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Everything posted by Footballking16

  1. Sheridan is also a 1A school and up until that time the state had never had a 1A winner. Again, there's more than enough data in the nearly 30 years the award has been given that shows the award goes to a 1) CENTRAL INDIANA PLAYER and 2) A LARGE CLASS PLAYER more times than it goes to anybody else. 16/29 winners have come from Central Indiana 22/29 winners have come from the State's two largest classes a\with 14 of those from the largest class.
  2. This isn't hard to get. You can make a compelling case in every single year the award has been given that someone deserves the award over the winner. There's been one or two years where I thought there was an unanimous, no brainer winner. The fact that the award has gone to a large class, Indy area winner more than 60% of the time, reveals the bias in the award. I can make a case that in 2008 1A Nick Zachery from Sheridan deserved the award over 5A Morgan Newton from Carmel. I can make a case that in 2005 4A Luke Schmidt from Jasper and 5A James Aldridge from Merrillville deserved the award over 5A Dexter Taylor from Warren Central who wasn't even the best back in his own backfield. You could theoretically do this for every year if you truly wanted too. Point remains that when in doubt, the award more times than not goes to a player from Central Indiana who plays in one of the largest two classes. That's the bias in the award.
  3. How does contracting Benton Central or Bishop Noll make their respective classes more competitive?
  4. Said I wasn’t going to do it. Multiple pages worth detailing the large class, Indy bias to Mr. Football winners. Knock yourself out.
  5. Don't have the time nor energy to explain what an outlier is....again. If I wanted to talk to a clown, I'd go to the circus.
  6. Also, what does the high school I attended over 15 years ago have anything to do with the topic at hand or DT's ability to spin and spew numbers and narratives out of his ass to further an agenda he's been on for over a decade? There's reason why he's quit, re-joined, quit, started his own site, rinse repeat for the last 15 years? He knows he's full of it as does everybody else and can't stand and has to take ball and run. It gets old.
  7. Still trying to keep your head above water I see. Tread harder my friend.
  8. LAUGH OUT EFFING LOUD Says the guy pushing for contraction based on unfounded and unsubstantiated claims on a high school message that's designed to grow and promote the game of football. Take a lap, Walt. See ya with your next screen name.
  9. There's no winning and losing here, just exposing you for the fraud you are. Anybody driving home a narrative that players on uncompetitive teams are being catastrophically injured in droves would have specific examples. "Go look it up yourself" isn't an example, let alone concrete. Try harder.
  10. "I've read on GID about injuries regarding Benton Central and Bishop Noll" aren't examples. That's anecdotal. What were the injuries? Who were they sustained against? Etc. Do better.
  11. I dislike Ohio State a lot more than I dislike the Irish. Don't kid yourself here. There's no secret agenda to push here.
  12. You're the one insinuating that huge roster imbalances are leading to "catastrophic injuries". You've yet to provide one example of this actually happening. Asserting that declining numbers are impacting teams performances is one thing, doesn't take a genius to realize that, you figured it out so case in point, but offering nothing to support that roster imbalances are leading to catastrophic injuries to further your never-ending contraction agenda is complete bullshit.
  13. If you're going to bring a "serious" issue to the table you're going to need a little bit more than anecdotal evidence and hyperbole. Foxbat debunked all of your talking points in a mere 20 minutes after you threw out the name of a team in which you clearly know nothing about.
  14. What a rant lol. I'm genuinely asking who Notre Dame beat this year? Not sure what that has to do with Oklahoma State or Iowa State three years ago or whoever else you decided to throw in there. Notre Dame beat probably the worst Wisconsin team the Badgers have put on the field in a decade and struggled to beat an ok Purdue team, a team Ohio State hung nearly half a hundred on.....in the first half. But to answer the linger question, yes I do think Ohio State would beat Notre Dame convincingly this year, with or without Kyle Hamilton.
  15. About the response I expected from somebody getting caught talking out of their ass.
  16. Because they aren't good or because they keep getting seriously injured? Pick a narrative and stick with one. Please.
  17. GK hasn't played high school football in 4 years and is a generational type talent that you'll likely never see at West Lafayette or the 3A level again. GK would hurt a lot of 6A DB's in certain one on one situations. How many kids have been personally injured by GK type players to the extent they need to shut down their football program? Of all the hills to die on this is your place? My god my expectations for you were low but this is incredibly low.
  18. He'll find one example from a game played sometime back in 2014 that fits his agenda. Give him till the end of the day.
  19. That didn't answer a single question I asked though? How many times a year does a team with 70 varsity players with a few D1 athletes play a team full of 20 skinny kids and a 2 man coaching staff?
  20. How many times a year does this occurrence happen? Often, seldom? Are you fudging numbers and using more hyperbolic nonsense? Sounds like a scheduling problem if anything to me. That can be solved without contracting a football program ya know?
  21. What type of injuries? Like severe head trauma, paralysis, etc? Or we talking about unfortunate but normal football injuries such as torn ligaments, fractured bones, sprains, etc that occur at all levels of play regardless the size or strength of the athlete?
  22. So you have no examples of catastrophic injuries and your arbitrary number isn't founded or based upon anything? Noted.
  23. Common sense tells you that Foxbat just provided a real life example of a team fielding 19 players who more than held their own. Feel free to share an example of a team fielding low numbers that has directly lead to a “catastrophic” injury. Thanks
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