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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


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Everything posted by Gipper

  1. I don’t think I was on here 10 years ago, but if I was, I certainly was not “in the trenches with blood on my hands” as I had way better things to do.
  2. Gipper

    NFL Week 1

    We all have different viewpoints and approaches to life, nothing wrong with that. Actually, it’s part of what makes our nation great.
  3. Football, just like Drama Club, Spanish Club, Student Council, and every type of other on-campus organization is for the betterment of the students. Why are we trying to tweak that? It’s not up to us.
  4. No one really knows for sure. I hope the season begins and runs it’s full length, but and interruption/cessation would't amaze me. I'm not a doctor, I don't even play one on TV, but I do know this virus is still around.
  5. I like that idea! I don’t know anything about UE’s football facility and Hanover’s in tiny. I don’t think it’s very big at ISU either.
  6. It would all depend on the particular Meridian of Longitude, If they're east of 60 degrees West, have at it...
  7. Rivers Casino, in lovely Des Plaines, IL, is reopening today (as well as all Casinos in the Uber-High Tax State). Road trip!!! Who’s with me?
  8. Time zones are, or at least should, be based on Meridians of Longitude. You begin in London, head west 15 degrees for your first time zone (GMT—Greenwich Mean Time). Keep going by 15 degrees and you would see that Indiana and the Eastern half of Illinois, Wisconsin, and Yooperland (Upper Peninsula of Michigan) would all be in the same time zone.
  9. I was on an airplane last week. They told me to wear a mask, and although I didn’t want to, I found it best to toe the line for the sake of others.
  10. I see your point, but it’s a step in the right direction as this virus is not going away any time soon .
  11. Absolutely. Masks and social distancing are very important. Anyone who doesn’t believe this is fooling himself. I know distancing will make the game experience much different, but we need to stay safe in all aspects, not just a few.
  12. Tough one to call. Let’s say it gets going. Great: game on! But wait a few weeks, and many are diagnosed. Then what? I have being Devil’s Advocate, but this should be addressed.
  13. The Trees are quality. In my warped little mind, I’d like to see them join the MAC.
  14. Baseball will be playing a 60 game season: the plot thickens...
  15. Going nuts in Arizona, too. They went ahead and reopened real early, no there is a spike and I have to wear masks everywhere. Hot as hell, too, but great scenery.
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