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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


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Everything posted by Footballking16

  1. Duh. They create the talent. This isn’t hard. Dabo and Saban two best coaches in America by far. Agreed.
  2. Notre Dame may recruit kids from all over the country, but they can't walk in to any state and grab whatever kid they want. There's two programs who can do that currently; Alabama and Ohio State. Georgia has done a marvelous job the last 3-4 years of keeping their 5* talent home and not letting them go to Bama or Florida and actually have the most 5* of any program in the country. It's not a coincidence as to why they are the best team in the country right now. https://247sports.com/Season/2021-Football/CollegeTeamTalentComposite/
  3. Alabama enjoys the recruiting base they do now for one reason; Nick Saban. Geographically, Alabama is the 4th or 5th best state in SEC country in terms of high school talent. They have an in-state conference rival that also recruits very well. Alabama went through 4 coaches in 11 years before hiring Saban and won just one national title between Bear Bryant and Saban (30 years). Alabama is without a doubt the best program in the country right now and that's because of Nick Saban. Will be interesting to see how Alabama holds up post-Saban. Last college program that resembled anything close to the Alabama dynasty was UCLA under Wooden. They fell hard after he retired.
  4. Bama and Clemson have the two best coaches in America by far. They can overcome the inherent advantages other schools have because of their staff. Bama will survive post-Saban (probably because they'll hire Dabo), but they aren't going to be the juggernaut they are today. Dabo is Clemson. They will fall significantly once Dabo leaves. May not be for a while, but they aren't going to be able to sustain the last 5-6 years. Hell, they may already be on the down swing.
  5. Georgia lost in OT 3 years ago in the national title game and will be a two TD favorite against any CFB opponent they face next month. Barring the team forgetting to get off the bus, they will be your next college football champion.
  6. He's literally the winningest coach in ND football history and was still a whipping boy to the SEC programs/Clemson. College football today is all about the Jimmies and Joe's. Alabama, Georgia, Ohio State are living proof of that. There's no way Clemson is a top 5 job in the country. Again, confusing program for job.
  7. I said job, not program. Saban is Alabama. Does anyone not remember the 4 coaches Bama hired before Saban? Alabama high school talent isn;t on par with Florida, Georgia, or Louisiana and they have another major in-state conference opponent to compete with. Same thing with Notre Dame. People don't realize just how good of a coach Brian Kelly actually is. I'd agree that Notre Dame may be the most rewarding job, but it's definitely not one of the top 5 jobs in college football. Their coach just left for LSU.....
  8. Well then...looks like in a few years we can legitimately have a discussion about the HCC finally taking over the MIC in football 🤣
  9. Agreed. I don't really need to see Cathedral play NC, Pike, Lawrence, etc every year for it to makes to make a move. I hope CG stays on the schedule and then a rotation with BD/Carmel/WC. Those match-ups are good for Indiana High School football.
  10. It's not. It would have happened by now. But we insist on having a yearly discussion about it to keep the tradition alive.
  11. Personally don't think Cathedral needs the MIC anymore. Cathedral embraces the independent tag and freedom that comes with scheduling. 10-15, 20 years ago Cathedral was still playing teams like Broad Ripple, Arlington, Tech, Northwest, etc because they couldn't find consistent opponents. Cathedral today has a decent rotation with OH GCL schools, MIC/HCC here in town, Roncalli is due back on the schedule, and then of course the annual game with Chatard.
  12. Admissions. Notre Dame just isn't going to take a flight risk on a kid they don't think can graduate.
  13. I believe these are the most important factors that go into best job in the country: -Recruiting base -Competition in said recruiting base -Resources/budget/facilities -Path to national title (conference/division) -miscellaneous items such as history/tradition/ Thought long and heard about this and in my opinion the top 5 jobs in college football (remember this is job only, not current program standing) 1. Georgia-Georgia produces tremendous football talent; flagship university in-state with no conference rival; Georgia Tech only P5 competition but don't directly compete with recruits. Georgia is the one SEC program who in the last 5 years have gone toe to toe in recruiting with Saban. 2. USC-Located in one of the largest metropolitan areas in the world and access to a huge local recruiting network; Great history and tradition. Doesn't have any direct competition for local recruits among elite college football programs. Weaker conference sets up for easier path to CFB 3. Ohio State-largest and most passionate fan base in the country; storied tradition; have the ability to recruit nationally as well as being the premier football program above the mason-dixon line 4. Florida-On paper hard to argue against it being the best job; Flagship university in the best state for high school talent. Only drawback is competing directly with in-state schools like Miami and FSU as well the other elite SEC schools looking to poach Florida talent 5. Texas- program has been a disaster since they forced Mack Brown into retirement but you won't convince me that Texas can't be an elite program with the right coach; Endless resources and deep pockets galore in Austin, huge recruiting base, etc
  14. Was told Cathedral didn't have adequate enough facilities last time they asked about entry. Not sure if there was any truth to that but just what I've always known to be the case. 10 or so years ago sounded a lot more appealing that it does now. Cathedral really used to struggle with scheduling.
  15. The coaches do. And I’m sure there’s zero undue influence or pressure by the organization that sponsors the award….Yeah. Freakin. Right. Over the years this has been an Indy dominated award typically won by a player in the largest class.
  16. Oh come on. The award is known to have bias towards metro Indy/largest class. More than half the winners all hail from Metro Indy and 13/29 winners have all come from the largest class (either then 5A or 6A). Yes there have been winners from smaller classes, butthe largest class has a huge disproportionate amount of winners.
  17. The fact that a Center Grove player won last year won't make a lick of a difference. The IndyStar loves giving the award to a large class player from Metro Indy.
  18. I liked you better when you were in your post-Roncalli collapse hole.
  19. I can’t envision a scenario where Allen starts as a true freshman even if O’Connell leaves unless it’s out of necessity due to injury. Plummer putting his name in the portal likely signals O’Connell is back, but Allen starting as a true freshman is more than likely an indictment on Brohm not being able to develop or groom a QB in his younger classes. Brady will get his shot and should have multiple years to prove himself, I just don’t see next year being it.
  20. Notre Dame "should" never have to reboot, in my opinion. I get the love and support for Freeman and I do think he'll one day end up being a very good college HC, but player support/recruiting retainment really shouldn't be the mitigating factor in the hiring process. Same thing happened with USC and Clay Helton. Helton was named the interim after they fired Sarkisian and it was in large part due to outspoken support by then current players and committed recruits. That same support landed Helton an extension that certainly wasn't warranted. ND is a big boy program and they will make the right decision and it very well could be Freeman and he very well could kill it in South Bend for the next 20 years, but the decision shouldn't be based on player/recruit input.
  21. He'd be smart too but sounds like LSU is prepared to make Freeman the highest paid DC in America at well over $2mil/yr. But I don't think Freeman is a coordinator anywhere next year, he'll be a head coach.
  22. I wouldn't be shocked to see Rees leave. Freeman on the other hand, only leaves if UND isn't hiring Fickell because that means Freeman is either being promoted at Notre Dame or taking Fickell's job at Cincinnati.
  23. Notre Dame's regular season has technically ended as has LSU's. Early signing period for college football is December 15th, it would look a whole lot worse had Brian Kelly let a dozen or so kids sign their LOI's (some even early enrolles) only to bolt after the first of the year. It's the way these things work, there's no easy way to leave one job for another. As far as the social media aspect goes, how much control does Brian Kelly have over that? Social media is the problem.
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