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Bash Riprock

Booster 2023-24
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Everything posted by Bash Riprock

  1. I know I have personally seen people tear their achilles playing pickup basketball. Definitely not on turf. I bet one could research some pretty decent achilles injuries suffered by Euro soccer players...on grass. A 40 year old tears his achilles during a contact play and people are acting surprised blaming the surface??
  2. Had to put a plug in for Russ Yeast, former Center Grove standout….great week 1
  3. interesting timeline............ https://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/local/michigan/2023/09/12/a-timeline-of-events-that-led-to-title-ix-complaint-suspension-of-michigan-state-football-mel-tucker/70825789007/ The 36 min phone call at 12:39am on April 28th, 2022 is interesting. Not only Tucker's "self-pleasure" actions, but why would anyone pick up the phone at that time and then converse for that long? The actual complaint filed Dec 2022?
  4. I don't know much about Harvest Prep. Looked it up and its just SE of Columbus. 3.5 hour drive for them. Ugh.
  5. BD may absolutely be the best team in the state. They look good. Basing it on “transitive property”….😆 Thank goodness we don’t decide champs on margins of victory against a common opponent at different times during a season….
  6. I agree....the Buffs have a pretty darn tough schedule......maybe the only game they can rest him is Colorado State? Zona?
  7. I know this if off topic, but Muda's name of this thread made me think about this GID legendary member.......
  8. You and I agree on some of your points and disagree on others in regards to Doyel. A few years back, he left sports to talk about a Civil War memorial being moved out of Garfield Park. The memorial was for Confederate dead that lost their lives while in a Union prison camp here in Indy. I am not about arguing for or against the removal. But Doyel jumped in with his policial views and made statements (to include about his own family ancestory) that was flat out generalizing and stereotyping people on one one side of the spectrum that were misguided and in some cases historically incorrect. I know what a columnist is....and I also know that one should attempt to balance their personal views and be largely accurate when they make statements in support of their positions. I have seem him miss that boat time and time again on social media, and he doesn't care....he has a view and others be damned if they don't agree. He's caustic and will argue to win no matter the facts or the costs. I will never buy an edition of the IndyStar while he's employed.
  9. Wouldn't you expect a writer for a major city newspaper to check his sources? If not, well, your standards are different than mine. Doyel writes columns and so much of his work is based on his opinion...and he is paid to "stir things up". If you don't already, follow him on Twitter/X. I think you will see with many of his positions, he does NOT allow facts to stand in his way.
  10. My 7 main conclusions with this thread..... Let the kid transfer for his senior season and move on. Do the right thing IHSAA! The title of this thread is one of the best in quite some time. Well done Muda! Grover only made the comment about Lea Thompson given his marching band resume. Coach Nickerson failed Salvucci...no sugar coating that fact. Doyel is still a putz! Nickerson's play call one of the worst in history that directly led to Ampipe's loss at Walnut Heights. Steph called him out for it and it cost him his senior season. I do have to give him some credit for the 6-2 stack defense. Brian should have taken the scholly to USC. Married student housing buddy!!
  11. I think the Moeller vs CG game will be closer. Moeller has their backs against the wall, coming off a crushing loss to East Central. They sure as heck don't want to go 0-3 against Indiana teams. I think their coaches will have them ready to play. Still favor CG, but believe it will be a battle.
  12. I don't know who's right and who's wrong with this particular case. But it seems Doyel always has an agenda....and perhaps laziness is there as well, but I am leaning its more of an agenda. I dropped the IndyStar because of their agenda and specifically the actions and behavior of Doyel on social media. He makes his biases very apparent. Its a shame, as I think Kyle Ned is a gem for the Star. I value following him on social media very much. Doyel, not so much.
  13. Just curious...do you have any specific examples for Carmel and CG?
  14. FCS level, but this guy was a pretty special 2 way player back in the day. Finished 5th and 3rd respectively in the Heisman Trophy voting. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gordie_Lockbaum
  15. nice share....sounds like if the development continues and he stays healthy, may be watching this young man on Sundays.
  16. Steele 96 total yds in his first UCLA game. 5.8 yds/carry, 4 catches and a TD.
  17. Not that it matters, but there is no comparison with SOS.
  18. Not sure total to dress, but I noticed several former players on the field. Hohlt and Weems on box score for tackles. Jackson got some QB play. Evans and Schott in the photo below #30. Not sure about Biddings, but assume so…
  19. Yes, Biddings, Evans, and Weems are all former CG players also on the IU roster, in addition to Jackson and Hohlt. Just noticed Weems credited with a solo tackle. Not sure if the other 2 saw action.
  20. Curry as a true soph looked strong yesterday.
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