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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


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Posts posted by jets

  1. 24 minutes ago, DumfriesYMCA said:

    It would be foolish to vote no if you are a 3A teams fan from south of Indy unless you are Southridge who got bumped up to 3A to sectional 32 with memorial leaving 32 for 4A 


    but Southridge still won sectional 32 last year going 13-0 before running into Danville 

    You seem to forget that team last year very well could have been a State Championship team in 2A. And 2019 could have made a postseason run as well...or who knows about this year’s team.

    It 100% has affected us lol. 

    I still find it ironic that it has been Southridge...Not Gibson (your time is coming), not HH, not MD, not Jasper- but SR that has been the only area school touched by the SF from our area. (Minus Memorial of course) . And it hasn’t just been a 2 year window like it’s was suppose to be

  2. 19 hours ago, globemstr3 said:

    I agree its not very common regarding sports. But academics its fairly common. Some kids may thrive better in different AP schools. I just give kudos to the parents to be able to do that. And probably a very well educated decision. Just a thought.

    I sure hope it was for academic rigor. Being a parent myself, I can’t imagine how that conversation goes if it was for athletic purposes. 

    It still seems a really strange situation to me. Wonder how their morning breakfast was today?? 

    Best of luck to both teams tonight. 

  3. Getting in late to this thread - so I apologize if this has been covered in the 3 pages of responses that I might have missed or not understood. (Lots of words and text to read through, and admittingly, I just kind of skimmed) 

    But what I have heard from my friends in the officiating community down here in the South is sheer FRUSTRATION in the process of advancing in the tournament. I have a close personal relationship with a couple guys on a couple crews, and both have been vocal to me about the disappointment of not getting games pass the second round. I know one friend who was really hoping to get a Sectional Championship game, only to be disappointed in not receiving one.

    I don't know what all goes into it - but he made it sound very political and like their was favoritism placed more towards the Indy metro area and how hard it is for Southern crews to advance? 

    I do know their crew is a very good one - very knowledgeable and professional - and he has voiced how he is tired of the process and considering giving it up just being passed over year after year. 

    I know officiating is a thankless job and I know we struggle to keep good officials - so when I know a guy is in it for the right reasons and is considering giving it up - that is cause for concern for me and a red flag that something needs to change. 

    Don't shoot the messenger  

  4. While I understand the rivalry and trying to drum up some excitement - Gibson Southern running clocked all sectional opponents during the regular season, and have running clocked their first 2 sectional opponents.

    I don't see much changing during Championship week. I think HH might be able to stay away from the 35+ margin, as the Titans may be dealing with some injury issues...but I also don't see it being that competitive of a ballgame. 

    Hard to believe having a D1 arm in that offense, that this would be Mr. Allen's first sectional championship. No knock on the young man - hopefully that's more a testament of the football down this way. 

    Best of luck to both teams....

  5. I asked this earlier in the thread, but not sure I received a real clear answer. (I think some people took it as trying to drum up “recruit” talk- which I wasn’t) ...genuinely curious as to how common the MD QB situation is with kiddos in the same household?? (One brothere at NP, the other at MD) 

    I just can’t wrap my head around what that household must be like this week

  6. Not that my opinion matters - but I will say that this is not your father's North Posey team. Their QB, if he has time, can put the ball where it needs to be. And they have some playmakers on the outside that can make you pay for playing man-to-man, which we all know MD is very fond of. 

    Could be an interesting match-up if the NP defense can get some stops.


    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, crimsonace1 said:

    Yes. Southridge gained 2 points for winning a regional in 2020. Success factor points gained from 2020 and 2021 will apply to the reclassification this coming year, so yes, Southridge will be in 3A through 2023. Some schools are going to spend an extra year "up," some will go down a year earlier than originally expected (New Pal, for example, goes back to 4A next year if it doesn't win the regional this year. If there had been a full reclassification last year, NP would've been in 5A through at least 2023). 

    That makes absolutely zero sense - and actually undermines the 2 YEAR part of the success factor?? By the above logic, we could not advance past the sectional round for 2 years, but still be required to stay in 3A? I'm not sure about all that.... 

  8. 2 hours ago, DumfriesYMCA said:

    You seen it first hand with a particular OL guy that was at Southridge/Gibson Southern I believe …but I’m not exactly sure the reasoning. I just recall a 2017? Maybe 2018 matchup where one brother went to GS and the other to SR 

    I actually have no idea what you are referring to?? Maybe you can PM me with details?? 

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  9. 2 hours ago, MDAlum82 said:

    Since the Indiana Dept. of Education moved to "School Choice" back in 2008, there has essentially been "open enrollment" among all high schools; public, private, parochial, charter, etc.  The only caveat being that if a student is already enrolled in one high school, that school must approve their transfer to another high school in the same district.    This is the primary reason why you see some students move btwn the different school systems in grade school.  

    For some reason, there still seems to be a sense of "ownership" among some folks about kids that live in their district.  On the "near" west side of Evansville, kids live in both the Reitz and Mater Dei "district".   There are kids who attend  catholic grade schools but end up at Reitz (as is the case with several children in my own extended family) and vice versa.  Although, it is rare for a student who attended a west side public grade school to end up at Mater Dei.  

    The same situation exists on the "far" west side btwn Mater Dei & North Posey, and, to a lesser extent, MD & Mt Vernon. Both St Wendel & St Philips grade schools feed into MD under the catholic school system.  However, some families live closer to NP or Mt Vernon, so that is where they send their children.   A similar situation exists btwn MD & Gibson Southern with St James, a catholic grade school in Haubstadt.  However, it seems most STJ parents send their kids to Gibson Southern over Mater Dei, likely due to distance.  

    There can be many reasons parents choose to send their children to one school over another.  Some seem convinced that when a child moves from the public school system to the parochial school system, it is based on athletics.  This inevitably stirs the "recruitment" accusations.  Certainly athletics can be an important part of any child's high school experience, but I think it is incredibly small-minded for anyone to think these decisions are based on athletics. 

    As a past member of the ECIHS Board - think "catholic school board", I was privy to the data & information used to market both MD & Memorial to prospective students.  When you ask parents what their priorities are when choosing a high school, athletics comes in behind things like:  1) Religious based education - which is often code for "disciplined school environment", 2) high academic standards (college prep), 3) teacher engagement, 4) community involvement, followed by 5) "athletic opportunity".

    The reality is that for most parents who choose to make the financial commitment to send their children to a parochial school, (remember, even state vouchers do not pay the total cost to attend) they are thinking well beyond athletics to more important like college prep, etc.  

    This is why I always chuckle a bit when folks toss out the accusations of "you recruit" at Mater Dei, especially when it comes to football.  Size & speed are among the top 2-3 attributes of most good football players.  Mater Dei rarely has what anyone would consider overwhelming size or blazing speed.  Honestly, if we recruit, we aren't very good at it. 

    Don’t disagree with any of the above - I just found it strange that one sibling was at one school, while another at the other? Is that a common occurrence that I’m not aware of?? 

    Every family has reasons and decisions to make. Just found the split family dynamic interesting 

  10. 1 hour ago, DumfriesYMCA said:

    That’s what I thought too but apparently not.  I thought 2011 for sure because I remember them dog walking us at GS and had a phenomenal year…but maybe they ran into MD in the sectional cuz MD was strong too around then and playing at LOS…thought there was a year in like 2016 too or something but I guess not 

    Shoot man- before we got success factored up the last 3 years, Sectional 40 was an absolute meatgrinder. MD, SR, Linton...then you’d always have a NP or TC or someone having a great year. No time to relax ...one of the better 2A sectionals in the State for years and years. 

    And I just gotta ask and I’m sorry if it’s a “taboo” subject....but what in the world do you do if you are the QB’s parents?!?

    The geographical nearness and so many family ties between the 2 schools has to increase the intensity of this game is imagine 

  11. I got a strange feeling for tonight ...I'm thinking the Miners pull it out. 

    For the record, while we were in 3A for about 5 of those years since 2007 that you mentioned...

    07 and 08 were SR victories....so was 2013 ....2015&2016 were 3A years....17&18 were victories....and since 19 we've been up here trying our best in 3A 

    Believe it's a 5-4 split in favor of the Raiders since the time you mentioned. 

    Good luck tonight

  12. 5 hours ago, globemstr3 said:

    Roy Willams Field is Sub Par at best? WOW! Where did that come from?

    Maybe "subpar" was a little harsh - but when it comes to grass fields - HH and South Spencer's Bermuda grass fields are hard to beat. 

    I did say that the Roy is a great atmosphere and place to play - but as far as the actual conditions of the field ...ehh, it's just ok for grass. 


    • Haha 1
  13. 1 hour ago, crimsonace1 said:

    No. The success factor points gained in the last year or two will be applied to the 2022-24 reclassification. At that point, everyone's points reset to zero and a new two-year cycle begins. Southridge should remain in 3A through the 2022 and 2023 football seasons because it gained two points in 2020. COVID confuses things a lot because the IHSAA extended the classification cycle by one year but implemented success factor points. 

    Wait a minute ...if you continue it to the 2023 season, that would be 3 seasons of success factor?? 

    This year 2021

    Next 2022 

    This year we've already been bounced...and if we don't get enough points  next year, I was of the understanding we'd go back to our original classification?? 

  14. 2 hours ago, Miner_Pride said:

    I just hope Linton can come out of the gates strong... make some offensive gains... get something to go their way early for a change.  Naturally... I think the MD passing attack will be our major task in handling.  Not to discount the running game because clearly Pierre and others can certainly bust it.  But seeing 4 and 5 wide with a QB who can place the ball where it needs to be.... well that got us last year.... and the before... and before..  We just don't see that kind of team ability week in and out where every player out there can make the athletic play.  One mistake.. and boom 7-0.   I do think the sour weather come help Linton... we are used to slugging things out in mud pits.. but.. Mater Dei came to Linton in 2018 which was a mudpit.. and went away with a big W.   They are just a very good solid football team that plays very a very tough schedule mostly week in and out.  They got talent that goes one way, they are coached very well and don't fall for the things that result in big plays for Linton year long.   It's a 4 quarter battle tho...  gotta stay in the game.  Give yourself a chance.   I'll have more of my standard Miner Pride look tomorrow.. spent most of today getting it all together!   I have loved this group of Miners in 2021... this group of seniors.  Just a great group and I hope they can put it all together on Friday...  

    as for all the discussion about this n that.   It's worthless at this point.  Mater Dei is who they are.  Linton is who we are.  We can't get to the next level without getting past the Wildcats.  The whole high school situation has changed to much since my days LOL.  Yeah there are kids who come to Linton because their school doesn't have a viable football program.. some have played youth league all the way up to when they can't.  I know Evansville is a bigger market no question, and I know MD can certainly attract a good athlete there way... but no more than any other Evansville school can.  I have been through the argument a million times with the like LCC 09er that just wore me down LOL... it's just useless to point fingers and make enemies. You play the games because you never know what can happen on any night..  I don't doubt at all that Linton will not have seen a defense of Mater Dei's ability... nor an offense with a QB as good as Wunderlich... or an OL or DL or anything honestly.  We have seen good players, and played some very good teams.. .but...  MD seems a step above that.  MD has most definitely faced very good teams... no point listing them.  So...they are not gonna be blinded by Linton speed or knocked out by Linton's physical presence.. not the big game hype what I hope will fill the Roy to the fences.  They've been in big city games in Evansville... Jasper... etc...  I think Linton has a chance... I think it can be done, but it can't happen with turnovers of any kind... can't happen with dropped passes or stupid penalties.  Can't happen giving the ball to Mater Dei at midfield,  can't happen if we can't get the PATs because MD won't miss those.   and.. yeah... it'd be nice to catch a break a couple times LOL.. who wouldn't...  A Wunderlich pass that flutters out of his hand wobbly that Linton can pick six on early.... yeah.. how bout that?!?!   

    Personally - I hate to see marquee games such as this one POSSIBLY be affected by poor conditions. The Roy is a great facility/place to play such a game - however the field is subpar at best - and will only get worse with the wet/muddy conditions. 

    That said, both teams will have to deal with the conditions as they are. 

    I'll ask again - if not this year for the Miners, then when?? 

    I'll stop short of making a prediction as I don't know much about MD with our move up to 3A - but I know the Miners will be a tough out. 

  15. 2 hours ago, XStar said:

    We will see.  As a Purdue fan, I hope they are that dominant because that makes Brady Allen look all the better (and after today, a promising quarterback would be a welcome sight). 

    That said, it's rare for a team from that part of the state to be competitive at the state level, let alone dominant.  Usually when they have to play Indy-area teams, it's game over. 

    Maybe that’s been your experience, but I think history has shown “that part of the State” can hold its own, all things considered. 

    2016- State Champ (Linton)

    2017- State Champ (Southridge) 

    2018- State Champ (Memorial)

    2019- State Representative (Heritage Hills) 

    Last year we didn’t get anyone up there...but I’d be willing to bet you see some Southern flavor this year. 

    And lastly- you’re just flat WRONG about GS. 

  16. 17 minutes ago, fenderbender said:

    I don’t thing BJ is quite at a different level.  The GS kid still has not thrown an INT.  BJ QB has some WR that make him look good as he is not really an accurate thrower.  Can BJ get pressure on QB will be the question.  

    Ok I can say this now that we’ve been eliminated. Unless injuries or a miracle happens, 3A is Gibson Southern - then everyone else. I don’t see anyone staying within 2 TD’s all the way through . 

  17. 5 hours ago, DumfriesYMCA said:

    I’m just saying

    Heritage Hills in 2014, 2019

    Memorial in 2016


    2014….14-13 at half…patriots pull out the wishbone and milk the clock dry after running the spread offense all year. we were ranked #7 at the time and the home favorite slightly over #6 Heritage Hills

    2016. Lost our QB in game 9…after going 9-0 memorial picked us off 3 times and upset us 29-20.  Memorial was unranked but 6-3.  We were ranked #1 in 3A pretty much all year

    2019. #3 ranked heritage hills.  GS was ranked #7…but GS dominated that game for 45 minutes and Sigler had like 2 giant punt returns and great runs for TDs in the final few minutes to take a 21-20 lead….and Brady drove all the way down to the like 5yard line and HH blocked the FG as time expired 


    we all know GS is good… the players know they are a great team…but we also know that if you don’t stay on your toes it can be over just like that. It’s been 6 years since GS won a sectional championship….in part because of how good the teams in 32 generally are….the team, the fans, the surrounding community…we all know it cannot be taken for granted.  

    I don’t care if it’s Princeton all the way in semi state game (why is that a possibility).  I don’t think team or fans care either.  Just gotta treat every team with the same aggressive desire to win. 

    I guess we don’t exists in the rundown?? Lol...

    • Like 1
  18. 1 hour ago, Titan32 said:

    Don't forget yearly in the SIAC...but no one likes to talk about those.  Thanks for the free rent by the way.

    IF they pay to go to the school (i.e.) a private/parochial, that comes across a little differently to me. 

    But you're right, I don't know of all the moving/shaking from year/year in the SIAC

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