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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


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Everything posted by Gipper

  1. Good luck to the Senators!!!
  2. Lol—he was brilliant in “The Jerk” and “Father of the Bride”—also plays a mean banjo.
  3. It’s looking more like it. To clarify, I never wished for this to happen, but it looks more and more like the responsible thing to do.
  4. Michigan State & Rutgers suspending football activities, widespread outbreak on the Miami Marlins baseball team, things not looking good.
  5. I think you’re right. Sadly, I think there will be a spike once the season begins.
  6. You raise a very good point with regard to student sections...or the lack thereof. How full will the stands be allowed to be if there is a season? Half full? Family only? Family and students? FBS Scouts? Many parameters...
  7. There is a lot of doubt. I still feel uneasy about sending my kids back to school.
  8. The last time I checked we’re not doctors, elected public officials, etc. Those that are will make their decision regardless of how we feel about it when the time is right.
  9. If they were to adopt the Fighting Gippers as a handle, they would have to pay me a licensing fee, royalties, and the name of the school would have to be changed to the Stan Gipkowski Academy.
  10. Although Ike was quite the intellectual, Newton County, Indiana was named for Sgt. John Newton of the Continental Army in the Revolutionary War. This ungrateful colonial bravely saved American POWs who were to be executed by the British in the Siege of Savannah, Georgia. Patrick Horry, obviously British, refers to this enlisted man as a thief and villain, however.
  11. Seriously, Is that all you got? Figs? In another thread I stated how I like wordplay, but that's just silly.
  12. What's wrong with word play? I'm Catholic and love it.
  13. Don’t know if they’ll be played or not either, no one does. But Indiana has done great football tradition, so if there isn’t any this year, 2021 will be amazing!
  14. Well, if the Land of Fruits and Nuts likes, it's gotta be right.
  15. It’s more than weird. I still work, some from home, some in a nearly empty office and have my normal responsibilities. But the though that there won’t be any football this fall is a weird one, and one I don’t want, but will have to take whatever comes.
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