer.....well that and the fact they can just print money. 3. The devil is always in the details isn't it. 4. So in other words it changes NOTHING, but we can all feel better because we did "something". 5. So if my dad got popped for murder, receives a 60 year sentence, dies 10 years in, I should go serve the rest of his sentence for him.
    1 point
  7. Again Irishman, is a taxpayer funded education part of the Indiana State Constitution or is it not? And yes, I am ok with educational entities that receive tax dollars having discriminating practices in their employment policies as well as what customers they accept, since this may help to bring us that much closer to the abolition of government owned and managed school corporations altogether. Government out of the education business entirely is a policy that I believe I have been consistent on during my time here on the GID.
    1 point
  8. Here is my humble opinion..schools are moved up after having SUCCESS that garners them 6 points(2 semi state wins or 1 state championship and a regional win). After that they win two sectionals or one regional in a class higher than their given enrollment. If that is not success, then I don't know what success is. I think if after being moved up, and you win 1 sectional you should stay up. I think if a any school can win 1 sectional in a class higher after being moved up due to the success factor they can compete and should stay in the higher class.
    1 point
  9. That does not really address the question though. If it is a completely private institution, then yes, they have their rules. The crux of the issue for me is should this system be allowed to take tax dollars AND use a discriminatory hiring process? In my mind, one of them has to give. They should not have it both ways. If this were a public school, it would be illegal to fire this person. The money that the Catholic schools gets comes from the same source as public schools. Should they have to play by the exact same rules?
    1 point
  10. The Indian Claims Commission had the federal government pay out over a billion dollars in the 50s 60s and 70s to Native American groups. It is general considered that the federal government did not feel the Natives were competent to get the money directly and held it in trusts. North Carolina and Japan has paid reparations for government ran forced sterilization programs, California is considering the same. Florida has paid reparations to the victims of Rosewood who where brutalized by the Klan and other racist terrorists back in the 20s. The state acknowledged they did nothing to curb the violence. Interred Japanese Americans were compensated for racist government policies during WW2.
    1 point
  11. Same as it is every year, be the best team on the field every Friday night.
    1 point
  12. The first step is to deciphering ISHAA classification and sectional assignments week by week
    1 point
  13. @Impartial_Observer it’ll be your daughter that suffers.
    0 points
  14. Reddit Has 'Quarantined' Popular Pro-Trump Forum Over Violent Threats: https://www.npr.org/2019/06/26/736351237/reddit-has-quarantined-popular-pro-trump-thread-over-violent-threats Being a private entity Reddit can do whatever it wants. I do find the timing of the "quarantine" interesting however.
    -1 points
  15. Reverse angle of AOC’s pictures where she was overcome with emotion because of children in cages shows she’s crying over a caged Ford truck....
    -1 points
  16. Hence the wailing and gnashing of teeth from pro-government education zealots like Irishman who hate having those taxpayers funds actually "follow the child" to a non-Common school. The end result is the same; actual competition for government schools that hopefully will one day end with their closing altogether.
    -1 points
  17. Not quite. If he died in prison after 10 years but then was found to actually be innocent shouldn't all his descendants receive reparations for the wages he was deprived of earning during those 10 years?
    -2 points
  18. "Supposed principles"? What exactly does that mean Wabash? And yes, in this rare circumstance I am OK with the de-facto government subsidization of religious educational organizations because it can result in real competition for the government schools and introduce more parents to the concept of school choice. After all don't these tax dollars help to keep your precious Indianapolis Cathedral & South Bend St. Joseph open? Once the Indiana State Constitution is amended to do away with the government funding of primary education the issue will be moot, will it not?
    -2 points
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