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Posts posted by FastpacedO

  1. On 11/12/2022 at 7:28 AM, Footballking16 said:

    There’s nothing wrong with the thread title. Monrovia was the only sectional champ to be ranked outside the top half of Sagarin. They are an extreme outlier in this case study. Bottom half Sagarin rated teams went 2-76 in the first round against top half Sagarin rated teams. That’s par for the course. Monrovia didn’t factor into that first round figure because due to a flaw in the postseason format played the worst team not only in their sectional, but in 3A.

    Props to Monrovia for continuing to strap it up and overcome, but it doesn’t change the fact the postseason format is broken. The numbers speak for themself.

    I've always respected your posts and thoughts. After re-reading it really baffles me with this mindset.

    You state there is nothing wrong with the thread title "Cinderella is a Myth" yet here we sit with a Cinderella (team outside the top 32 of 64) and you still feel it doesn't exist?

    Regardless if Monrovia was the only sectional champ to be outside the top half of sagarin, they were still sectional champs and still outside the top half of sagarin.

    Being an "extreme outlier" is an even STRONGER case that Cinderella is not a myth and does exist no matter how much lipstick you want to put on the pig.

    You state bottom half sagarin rated teams went 2-76. Those 2 wins are still there. Are they outnumbered? Yes, but they still exist lending that there were 2 Cinderella's proving it is not a "myth". Now if it were 0-78 you would have a better case.

    Regardless if Monrovia played the worst team in their sectional or 3A, they still knocked off some good teams in Speedway and Danville (both top 25 teams). Then followed it up by beating beating a top team that was undefeated on the road.

    I will agree the post season tournament is broken. You can't ignore the fact though that Cinderella is not a myth and Monrovia is a prime example of that. Don't take it personal just pointing out it does exist and Monrovia may go no further but they still have a cinderella run.

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  2. 12 hours ago, 1 Trojan Place said:

    Curious to hear who everyone thinks will win the rematch. First time around EC had 4 turnovers and still almost won. Can’t play like that in big games and expect to win. In my opinion whoever wins this will take home the blue rings.

    My prediction: EC 27 Roncalli 21

    Personal opinion here (take it for what it is worth). If the East Central Trojans want to have a chance in beating Roncalli, they need to have no turnovers. If they have no turnovers they can come away with the game. One thing that has been a constant over the years at Roncalli (from an outsiders perspective), they play very disciplined and do not beat themselves. They don't give the ball up on a lot of turnovers and play hard. East Central has to match that, the Trojans always play hard so we know that will happen. What they need is to not turn the ball over, if they do that they can win. If they do however turn the ball over it won't end the way they would hope. I have a ton of respect for both Roncalli and East Central, it should be an outstanding game!

    • Like 1
  3. 6 minutes ago, PHJIrish said:

    Bishop Chatard and Cathedral are 5 miles apart on Kessler and 56th St.  I'm not sure your question though.    Both are within the I465 "donut."

    I quoted the statement "football inside the donut is awful" yet Chatard and Cathedral are inside the donut. Trying to figure out how they are awful and for elaboration on that statement.

  4. 18 hours ago, BTF said:

    Sagarin says 10, I say a little more. I still think the top teams out of Indy (Indy burbs to be more specific, football inside the donut is awful) play a different brand of football. It helps when you're beating up on each other every year. It raises the benchmark at every school. There's hope out of Fort Wayne, but it's time to see results on the field. Carroll lost arguably it's top defender a few weeks ago, but that hasn't seemed to slow this team down (depth). They aren't flashy, but are solid on both sides of the ball. I think they can make this game interesting. 

    HSE 28, Carroll 17

    Please do elaborate?


  5. 18 minutes ago, crimsonace1 said:

    The problem with UIndy is needing to put high school hashmarks and goalposts on the field. I know other tourney games have been held there (especially Scecina hosting a few games there), but it's not a great spot. The visiting side is also *very* small (and much smaller than Tech's). 

    Cathedral has hosted games at North Central, too, which also has plenty of accommodations for a large crowd (and a better press box). But Tech is a good stadium and much more centrally-located. 

    UIndy has also been the host site between Cathedral and Evansville Reitz in Semi-State (circa 2007 35-34 victory for Ev. Reitz). It was a tongue in cheek statement because it has been mentioned Arlington is a Middle School (even though it has only been a middle school for about 5 years while it spent 57 years as a High School) and the venue seating capacity because it is a Middle School (even though it seats double what University of Indianapolis does on the visitor side). In all reality the true reason it is being changed (if it is) is because it is a natural grass field and not Field turf.

    And yes Arsenal Tech is a beautiful stadium to host the Semi-State. I am sure other schools wouldn't be too keen on switching from where they play their homefield games, Cathedral has played a lot of home games (regular season and post season) at Arlington (then High School now Middle School).

  6. 2 minutes ago, crimsonace1 said:

    Honestly, Cathedral doesn't care, but their placement does affect other schools who might be in Class 5A (or 4A). 

    It was nothing personal towards you @crimsonace1 nor New Pal. Knowing Coach Ralph (who played at a Private Catholic HS St. Xavier Cincy OH. He doesn't put stock in that and is of the mindset get better. Not all  are the same though.

  7. On 11/12/2022 at 2:23 PM, TigerFan20 said:

    Looks they only lost to Martinsville 35-21. But it seems like they are heavy run offense on the season, with over 3400 rushing yards and averaging 6.9 YPC and 40 TDS. 1 RB with 1100+ yards and 2 with 500+ yards

    Whiteland is a run heavy offense. They will pass on occasion when needed. Their offense is an unconventional offense that not a lot of teams see. Their Head Coach, Coach Fisher is well versed with a group of coaches teaching the offense they run. It is called the Fly offense, most teams haven't seen it and if ran well it is a tough offense to defend. 

    12 hours ago, AW0352 said:

    Any Whiteland fans on the GI Digest? 

    There use to be a couple but haven't seen any in awhile.

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  8. 4 hours ago, Lysander said:

    I’m a fan of both EC and Roncalli but EC probably should have won that earlier game this year.  Lots of self-inflicted injuries by EC in that game.  In my opinion, NP, Roncalli and EC are far and away the top 3 teams in 4A (with, apparently, Brebeuf not too far behind).  The South continues its domination of 4A.

    Glad I could drag you out of the shadows! Always good to see all is well and Lysander posting!

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  9. 2 hours ago, Footballking16 said:

    There’s nothing wrong with the thread title. Monrovia was the only sectional champ to be ranked outside the top half of Sagarin. They are an extreme outlier in this case study. Bottom half Sagarin rated teams went 2-76 in the first round against top half Sagarin rated teams. That’s par for the course. Monrovia didn’t factor into that first round figure because due to a flaw in the postseason format played the worst team not only in their sectional, but in 3A.

    Props to Monrovia for continuing to strap it up and overcome, but it doesn’t change the fact the postseason format is broken. The numbers speak for themself.

    I think you missed my point. Cinderella doesn't have to be a team ranked outside the top half of sagarin. Cinderella  is used to refer to situations in which competitors achieve far greater success than would reasonably have been best expected. Nowhere does it say outside the Top 25, Top 10, etc. A cinderella is a team that beats a team/teams they were not reasonably expected to (ie Monrovia this year) there have been several teams to do that. My use of ignorance wasn't to put you or a qualify format tournament down. Just pointing out the title doesn't fit what a Cinderella team is, nothing more nothing less.

  10. 5 hours ago, slice60 said:

    Cinderella is alive!!! After 7 straight losses, MONROVIA RIPS OFF 4 STRAIGHT POSTSEASON WINS.

    Let's finally put this topic to bed. The IHSAA will NEVER, EVER, EVER go back to an invite-only football tournament. 

    And for all of those geniuses who say the IHSAA can simply use Sagarin/computers/committee/whatever to determine who gets in, I ask this question. How do you factor in games vs out-of-state opponents? Chatard went 5-4 with 2 out-of-state losses. Do they get qualify because you make the ASSUMPTION that those teams must be really good since they beat Chatard?

    Or how about 4-5 FW Luers? They play all conference, all much bigger foes. So would 4-5 Luers qualify due to strength of schedule while some 8-1 team sits at home?

    So congratulations to 2-7, now 6-7 MONROVIA. And 8-4 Castle too. 


    To be honest the title of this thread isn't the best. Saying Cinderella is a myth is in a way ignorant (lacking knowledge or awareness in genera). Cinderella doesn't have to be a losing team that would be too low in Sagarin ratings to make the playoffs in a qualify format.

    Cinderella team/story is used to refer to situations in which competitors achieve far greater success than would reasonably have been best expected. Monrovia is a prime example of that. There have been several Cinderella teams/stories over the years (it doesn't mean they have to have a losing record). So no Cinderella is not a myth, probably could have been worded better. Regardless nobody expected the Monrovia Bulldogs to win the games they have or be in Semi-State next week except for their belief in themselves. They are a Cinderella story this year and are playing good football right now.

  11. 6 minutes ago, Muda69 said:

    Yes, if they had been sufficiently trained in the use of such equipment.  


    Yes, I have a problem with all government high school extracurricular activities.  IMO they should not exist as an extension of the government school .

    Being sufficiently trained on the equipment has nothing to do with it. A teenager can be sufficiently trained on the equipment and be severely injured due to "horseplay". I know a novel idea that teenagers might horseplay without knowing dangers.

    Of course you say you do. Were you a sheltered child growing up? Did you intentionally avoid any extra-curricular activities growing up? Why do you feel extra-curricular activities should not exist at public school?

    Here are the top 6 benefits of participating in extracurricular activities and sports.


    1. Cultivates Leadership Opportunities

    Most high school extracurricular activities provide an opportunity to take on a leadership role. In that role students will be given responsibilities and learn to communicate with their peers from a position of authority. This develops needed skills for the future, and it also looks great on college applications.


    2. Enhances Teamwork Experience

    Whether playing a sport, participating in a club, or performing in a play, students will be working with their peers. While coursework is typically an individual activity, extracurricular activities teach students how to work with different types of people. Being a team player and adapting to their environment will benefit them in the future.


    3. Develops Time Management Skills

    High school is a busy time. Students have a lot going on, from academics to sports to clubs. When students take part in extracurricular activities, they will learn how to manage their time effectively out of necessity. Juggling several assignments and activities is a skill that will put them ahead of the game when they’re in college.


    4. Promotes Networking Skills

    During practice, rehearsal, or club meetings, students are interacting with their peers and making new friends with similar interests. Finding common ground and striking up conversation is the cornerstone of success in the professional world. This develops the networking skills they will need in the future.


    5. Fosters Confidence

    The more students accomplish, the more confident they become. In their extracurricular activities, students will learn how to work hard, have fun, and accomplish their goals. This establishes a strong foundation and instills confidence to help them advance in the future.


    6. Increases Academic Performance

    If students take part in activities they are passionate about, they will learn concentration and focus. That concentration will carry over into their academic life and improve their academic performance. In particular, if students are involved in sports or performing arts, they will gain endurance and achieve stamina that is needed to perform well academically.


    Overall, extracurricular activities will help prepare your child for college and their professional future. Armed with these advanced skills, they can overcome obstacles in the future, and achieve success and happiness.

    • Thanks 2
  12. 3 minutes ago, Muda69 said:

    Please, elaborate. Can the children be there without an adult being present?


    Would you want teenagers within the school and using weight lifting equipment without supervision? I think all your questions have been answered.

    Now answer mine. Do you have a problem with Brain Games, Model UN, Choir Competition, Band Competition or only athletics on Saturday? Or do you not want us to know if you talk out of both ends.

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