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Booster 2023-24
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Everything posted by Bobref

  1. I agree with you there. But I’m hoping it doesn’t happen.
  2. I suppose anything is theoretically possible. But I firmly believe that the ND side of that discussion is absolutely committed to playing Navy as long as Navy wants to play. Some things are non-negotiable at Notre Dame. That’s one of them.
  3. I’m not familiar with it. Since my graduation from law school, my only contact with the legal education system was several years as an adjunct at Valpo, humiliating would-be trial lawyers for 3 hours a week.
  4. That was me. And I stand by it. To be scrupulously accurate, what I said was that Notre Dame would play Navy as long as Navy wanted to play Notre Dame. And until there’s some sort of official announcement, I believe they will find a way to play this season. If you’d like, I’ll explain the back story, as I’ve done before.
  5. It may shock you to learn that, however accurate Grisham’s portrayal - I don’t read his stuff - it applies only to the 1% who end up in those jobs. The career path of the other 99% is dramatically different.
  6. I don’t disagree. But I would add, there is precious little taught in law school that prepares one for the practical side of the practice of law, i.e., how to actually get things done. I would favor a model more like the medical profession: basically an academic course followed by an accredited and structured apprenticeship.
  7. Keep in mind, current IHSAA bylaws require a minimum of 4 regular season games to be eligible to participate in the tournament.
  8. There is nothing easy about any of this, regardless of your viewpoint. And, frankly, the implication in your post is insulting to those who hold a contrary viewpoint.
  9. So, the people who believe in a more conservative approach to resumption of activities and easing of restrictions are not really motivated by public health concerns? They’re just lazy?
  10. Oh, I would make the drive myself ... if spectators were allowed.
  11. I see. 🤭 The nuns at St. Joseph school in Avon Lake, Ohio didn’t teach that ... probably because they were a major reason for feeling unsafe and experiencing trauma.
  12. Well there you go. Have Warren travel to Gibson Southern. It’ll be a culture shock for all involved. Problem solved.
  13. In another context I joked that, with all the talk of officiating while masked, and using electronic whistles, it might be appropriate to refresh everyone’s recollection as to inadvertent whistle administration ... because we may see more than normal. So, what happens when one of the officials loses whistle discipline, and suffers premature exhalation? The rules are pretty clear, but sometimes the officials can be a little fuzzy on them, only because this is a topic that we all avoid like the plague. But if someone has already screwed up, the last thing you want to do is blow the administration. If an inadvertent whistle sounds while the ball is alive: while the ball is in flight following a legal kick, a legal pass, or a snap, the down is replayed at the previous spot. while the ball is loose following a backward pass, fumble, illegal forward pass or illegal kick, the team last in possession may elect to replay the down at the previous spot, or take the ball at the spot where possession is lost and have the down count. while the ball is in possession of a player, the team in possession may accept the results of the play at the dead-ball spot and have the down count, or replay the down. But keep in mind all of the above is subject to one overriding rule: if there is a foul during the down and the penalty is accepted, the inadvertent whistle is wiped out, and the penalty is administered as determined by the basic spot, as usual. You’d be amazed how many flags get thrown on plays where there was an inadvertent whistle. 😉 One other observation about the dreaded inadvertent whistle: any official who says they’ve never had an IW is either lying ... or a rookie. But when you do it, you will remember it forever. I still remember my last one: October 23, 1992.
  14. I can’t wait for the first shot in that battle on the GID.
  15. I find this very interesting. I assume SEL is “Social-Emotional Learning.” In the teacher world, what is that “code” for?
  16. Obviously the product of a major conspiracy. I just can’t figure out who is behind it. But I have it narrowed down to the libtards, or the Trilateral Commission. There is a dark horse in the Pope.
  17. “SECTION 8 NONCONTACT UNSPORTSMANLIKE CONDUCT BY NONPLAYERS ART. 1 . . . No coach, substitute, athletic trainer or other team attendant shall act in an unsportsmanlike manner once the game officials assume authority for the contest. Examples are, but not limited to:” “k. Being outside the team box, but not on the field. (9-8-3)”
  18. No disrespect to the doctor, but she’s a long time ER physician who graduated from a very mediocre medical school and has had an undistinguished career. More importantly for tHese purposes, she’s not a virologist, not an epidemiologist, not an infectious disease specialist. She doesn’t treat COVID-19 patients except to hold the fort until the patient is admitted. In a credibility contest with well-respected specialists in the field, many of whom are involved in primary research on this virus, she loses.
  19. The extension of the team boxes to the 10 yd. lines is for people in uniform only, in order to better enable social distancing. No coaches, trainers, etc. in the extended area.
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