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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


Booster 2023-24
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Everything posted by psaboy

  1. Would be nice is Snider had their own stadium. Been wishing that for decades.
  2. I will say Snider underperformed in the Valpo game for sure. Not talking away from Valpo, but how many times does a team need to run off left tackle and the D can't adjust. Think they were also unprepared for the 2 point conversion.
  3. Disagree. Merrillville probably in good spot. Snider and North and Valpo would beat GS, Andrean, LN and a few others IMO. But it is your poll so it is what you see. Just not good JMO
  4. Do you know how many starters are returning for Snider in 2023?
  5. Congrats to Valpo for the win and being best team in 5A !!
  6. Most that I've heard over the years are Indy Homers.
  7. You'all were cheating and still lost. Now what??
  8. I would think Valpo has to be favorite for north next year with RB Davis and QB back, unless they lost most of the big O & D line? I'm sure Snider will reload, I believe a good amount of talent comes back on D, will need a new QB though, not sure if Billingsley will step in to spot or not, think he is a bit height challenged. 9 months to wait and see!!
  9. Not sure about Alexander. I was watching the Snider game and switching to Carroll game during breaks. Juist seemed like every other time I switched over there was a player down. .
  10. Yes, I saw that trend with Valpo winning first game in 2 year set and Snider winning in second year both times, thought the script would flip this year, Hope they get chance to do it again in 2023 and trend continues. Hopefully Snider can figure out how to stop Davis by next year, he really ran same pattern off left tackle and guard all game.
  11. I will say Congrats to Carroll. Dinan has slowly built that program to be a factor now year in and year out. I may even invest some $$ to watch them next week. Oh I miss the days of free TV !!
  12. I would say Snider underperformed tonight (not surprised, happens more than not to them), but not taking away from Valpo. I knew Snider was in trouble after 1st drive in 2nd half and failed to score. Juarez was not involved in game. Haupert was not passing well at all, O & D lines were outmatched, a few costly flags equal end of season at this time of year. I'm thinking Valpo has good chance at title next week.
  13. It seemed like there were a few HSE players that got hurt from the limited viewing I saw ??
  14. Davis their Jr. RB was the difference. From my understanding he was hurt most of the season and just got back. He is a RB that makes a difference from what I've heard and certainly what I saw tonight.
  15. Yea, I wasn't surprised on that. As game went on seeing that Haupert wasn't doing much in passing game and Snider D had hard time with the wildcat with Davis in second half it was going to come down to wire. Snider had a few mistakes that hurt them the game, Valpo really didn't. Congrats to Valpo they were better team when it mattered to reach state.
  16. Snider goes down, looked unprepared for a Valpo 2 point conversion
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