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Bash Riprock

Booster 2023-24
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Everything posted by Bash Riprock

  1. They won't spend the $$, but they need a name coach to rip the program inside out and rebuild it....also to generate fan interest. Maybe Michigan's DC Jesse Minter or Brian Hartline (OC) from OSU. I also wonder if Washington State or Oregon State's HC's with some cash would be willing to bail and jump to a Power 5 team like Indiana?? It would take some serious cash, but they are running tremendous programs at their schools.
  2. It was the most points CG allowed all season...and just like Cathedral, the Trojans have to look into stopping the long pass. (coverage, QB pressure, schemes, etc.) That being said...special teams is what really enabled the points to go on the board for the Irish including a couple of scores late in Q4. The Irish recovered 2 onside kicks and forced a fumble on the opening kickoff return to start Q3. That have the Irish 3 short fields and 3 extra possessions they should not received. Those special play miscues by the Trojans led to 17 Irish points. Credit the Irish for taking advantage of the opportunities to score the 38 points.
  3. You picked against the Trojans this week. Don’t change now!!!
  4. Both teams need some work in that area...although the pass D's were facing outstanding QB's and receivers. CG needs focus on special teams. A fumbled KO return along with 2 Cathedral recovered onside kicks lead to a bunch of Irish points due to extremely short fields. (17 pts I believe) Heck, Cathedral would have recovered a 3rd onside kick had they not been offsides. Those miscues by CG absolutely made it a much closer game that it should have been. CG had a 3 TD lead with about 6 minutes left to go in the game and almost let the game get away.
  5. Both QB’s put the ball in the air in some tough conditions and showed why they are the elite signal callers in the state.
  6. Silly comment.....you may want to go look at Brownstown's record for the past 25+ years before deciding to type. Outstanding program.
  7. if owners truly felt they were losing millions as a result of player injuries due to field turf, it would all be replaced much like the old artificial turf back in the day. also, if coaches didn't feel there was a risk to QB's running more at the pro level, there would be a lot more teams running RPO's similar to the college model. Richardson has been hurt 3 times this season....each time running the football. That is not refutable.
  8. I guess doctors confirmed that the 48 additional injuries was due to turf and no other reason? The report does not in any way say how that determination was made. The same report also says non-contact injuries are actually lower on turf than on grass. Also, what are the severity of those additional 48 injuries even if it can be proved that the injury cause was only due to one factor...turf? Risk = incidence x severity. 48 additional injuries (certainly not all of them serious) over 272 regular season games (153 plays/game average) = 41,616 plays per season. 48/41,616 = .0012. Is that statisically significant?? I guess the real focus comes down to how serious the injuries are and IF they are soley or even partially attributable to turf. My comment was about Doyel, and Doyel was talking about the Richardson injury...did you see it? Do you believe it was absolutely turf caused? If so, we will agree to disagree.
  9. I only took the time to review your first report, and you are leaving out tons. Focusing on the shoulder, injuries per game incident rate for shoulders was 2nd lowest to core body injuries at 0.39 vs 0.42. Signficant? That would be debatable. Looking at legs and hips....pretty much the same. I believe the report goes on to suggest the data indicates non-contact injuries are even lower on turf. So I am not sure this report overall is compelling with the results to push the full elimination of field turf. My point on the Richardson injury was this was in no way shape or form a turf injury. If one watched him being hit, and drove to the ground on his shoulder, one would not have called this a turf injury. Doyel was doing what he does best and what the Star pays him to do....stir up 💩
  10. Can you prove this for separated shoulders that the onset of this injury in the NFL is less on grass fields than on field turf? How can anyone be shocked when a team chooses to run their QB in the fashion the Colts do in the NFL? 2 concussions and now a shoulder separation? Get to the real root cause of his injuries. Remember the experiences of Andrew Luck? While everyone takes the simple approach and blames his protection, people have seem to have forgotten his poor choices when running the ball and refusing to slide. His lacerated kidney was due to him getting smoked while running the football. I am not saying there isn't some factor for turf....but its not like Richardson gets up and skips back to the huddle on some of these hits he's taken, including the one that just separated his shoulder on ANY surface.
  11. For a minute, forgot this was a ND thread, and thought you were talking about Tom Allen.......
  12. Well if Greg Doyel says it.......🙄 Because no one else has ever had a separated shoulder on grass when they are smoked and the body weight of another person drives them into the ground??
  13. I see UCLA made your list...nice win by the Bruins over Washington State. Carson Steele 30 carries for 140 yds. Anyone see how Miami Fla lost to Georgia Tech?? Oh my.......All they needed to do was take a knee and it was over..... https://www.espn.com/college-football/story/_/id/38599110/miami-opts-not-kneel-falls-georgia-tech-late-score
  14. So true....The Ville looked so much more agressive. Alt getting run over by a DE and Hartman's bloody ear just keep flashing back to me.....
  15. Looks like Richardson out at least a month....stinks for his needed development. I know he was drafted for his dual threat abilities....but would seem like a trend as this is his 3rd injury this season...all when running the football. Agree completely with Minshew comments....I would say both Minshew and Zaire Franklin are Colts MVP's so far this season. Also hats off to Moss and Gay for their serious contributions this season. Moss had 195 total yds yesterday.
  16. I’m not sure the correlation is that strong. How many past Roncalli greats came out of WRT?? There have been a few players go to RHS, but much more in the formula for CG’s rise than RHS’s decline.
  17. Bitter dude...life is pretty good if that is what you decide to carry with you. Regardless of Roncalli's motivation back in the day, this current group of players, coaches and probably admin had little to do with it. Isn't it time to move on? Perhaps a rebirth of the rivalry. Understand not forgetting, but isn't it time to forgive and move on? New day!
  18. Wow...outstanding! Hartman's eyes..especially on the 4th down run....love how he lowers his shoulder...no slide...he was going to get the yds he needed. Dang!
  19. I see both sides on this one....To FB16's point, Roncalli had no problem playing CG for a number of years, until CG started beating them. (awesome gates for both schools back in the day) It is what CG is experiencing now with Carmel. So I understand FB16's frustration with the Rebels...er, I mean Royals. (just awful name change) But, Lysander's explanation puts more icing on the cake...didn't know all of that...I can see where "adults" got upset and bailed. Regardless of the past reason(s), has nothing to do with the players, coaches and perhaps sports admins today. Glad they are back playing once again. Time to let it go....I reckon' the man upstairs and his beloved son taught us all the importance of forgiveness through their own personal sacrifice for each and every one of us......although can be difficult, who are we not to do the same?
  20. During the Corso days, I watched a Osbourne led Nebraska team drop 63 on Indiana in Btown. It happens.... Sorry nothing to do with the conversation...just an old man flashback!! It was the number you chose to use!!!
  21. with absolutely no disrespect intended to Guerin, Brebeuf, Ritter, Scecina, or any other Catholic HS, would be nice to see a "Commander-in-Chief" type trophy for the historic "Big 3" Catholic programs...Cathedral, Chatard and Roncalli. I guess this year, it would be going to Chatard.
  22. Heck of a 4th down run by Hartman on that final drive. Duke is much improved.
  23. Saw where Allen fired another coordinator...this time Walt Bell. Not saying it wasn't earned, but also says something about Allen's hiring. https://www.indystar.com/story/sports/college/indiana/2023/10/01/indiana-football-walt-bell-fired-as-offensive-coordinator-tom-allen-rod-carey-iu-hoosiers/71025627007/
  24. Was great to see former Center Grove standout Russ Yeast having an excellent game as a starting safety for the Rams.
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