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Posts posted by jets

  1. 1 hour ago, HereComesTheBoom said:

    Yes, Crews was a junior that year and he was special.  GS had a stud DB/receiver too?  I believe I recall comparisons to the two that year.  That HH 2014 season was special.  Went 12-2 after an injury bug plagued 2-8 in 2013.  HH lost 14-6 to Tri-West that year in SS.  Tri-West then beat Andrean at state pretty handily.  Peyton Hendershot was on that Tri-West team with his brother Jake.  Tri-West also had a stud Mac Dutra at DL.  

    Whose brother just "happened" to end up playing for the Danville squad of 2020...along with a QB transfer from Avon ....

    Don't see a whole lot of that around these ......oh wait. 

    Maybe that's just what it takes to compete with the Indy sprawl metro teams. 

    • Haha 1
  2. 22 hours ago, Miner_Pride said:

    Well one thing Linton can't forget about is Tell City.  Last year the talk all year was about the Marksmen....and justifiably so.  Was it Tell City that could knock off Mater Dei, because the Wildcats were still the favorite despite being 5-4 going into it.  I don't think many folks down south thought Linton at 6-3 would go down and be in the game with the Marksmen.  But some did, including myself.  LInton was gelling pretty good since losing to N.Knox, and recall TC had lost 2 of their last 3 games going into that well.  Course we all know that it was a monsoon, and we know that the Marksmen got the wickedness of quarantine that knocked out several of their regular starters.  I'm certain that played into the final score of 34-0...but I'm equally certain that Linton could have won that game regardless.  

    This year the Marksmen are 5-3 with losses to 6-2 Heritage Hills, 6-2 North Posey and 4-4 Southridge.      i am sure they are a much different team having lost 13 key seniors, but I'm betting a lot of those underclassmen in the game last year have indeed hoped for another crack at the Miners.  Linton cannot even think of Mater Dei before getting back from Tell City with a W.  I think North Knox is in much the same scenario with people already looking ahead to a MD-NK sectional championship.  The Vikiings have lost only twice this season--to 6-3 3A Heritage Hills, and last week to 3A 7-1 Mt. Vernon (posey).  I know the comparison out there is their common opponent in Tecumseh (1-6)..  NP won that 23-18 while NK blasted the braves 47-6.   Actually the Warriors have to face 3-5 South Spencer which they should do, especially being at home, and NP should take out Crawford County... meaning the Warrior Viking clash would happen in Poseyville.

    We know Mater Dei will be advancing to 2nd round unless they collapse entirely against a much improved 3-5 Forest Park Ranger team.  The Miners and Marksmen meeting in Tell City is certainly one the Miners will be favored in, but cannot be caught looking ahead at another clash with the Wildcats.  And as for that game itself should it arrive...I will wait until that reality arrives.  This is the best I've seen the Miners look since the state runs of 2015 and 2016... but Mater Dei simply hasn't lost to anyone in this 2A sectional not named Southridge since 2007.   Until Linton proves they can compete at MD's level all the talk means nothing.  


    Stupid Success Factor - we had been developing quite a rivalry with the mighty MD wildcats. MD fans don't like to hear it, but actually since the 2000s, we hold a slim 6-5 advantage in meetings when we've squared off. (Some of those years MD was in 3A, and others we were) 

    In fact now that I think about it...has ANY other Sectional 40 team knocked them off ?? I'm sure going back to the 80s or 90s someone else has...but I don't think so in the 2000s?? 

    Point being - if not this year for Linton, then when?? 


  3. 15 minutes ago, HHPatriots said:

    By the way, I will add that this gets kinda screwy....in 2019 we had the sectional final, regional and semi state all as away games (LOS basically a home game for Chatard).  That sucked.  I can't remember the miles traveled but it was a bunch.

    Pretty sure the 2019 sectional final was played on a grass field if my memory serves correctly....

  4. 21 minutes ago, JustRules said:

    They are commonly allowed because they are commonly done. They shouldn't surprise anyone. The team that does a sudden snap down only on 3rd and 3 or 4th and 2 or on a try is done specifically to get the defense to jump. If you want to do the sudden snap down on every down then it's less likely to draw attention on 4th and 4.

    How in the world do you define "commonly??" We just played a Flexbone team that ONLY did the wingback scenario I described late in the game while trying to draw us offsides. Wasn't flagged - nor do I think it should have been. 

    Is "commonly done" once a series? Once a quarter? Once a half?? I've seen teams ONLY use a "hard count" on short yardage situations...is that COMMONLY enough?? 

    Poorly worded and unclear rule. 


  5. On 10/9/2021 at 5:37 AM, Bobref said:

    A false start includes both a shift that simulates the start of the play, and any act clearly designed to cause the defense to encroach.

    - This is such a poorly defined/worded rule, I can see why officials would have trouble calling it.

    Isn't a QB going on a "hard count" clearly trying to cause the defense to encroach??? "Ready.....Set.....HUT, HUT" - By rule, that should be a flag???

    Or how about Flexbone teams that regularly send their Wing in motion that "simulates the start of the play" ....only to have him stop and return to his spot?? 

    These things are commonly allowed



  6. 1 hour ago, Titan32 said:

    I understand some sectionals are their own travesty (I get the feeling that is what bugs you the most), that is a separate issue.  Let's fix this easy one...then move on to that one.

    100% - we get it Mr. X - some sectionals are loaded while others are not. We have that issue down here as well believe it or not (here's looking at you Sectional 30) ...but like 32 said, let's just fix the most simple one first. 

    • Like 1
  7. Last year when we won Regional, we were told that we would stay in 3A for the next 2 years due to the success factor. That is all I know. 

    Southridge's history with the SF

    2A State Champs 2017, 2A semi-State 2018 = SF up to 3A

    2019 knocked out of sectionals by HH, 2020 win 3A sectional and regional = stay up in 3A for 2 more years.

    So, by my count, we now have students who weren't even in middle school that will be affected by this. I seriously don't get it...but whatever I guess. 

  8. 35 minutes ago, XStar said:

    I gave you one.  If you don't acknowledge it, that's on you.  

    So according to your argument, just so I understand- the reluctance to seed sectionals is it really doesn’t matter if two 9-0 teams play week 1 of sectionals or for the championship?? While two 1-8 and 2-7 move on?? 

    I’m sorry, but I just don’t agree with that logic that it doesn’t matter. 

  9. 53 minutes ago, XStar said:

    And if you seed it incorrectly you could be screwing another team out of an extra game they should've played.  Blind draw is impartial.  It doesn't determine anything based on preconceived notions of who the best team is. 

    And for those that are arguing for seeding, why seed it at the sectional level?  If you're looking for fair, I'll tell you what's not fair.  Its for certain teams that might be one of the top 5 teams in their class to not have an opportunity to go to state, or even win a sectional, because they are always up against Chatard, or Cathedral or someone in their sectional.  Or for teams from one half of the state to get a much easier path to LOS because their class is loaded in the other half of the state.  

    So if we're going for "fair", let's not do it half-way.  Ultimately, the bigger injustice is that Brebeuf and West Lafayette might be the top two teams in 3A this year but only one of them will win their sectional and possibly get denied 3-5 extra games.  Let's make sure that they can't play one another until at least regional or semistate.  

    People with this attitude are the reason why serious discussion can't EVER get off the ground about seeding.  Geography is going to play a factor in things obviously (heck, we had MD during the Schiff years in our sectional, we get it) - but that shouldn't have ANY bearing on why or why not we SHOULD seed the sectionals. 

  10. 8 minutes ago, Titan32 said:

    I think those 1 or 2 games matter a lot.  Someone has to lose that early match up between number 1 and 2 and they have both earned the right to get that extra game or two, for many kids it's the last time they will ever play.  

    .....I actually agree with something someone from GS said. Man, I didn't think that would happen all season! I almost feel dirty, like I need to go take a shower lol

    • Haha 3
  11. 24 minutes ago, NorthKnox94 said:

    I have seen a lot of wrestling coaches walk away from a seeding meeting not happy!

    As have I - but at least it was accomplished and they have their say and explanation/criteria. I can promise you a wrestling sectional was never seeded with the 2 best wrestling 1st round (barring some exceptions like limited matches, etc...) 

  12. 10 hours ago, Gridiron_Junkie said:

    I say this every year. Just leave it alone. Who cares whether the best match up comes in week 1 versus week 3 of sectionals.


    2 hours ago, NorthKnox94 said:

    Number one for sure...

    exactly...you are going to have to play them in one of the weeks anyway...who cares which week...

    Maybe an extra week or 2 and advancing in the tournament may not mean much to you guys - but it might to the senior that doesn't want to hang up his pads and have to watch a 2-7 team advance. 

    It also gives a little meaning to a good regular season. 

    Every single wrestling coach is shaking his head and laughing that we can't get this accomplished. 

    • Like 3
  13. 20 minutes ago, temptation said:

    Not sure there is an argument against it as much as a lack of agreement on HOW to do it.  I could be mistaken however.

    Sagarin is not an exact science and doing it based on win/loss record would give schools incentive to schedule meaningless regular season games to pad their record.

    I could be way off base here though.  I’m willing to admit that.

    The HOW is really what is holding it up?? Are you serious?? I surely hope that isn't the case....there are I'm sure hundreds of people that could set up some type of criteria. Here, I'll start

    Seeding criteria:

    1. Head to head match-up

    2. Common opponents

    3. Coaches vote/discretion 

  14. I know there is already a thread out there discussing the upcoming Sectional draws - so feel free to merge this or whatever if needed - but explain to me again the argument AGAINST seeding the tourney?? 

    Bobref will say it will ultimately lead to a qualification format - but it doesn't HAVE to. 

    As a former wrestling coach - this has always baffled me that we refuse to seed the tourney. 

  15. Not a GS "hater" or any team in the conference for that matter. I believe I've said plenty of times that GS's Senior Class was loaded, and didn't need any "extra" help. They were going to be good this year regardless.

    I actually kind of feel bad for them and you guys (fans or coaches), that this year will bring around the speculation and questions. It's just the nature of the beast. 

    I personally don't think it was right how it all played out, but I don't fault the kids/coaches/program. Ain't one school in the conference that would have turned away any of those new players. 


  16. 29 minutes ago, Titan32 said:

    My last comment on this:  Our JV would have beat your "competitive" buddy and his former SS Rebel assistant Friday night (even with the EZ view film he was provided).  If he wants to worry about something he needs to worry about he fact he had 10 men on the field no less than 5 times Friday night.  I would start there.  And please just stop with the super team crap.  I guess we have 4 "super teams":

    Gibson Southern 7th grade 42 Southridge 0

    Gibson Southern 8th grade 40 Southridge 13 

    Gibson Southern Freshmen 6 Southridge 16

    Gibson Southern JV 54 Southridge 7

    Gibson Southern Varsity 63 Southridge 9


    I don’t know the film situation or even who is working on who’s staff. I don’t know the situation from last night either- so I probably shouldn’t have commented. An adult should be an adult, no question there.

    Thank you for posting the scores- GS is a juggernaut no doubt and clearly we can’t compete with their program- but that doesn’t discount the facts of 3 new SENIOR additions to an already loaded squad. 

    And whether you care to admit it or not- that causes others in the conference to just “throw their hands up” in kind of a disbelief sort of way. 

  17. Here’s the deal guys- and you GS posters may not want to hear it- but this “superteam” you’ve built is not being perceived very well around the area. 

    Of course it’s an exciting year for you all, but the way things have transpired and the “new additions” to the team have left a lot of discontent around the area and in the conference. 

    The IHSAA signed off and everything is on the “up/up” as far as that is concerned- BUT, the addition of 3 SENIORS to an already loaded senior class is going to draw the ire of competitive people and give the impression of a “stacked deck”

    Right or wrong- that is what the narrative is out there and might be the explanation of tempers being heated. 

  18. Geez lo weez! Now we're turning to Jesus Christ to defend the GS "superteam." 

    Look, no one on here accused GS of any wrongdoing. It's not like any team in Southern Indiana wouldn't have accepted those players. They just all happened to choose to play/live at GS - so it is their good fortune. 

    I don't think you can ignore the narrative however...and I was just wondering how that would sit with the GS faithful. 

    I think I have my answer in that "we don't care. It happens at P/P's all the time" 

    Got it, moving on. 

  19. 53 minutes ago, DumfriesYMCA said:

    Nothing is going to sour for what this team accomplishes.  Whether it be 4-6 or 14-1


    some of the comments on here are funny though because regardless of any of this transfer stuff or side chatter….the radio call is still an Allen drop back with a pass to Rory for a Td….bread and butter 

    Of course - a lethal combination for sure . But again, the naysayers and observers will say they have 0 sectionals between them (thus far) and brought in some "extra help" in order to get over the hump.

    Again, not saying that is my personal opinion - GS was going to be good this year regardless - just pointing out the narrative that is going to travel with this team. 

    • Like 1
  20. First of all- GS is insanely good this year. 

    Secondly, the GS transfer thing has been hammered home pretty good on this thread. Building “superteams” is not a new phenomenon up/around the Indy area (I have relatives that live in Avon/Brownsburg/Zionsville area, and they keep me up to date on all the moving/shaking up there). But for our rural neck of the woods, adding 4 legit new starters to an otherwise already loaded team (well, I know one played last year) seems a bit...I don’t know the correct word to use?? 

    Curious to know for all you GS fans out there...say you do reach the mountaintop. Will it “sour” it at all with the narrative going around that you had to bring in all this help to get it done?  I’m not saying I agree with that- but that will be the narrative.

    I would think it wouldn’t sit well with me...but I get it- no program on earth would turn away those players. 

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