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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


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Everything posted by Gipper

  1. Although this can be perceived as sad or an injustice, perhaps a new color scheme and nickname can inject some new life into the program. I wish the new Hammond Central High School nothing but the best!!!
  2. Why we need to be careful. I want the football season as much as the next guy, but there are so many variables out there...
  3. Some people just don’t understand the rural culture.
  4. This just in, sports fans: if the college football season in 86ed, up to $4 billion could be lost.
  5. My trip to Costa Rica from April was postponed, but to get a little of of the “sabor Latina” (Latin flavor for those of you playing at home), I am going to Arizona next month. I have heard that middle seats are not being assigned and that mask use is required.
  6. The good old days are gone. Things will be different from now on. I’m not sure to what degree, but I think the wave will become more of a trickle.
  7. Good theory. I also went to a rural school. D1 players came around once or twice every 20 years or so, but that didn't stop us from having fun.
  8. Way north of there, but I’ll have a beer with you in town anytime! Way north of there, but I’d venture into the city limits for a beer...
  9. As we’re worrying about playing the game, which is important, shouldn’t we also be concerned with how literacy rates of all students will be affected?
  10. Indeed. BNL is a long way from Madison. Conference affiliation should not mean long bus rides. Although it would be bad on a Friday night, think of other sports such as volleyball and wrestling whose matches are held during the school week.
  11. FBS talent, or a lack thereof, isn’t make or break for a league. Best of luck to the NLC!!!
  12. My daughter, and 8th grader to be, will not be bussed this coming school year.
  13. There are many variables. Kudos to you for bringing them to the surface.
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