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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


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Everything posted by btownqbcoach1

  1. There are no 6As without turf. FW Carroll was the last one. As mentioned Castle, Mishawaka, FW NS, Concord, and the two TH HS in 5A don't have turf. I also have Cathedral and FW Snider as the schools in these classes that don't have their own field. I did a breakdown off all the teams with turf and have kept that graph for about 4 years now and have updated it. When they come out with the new sectionals I will update it and check again. We are nearing 50% of the state as having turf.
  2. The Mexican restaurant by the Fish Stand is very good, as well. Good people in there.
  3. lol... play the Indy 6A regional....... in Indy? What's so hard about that? Why would the 6A regional be in the South? makes zero sense. Heaven forbid ANYONE in Indy ever have to drive anywhere? Good grief. I have zero sympathy if your 30 min drive had to be 45 mins. Zero. Find the nicest stadium on the southside of Indy that's neutral site and play it there. We drive 2.5 hours for a regional game and have drive that far for a sectional, as well, multiple times. We have neutral sites in basketball, baseball, and volleyball.... I would like to see it attempted in football. I think they do that in college too right? NO!!!! We HATE innovative ideas!!!! 😂
  4. East Central vs. Ev Memorial is 3hr 45mins one way. Play it in Seymour. 1.5hr for EC 2.5 for Evansville Mem. Idk. Just an idea.
  5. I mean... I think the sites could be negotiated? lol
  6. Just wish we'd have neutral sites for regional and semi state, just like....... every other sport.
  7. And it's much, much safer than regular batters boxes. Yep. I was coming here to post this. Sure wish they had it tonight lol
  8. It should at least be on the mound and batters box everywhere
  9. I do not like the randomness haha And you're correct.. little toasty and the pellets are annoying. I stand corrected 😂
  10. The more and more we go from our turf to grass.. just isn't close. Turf you literally always know what you're getting, and basically don't have to worry about any sort of slick surface. Last year in the sectional it poured for a good 2 hours round 1.. we waited it out, started at like 930.... it was as if it didn't rain at all. I can't of an advantage for grass. I'm also a guy that loved the rain and mud.. loved. I'm glad we've found something better though.
  11. Turf is just infinitely better lol there truly is no comparison.
  12. I have Snider marked as having turf. Who do they share a field with? And who's field is it?
  13. Check the thread out. It's all linked and color coded.
  14. Yep. Just request access to my document and it will show you the whole state broken down by sectional. I had to get a new username btw. Did everything I could to login to the old one. Wouldn't work.
  15. Thanks man!!! Any pics to post of it? Would love to see it
  16. Apparently you can only "like" one post per day on this website.... Anyways... congrats coach, well deserved.
  17. Have you not been paying attention? Feeder system is legit, mostly really good coaches coaching those teams, Sturgeon takes a back seat to no one, and they've produced two D1 kids recently. Yeah.. a top tier basketball program. Outside of Bloom S, in the 812, there's no one that has a better one.
  18. I think he is in the mix from the get go next year
  19. I rewound the stream and saw that play. As you described.. absolutely bizarre.
  20. Literally nothing wrong with the OP. Lighten up, Francis.
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