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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


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Everything posted by Gipper

  1. I find this interesting. He calls certain people out, telling them they do not know of which they speak, yet this sanctimonious hypocrisy occurs. Baffling.
  2. It might, but would the Hammonds be too much? The all-stars of those mighty Gavit and HHS teams might be too much for stalwarts such as Andrean and Lowell and the also-rans...
  3. Yep, no SSRR in South County as there probably never will be. That puts me on Metra Electric, or at least it did. Could be piloting the Gippermobile from here on out...
  4. Good point. Another great point. I think we could fight crime together!
  5. The only thing with the Hoosier it that a lot schools are just as far (Tipton, to name one) is just as far. The ride on I-65 is one thing, but bumpy SR 28 is another. There's also the case of Lewis Cass, Hamilton Heights, Northwestern, and Western.
  6. Let’s think about this: the Hammond Juggernauts will be 5A, so does that make them a fit in the NWCC? That would be a no and a resounding one at that. One member, Munster is 5A, while Highland, Hobart, the Kougars with a K, and Lowell are 4A, while the catholic school that could, Andrean, is a 2A power. We’ve been led to believe the new teams in Hammond will be world beaters, so why not the DAC? Or maybe the NLC, so they can save that fledgling league...
  7. But we could take the South Shore Line to Ham—never mind...
  8. If it were up to the Kougars with a K and RDP nation, Hanover and Rensselaer would be invited in a heartbeat. Who knows if the NCC will expand anyway. They didn’t crumble after Griffith booked.
  9. Furthermore, I moved here a long time ago and my family and I have assimilated very well and have made some very good friends which is more than I can say for you. I see you as nothing more than a sixty something jerk.
  10. I definitely will not. My children go to Tri-Creek schools and I don’t need someone such as yourself telling me what to do.
  11. Case in point: the Brook Purple Aces, Goodland Wildcats, and the formidable Kentland Blue Devils consolidated into the South Newton Rebels in the late 1960s. As a result, SN has seen its fair share of quality athletes. One of whom, Tracy Smith, has been the manager of the Arizona State baseball team for the past few years after taking the IU Hoosiers to the College World Series (as a manager, he starred at Miami of Ohio and was drafted by the Cubs). Shelly Wood was an all-State golfer who played collegiately at the University of Illinois. On the gridiron, Adam Mullen was an all-state kicker for the Rebels, Sam Logan played at Indiana State and his father, Greg, is a KHS alum who played at Butler. Lest we never forget Eric Watt. Although he didn’t go to a FBS school, he was quite a quarterback as he was named MVP at the all-star game. There are many more, I just wanted to illustrate what a long tradition SN has.
  12. I am more in favor of HC, BG, and even Wheeler for proximity reasons and natural rivalries. Put the Hammond schools in the Greater South Shore. Then again, ti is quite dubious if any of these come to fruition.
  13. Thanks for the info. Hoping he keeps it local, but Oregon and Wisconsin are some pretty established names. Here’s Cal’s notoriety (other than where Aaron Rodgers played)
  14. Although I have never met you, I agree with your assessment that you are not a typical official. You seem to have a real feel for the game and have a great respect for the traditions in the Region. Keep up the good work...and Go Pack Go!!!
  15. Purdue will be open this fall. It is unknown if there will a football season, but if there is, there will most likely be controls on the number of spectators. Conversely, if there is a high school football season, expect similar controls.
  16. I just had a conference call with my team. We could be working remotely for awhile.
  17. Who do we trust? The doom goblins in the media? Fauci and Birx? Other epidemiologists? No one knows for sure, letting this thing play out could take years. I recently watched a German soccer game with no fans, it sounded like a practice or pick up game. I can’t help but wonder if that will be the case on the gridiron thus fall...
  18. I'm sorry you have to through this. My sincere hope is you guys return to your former glory.
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