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Everything posted by Impartial_Observer

  1. I ain't going to lie, my wife has a garden tub in her bathroom, and I may have been enticed once or twice, but there was a shower first.
  2. I wouldn't even sit in my own bath water....hence I haven't had a bath since I was a kid.
  3. Could you elaborate? Perhaps tell us what steps HR should have taken to fill the positions that they haven't? Given your extensive background in HR I'm sure you can offer us some great insight.
  4. That A. Actually inhibited healing. B. Was actually dangerous. I'm surprised I don't still have those freaking red stains on my body somewhere.
  5. Innovative idea to solve a problem. Our local system is facing the same issues. All the farmers used to do it to get insurance, but they're retiring. It's a pretty good gig, but I'm trying to get rid of demands on my time, not gain new ones.
  6. Couldn't agree more Coach! I have been on the board of the ICGSA since 2013. We have been told repeatedly by assistant commissioners that summer rules were coming. I even proposed a limited contact summer schedule for all sports. We were told in 2015 that the Student Advisory Council voted unanimously the wanted no contact in the summer, like we had back in the day. We were told that Bobby Cox puts a lot of weight on what the Student Advisory Council has to say. We were advised to be progressive and come up with a plan, before we had something shoved down our throat that no one liked. Here we are five years later and still nothing. ***Editorial*** The demand put on high school kids in the summers are stupid in my opinion. It's too much, particularly when you look at kids who want/need to have jobs. I applaud the IFCA in being proactive and getting out in front of this issue. I would also ask this, are we really seeing any gains from all this summer activity? I see a LOT of high school sports, I officiate two sports and see much more. This past spring, in talking with a LOT of coaches in multiple sports, I firmly believe the overall level of play across the board in high school sports in Indiana is not what it was 10 or even five years ago. You want to know why we're seeing dwindling numbers across the board, look at all the demands we place on kids. And from a purely Football perspective, look at the number of good young coaches we're losing in this game to burnout and leaving because of time commitments. Young coaches usually involve young families. These young men are choosing their families, which I applaud, but it doesn't help our game.
  7. Good week for a family vacation. Too bad VB and BB don't get that opportunity.
  8. It should be noted that I have SIRI call me Mr. Tibbs. But I can't get her sound like Sidney Poitier.
  9. I believe Trump has held her back waiting on this. I don't believe RBG leaves of her own volition while Trump is in the WH. If the worst were to happen, I can only imagine the wailing and gnashing of teeth when that confirmation process starts.
  10. I'm not so egotistical to think anyone would care what I have to say about anything. But frankly when I was coaching, it's a GREAT tool to get information to a lot of people. Rainouts, cancellations, postponements, etc., I texted the team, then posted on Twitter.
  11. I'm pretty sure the fat, old, white guy isn't Nike's demographic. New Balance already has that market sewed up.
  12. "Everyone starts out to save the world, at the end of the day if you just helped your neighborhood, you did all right" Levon Helm
  13. Bob as I see our nation become more and more woke, I also see a boom for your industry. How long before we see “hurt feelings” become a specialty field of practice to go along with corporate, tax, family, criminal, etc.?
  14. Busing was court mandated for the city of Indianapolis in 71. In 2016 it was court ordered to stop. So is busing good or bad? In 1967 IPS had it's highest number of students, 109Kish. By 1981 when court mandated busing to the townships took affect IPS enrollment had dropped to about 57K, nearly half. Today's enrollment is around 30K. Is that Dick Lugar's fault? Unigov's fault? Or is it that natural progression of folks leaving the city for the burbs, as we have become a more mobile nation with more expendable income. I can remember going downtown back in the day, it was depressing. Now it's a vibrant happening place. My wife and I frequently get a hotel and hang out for the weekend down town, it's a good time. Whether you choose to believe it or not, Lugar and Hudnut both had incredible vision and leadership for laying the foundation for what is now downtown Indy.
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