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Joe Biden has a long history of claiming arrests which never happened


Joe Biden’s “No Malarkey” bus may need a tune up.

While the former vice president’s family has almost made a sport of racking up arrests and skirting jail time, Biden himself suffers from the opposite problem — bragging about arrests which seemingly never happened.

During his long career, Biden has boasted or spoken of being collared at least three times in his life, but later confessed they were not in fact arrests, a Post review shows.

Unlike his colorful family — who have a collective rap sheet that includes drunk driving, grand larceny, and assault charges spanning decades — Biden employs the cop tales as cute anecdotes in stump speeches and elsewhere.

On at least three occasions in February, Biden told some version of a story about visiting Nelson Mandela in South Africa in the 1970s and being arrested with the independence hero.

“This day, 30 years ago, Nelson Mandela walked out of prison and entered into discussions about apartheid. I had the great honor of meeting him. I had the great honor of being arrested with our U.N. ambassador on the streets of Soweto trying to get to see him on Robben Island,” Biden told a crowd during a campaign event in Columbia, S.C. on Feb. 11, when Bernie Sanders was still a threat.

The only problem was it didn’t happen.

“It’s a lie,” liberal commentator Mehdi Hasan said in a March video in which he also said Biden was in cognitive decline. “He didn’t misspeak. He didn’t misremember. It wasn’t a gaffe. It was a lie and a really bad one.”

The story was also denounced by independent fact-checkers like Politifact and the Washington Post — which gave the “ridiculous claim” four Pinnocchios. Biden ultimately came clean on CNN two weeks later.

“When I said arrested I meant I was not able to move, cops and Afrikaners would not let me go with them … I guess I wasn’t arrested I was stopped,” he said.

In 2008 — with the presidential election looming — CNN’s Wolf Blitzer tried to put the bravest face on yet another “arrest” back when Biden was a student at the University of Delaware. During remarks to students at the University of Ohio, he riffed on being busted for accidentally wandering into a women’s dormitory while on campus to watch a football game.

“Barack Obama’s running mate playfully admitting he was arrested more than 40 years ago. Biden joked about it in Ohio. He said he was attending a football game between his university and Ohio University and he mistakenly followed what he called … ‘a lovely group of women into an all female dormitory.’ Biden said an officer quickly stopped him noting that men were not allowed inside,” Blitzer said.

In the pre-MeToo era, the story never became a national scandal and an Associated Press account of the remarks at the time said the anecdote was met with “laughter.”

Retelling the moment in 2012 in Athens, Ohio, Biden made an important clarification: “The last time I was here, I want to make clear to the press, I didn’t get arrested, but I almost did. Because back in those days … men weren’t allowed anywhere near a women’s dorm,” he said.

A third “arrest” happened in 1963, when he was a 21-year-old student visiting acquaintances in Washington D.C. On an early Saturday morning, when most of his other friends were still hungover, the future vice president ventured out to the Senate building and walked in for an unofficial stroll.

“I sat down on the presiding officer’s chair and a police officer grabbed me, arrested me, took me downstairs,” Biden recalled in a 2016 interview with C-SPAN. Continuing with the story, Biden said he had a run-in with the same officer eight years later after returning to the chamber legally as a freshman Senator from Delaware.

“I walked in the same door and a cop grabbed me [on] the shoulder and he said, ‘You can’t go there, sir,’ and I turned around and he got a big grin in his face and said, ‘I hope you appreciate the humor, Senator, I arrested you 8 years ago, walking around the floor of the Senate.’ ”

The story also shows up in his 2007 memoir “Promises to Keep,” albeit with no mention of any arrest. Two years later while telling the story again during his farewell address to the Senate, Biden specifically insisted he had not been arrested.

“And the next thing I know, I feel this hand on my shoulder, and a guy picked me — a Capitol policeman picks me up and spins me around, and he said, “What are you doing?” Biden said. “And after a few moments, he realized I was just a dumb-struck kid and didn’t arrest me or anything.”

Reps for the Biden campaign did not respond to multiple requests for comment on Biden’s rap sheet from The Post.


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Biden to Black Journalist: ‘Are You a Junkie?’: https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/biden-to-black-journalist-are-you-a-junkie/


Shortly after President Trump’s effort to win reelection was challenged by an interview with Jonathan Swan that goes wildly off the rails, former Vice President Biden turned in his own train wreck of an interview, getting testy with CBS News correspondent Errol Barnett during a convention National Association of Black and Hispanic Journalists.

BARNETT: Please clarify specifically, have you taken a cognitive test?

FORMER VICE PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: No, I haven’t taken a test! Why the hell would I take a test? Come on, man! That’s like saying you . . . before you got in this program, you’re take [sic] a test whether you’re taking cocaine or not. What do you think? Huh? Are you a junkie?

BARNETT: What do you say to President Trump who brags about his test and makes your mental state an issue for voters?

BIDEN: Well, if he can’t figure out the difference between an elephant and a lion, I don’t know what the hell he’s talking about. Did you watch that — look, come on, man. I know you’re trying to goad me, but I mean . . . I’m so forward-looking to have an opportunity to sit with the President or stand with the President and the debates.

Unsurprisingly, many are cringing that Biden is, unprompted, asking an African-American journalist if he’s “a junkie” . . . three months after Biden told radio DJ Charlamagne tha God, “If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.”


As noted last month, somehow the United States managed to pick its two least self-aware, sensitive, erudite septuagenarians to run for president this cycle.

Yet no rage from the MSM over Mr. Biden's words.   Yet the wailing and gnashing of teeth had Mr. Trump said the same thing would have been deafening.


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On 8/3/2020 at 10:19 AM, swordfish said:

Watch Biden get dragged away from reporters by his aide before he has a chance to screw something up......





Jesus that's one of his relatives (in coat)... He's not being dragged. 


On 7/31/2020 at 2:01 PM, TrojanDad said:


I really can't wait till he kicks trump's ass in the debates and in the election. 

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6 hours ago, TheStatGuy said:

Jesus that's one of his relatives (in coat)... He's not being dragged. 


I really can't wait till he kicks trump's ass in the debates and in the election. 

😂. Stat man getting all worked up. Biden can’t put a sentence together. Trump will curb stomp him. Man are you clueless. 

Tell me what Biden is running on?  What?  

6 hours ago, TheStatGuy said:

Jesus that's one of his relatives (in coat)... He's not being dragged. 


I really can't wait till he kicks trump's ass in the debates and in the election. 

And Jesus loves you. 

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Will joe make it?  Obamagate is real and not going away. Ukraine is hit and heavy on him and hunter. Where is hunter?

And his likely racist vp (look at her crazy high numbers of black incarceration) kamala Harris is the law and order to help against POTUS. Man are you a few fries short......

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6 hours ago, TheStatGuy said:

Jesus that's one of his relatives (in coat)... He's not being dragged. 


I really can't wait till he kicks trump's ass in the debates and in the election. 

You mean “you ain’t black if you vote for trump” or “like you taking a cocaine test” (both to black reporters) Biden. You and @DanteEstonia think he’s gonna kick trumps a**. You silly *******. 

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16 hours ago, DannEllenwood said:

😂. Stat man getting all worked up. Biden can’t put a sentence together. Trump will curb stomp him. Man are you clueless. 

Tell me what Biden is running on?  What?  

And Jesus loves you. 

I'm not getting worked up. Its just sad that he posted a video that's simply a lie. 

A Biden isn't getting dragged away

B Is walking with a relative

C the person that cuts off the camera people is normal, you see trump get rushed away non stop. 




Those are 3 videos proving that Joe Biden can speak full sentences. 

Joe Biden is running on. 

Expanded health care, hes pro union, against cutting social secruity and other safety nets... that Republicans want to destroy....expanded voting rights, will try to fight climate change, putting democrats on SCOTUS that will uphold gay marriage and a woman's right to choose and I can keep going on? 

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49 minutes ago, DannEllenwood said:



What you all know but most don't unlike African American community with notable exceptions the Latino community is a credibly diverse community. 

Meaning there are Puerto Ricans, Cubans, Haitians, El Salvadoranians, Dominicans and Costaricans.. That's pretty diverse.

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25 minutes ago, TheStatGuy said:

I'm not getting worked up. Its just sad that he posted a video that's simply a lie. 

A Biden isn't getting dragged away

B Is walking with a relative

C the person that cuts off the camera people is normal, you see trump get rushed away non stop. 




Those are 3 videos proving that Joe Biden can speak full sentences. 

Joe Biden is running on. 

Expanded health care, hes pro union, against cutting social secruity and other safety nets... that Republicans want to destroy....expanded voting rights, will try to fight climate change, putting democrats on SCOTUS that will uphold gay marriage and a woman's right to choose and I can keep going on? 

The dude is bad. And if you support him, what’s that say about you?  

4 minutes ago, TheStatGuy said:

What you all know but most don't unlike African American community with notable exceptions the Latino community is a credibly diverse community. 

Meaning there are Puerto Ricans, Cubans, Haitians, El Salvadoranians, Dominicans and Costaricans.. That's pretty diverse.

Keep defending the racist. Not surprised since you financially support a racist Marxist group like BLM. 🤡 show your party is

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11 minutes ago, DannEllenwood said:

The dude is bad. And if you support him, what’s that say about you?  

Keep defending the racist. Not surprised since you financially support a racist Marxist group like BLM. 🤡 show your party is

Donald Trump has cheated on every single one of his wives, has the hots for Ivanka and was known to barge into dressing rooms of the girls that were in his pagents, he insulted a gold star family, never confronted Putin for having bounties on American Soldiers, that refused to rent to blacks, insulted a guy with special needs, is a fake Christian, was awful cozy with Jeffrey Epstein but yet you support him? Whats that say about you? 

Republican's have tried for years to take healthcare, safety nets and social secruity from people...and you still vote for them why? You call yourself pro life but why do Republicans hate it when gay men and women want to adopt children? 

I quit my job to take care of my mother, i was a big brother for a child that needed one, i did stats for diff sports teams in Winamac for free, i used to go to nursing homes and talk to the elderly, i have donated money to the school, donated money to help people on their feet, spent thanksgiving and Christmas helping feed the less fortunate...if you are gonna attack the man I am.. You might want to get to know me first. 

I donated money to the black lives matter cause i'm tired of blacks going to jail for the same crimes as whites but receiving 2x longer sentences. I'm tired that blacks who have the same qualifications as whites are less likely to be hired for the same position. I'm tired of seeing black kids be more likely killed by white cops than white kids. 



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37 minutes ago, DannEllenwood said:

The dude is bad. And if you support him, what’s that say about you?  

Keep defending the racist. Not surprised since you financially support a racist Marxist group like BLM. 🤡 show your party is

You think Biden is a racist but Trump's not? That's asinine and quite ignorant. 

Trumps days in the white house are almost over. It's time to bring respect, dignity and soul to America. We are the laughing stock of the world. Its a shame we've fallen this hard. 

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38 minutes ago, DannEllenwood said:

The dude is bad. And if you support him, what’s that say about you?  

Keep defending the racist. Not surprised since you financially support a racist Marxist group like BLM. 🤡 show your party is

And no I'm not worked up. Its absolutely hilarious that you think that and its even more funny that people that work with you say you are even nuttier than you are on here. One guy i met told me "to stay away, hes crazy"

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52 minutes ago, TheStatGuy said:

Donald Trump has cheated on every single one of his wives, has the hots for Ivanka and was known to barge into dressing rooms of the girls that were in his pagents, he insulted a gold star family, never confronted Putin for having bounties on American Soldiers, that refused to rent to blacks, insulted a guy with special needs, is a fake Christian, was awful cozy with Jeffrey Epstein but yet you support him? Whats that say about you? 

Republican's have tried for years to take healthcare, safety nets and social secruity from people...and you still vote for them why? You call yourself pro life but why do Republicans hate it when gay men and women want to adopt children? 

I quit my job to take care of my mother, i was a big brother for a child that needed one, i did stats for diff sports teams in Winamac for free, i used to go to nursing homes and talk to the elderly, i have donated money to the school, donated money to help people on their feet, spent thanksgiving and Christmas helping feed the less fortunate...if you are gonna attack the man I am.. You might want to get to know me first. 

I donated money to the black lives matter cause i'm tired of blacks going to jail for the same crimes as whites but receiving 2x longer sentences. I'm tired that blacks who have the same qualifications as whites are less likely to be hired for the same position. I'm tired of seeing black kids be more likely killed by white cops than white kids. 



yeah yeah yeah.  heard all your crap before.

50 minutes ago, TheStatGuy said:

You think Biden is a racist but Trump's not? That's asinine and quite ignorant. 

Trumps days in the white house are almost over. It's time to bring respect, dignity and soul to America. We are the laughing stock of the world. Its a shame we've fallen this hard. 

you too dumb to read facts or what?  

48 minutes ago, TheStatGuy said:

And no I'm not worked up. Its absolutely hilarious that you think that and its even more funny that people that work with you say you are even nuttier than you are on here. One guy i met told me "to stay away, hes crazy"

was it in person or one of the voices in your head?

think ill start referring to you as norman.

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18 hours ago, TheStatGuy said:

What you all know but most don't unlike African American community with notable exceptions the Latino community is a credibly diverse community. 

Meaning there are Puerto Ricans, Cubans, Haitians, El Salvadoranians, Dominicans and Costaricans.. That's pretty diverse.

I'm a little unclear on this.  I've taught blacks from every one of these countries.   Anyhow, I can't vote for either of these men.  🙂 What shall I do? 

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Why Trump’s Losing



President Trump pulled an inside straight to win in 2016, and now he needs another one.

The good news for Trump is that his approval rating has stopped falling recently. The bad news is that it has stabilized in the low 40s. Election-watcher Harry Enten points out that no president since Harry Truman has won with anything like Trump’s negative net approval rating. Truman won at –6, while incumbents who lost (Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, and George H. W. Bush) averaged out at about –13, roughly where Trump’s number is. The presidents who won reelection averaged an approval rating of +23. 

Trump doesn’t lead in the polling on any major issues — even his lead on the economy has slipped away.

He is losing in Florida, a must-win state for Republican presidential candidates for roughly 100 years. He is behind in North Carolina, which successful Republicans have won for the last half century. Arizona and Georgia are battlegrounds, and maybe Texas, too. Biden has been reliably ahead in all the Blue Wall states, in large part by eating into Trump’s lead with whites or reversing it. 

So far the polling in the race looks more like Bob Dole against Bill Clinton in 1996, when Dole persistently and substantially trailed, than like Donald Trump against Hillary Clinton in 2016, when Trump was behind but by smaller margins than today (and briefly even ahead). 

The standard restrictions apply: There are around three months to go, state-level polling was off in 2016, and Trump doesn’t have to make up much ground to be within plausible range of another Electoral College victory. 

Still, his situation is dire by any measure. Underlying conditions have turned against him, yet even when the economy was thriving, Trump was in a notably perilous position for a president presiding over peace and prosperity. The fault is not in his stars but in his tweets, erratic behavior, scattershot belligerence, and denials of reality, which had already made him radioactive before what he sometimes calls the “Wuhan flu” ever emerged. 

Trump is thin-skinned, self-obsessed, small-minded, intellectually lazy, and ill-disciplined. These never seemed to be great qualities in a chief executive, but they have caught up with Trump over the last six months in particular. They have played into his poor handling of the coronavirus crisis and the aftermath of the killing of George Floyd. When times became more serious, he remained as unserious as ever.

COVID has been the main factor worsening his political condition. The damage didn’t register in the polls at first. At the end of March and beginning of April, polling had his handling of the crisis in positive territory, a kind of rally-around-the-flag effect. But the effect was smaller and shorter-lived for him than it was for other officials, in the states and abroad. As of early August, the average of the polling at the website FiveThirtyEight has his rating on the crisis at 58 percent disapprove and 38 percent approve. This is a flashing red light given that COVID is the most important issue to voters at the moment, a rare instance when the economy isn’t the top issue in a presidential election. 

Of course, none of Trump’s critics predicted that a deadly and economy-flattening contagion would kneecap him in an election year. But his inability to respond adequately to the crisis is the kind of thing that they had in mind when they warned that his character traits were unsuited to the presidency.

Particularly in the circumstances of a novel pandemic, the president needs a process that brings him relevant information, structures his deliberation, allows him to adapt to new developments and correct mistakes, and guides the rest of the government in executing his decisions. And he must act in concert with Congress, governors, public-health experts, business leaders, and others, all of whom have their own roles to play. Nobody could perform this job perfectly.

What we have under Trump is very nearly the mirror image of this ideal. He relies on gut instinct and gets his information from what he happens to see on television or hears from friends. He is extremely disinclined to acknowledge mistakes, process bad news, or think beyond the news cycle. The structure his staff has built around him is designed more to manage his ego and shield him from bad news than to yield wise decisions. His understanding of the relationship between the president and other political actors is rudimentary, causing him to alternate between passivity and assertions of total control.

Even where his administration has acted adroitly — it did work assiduously to bootstrap the initially anemic testing effort to a different level — Trump hasn’t been willing or able to explain it convincingly. He has even complained, in varying tones, that testing should be slowed down because it makes the infection rate look higher.

Trump hasn’t conveyed steadiness, resolve, empathy, and seriousness of purpose to the public — the sort of thing that other political figures, whatever their ideologies and even competence levels, have done to their own benefit — because he does not possess them. He does not give much sign of even recognizing that the public would appreciate them. Reassurance is not his brand. “Fighting” is, and Trump especially enjoys taking public shots at people who, by virtue of their position, cannot fight back. His most successful recent such campaign has targeted Dr. Anthony Fauci — if it counts as success for Trump to persuade many of his supporters to distrust one of his own advisers.

Presidential incumbency is a powerful political asset, especially during a crisis, because a president can speak and act for the country rather than just for his party. But Trump rarely attempts to conform to expectations of presidential behavior, even when it would be useful to him. He often seems interested in the presidency chiefly as a platform to express himself. Although most Americans dislike the personality he puts on display, this tendency was more tolerable when times were good, as they were during the first three years of his presidency. 

Trump has always had an ability to direct attention where he wants in a way that other political figures can only covet. These days, he uses that power to elevate issues that obsess him but are well down the list of Americans’ concerns, from the injustice allegedly done to Roger Stone to the unfairness of specific cable-news hosts to him.

Some well-wishers urge Trump to talk about a second-term agenda, but he cannot do it credibly when he has done so little to advance a first-term one. Immigration and health-care plans are always just about to be unveiled, but never are. “Infrastructure week” has been deferred so often as to become a running gag. What he is really offering is four more years of enraging liberals. That promise, at least, is something he can deliver on.

Trump won last time in large part because he was blessed by an equally unpopular opponent in Hillary Clinton. Biden has entered this campaign with a better public image. Trump’s efforts to change it have not been working, in part because he has been attacking Biden from every direction. The Trump campaign would have you believe that Biden was racially insensitive when he talked about “superpredators” in the 1990s, and now wants to abolish the police. Trump’s most consistent argument against Biden has been that the Democrat is declining mentally — which has the disadvantage of lowering expectations for Biden that he can then exceed.

More recently, Trump has been emphasizing the idea that Biden would be a tool of a rising Democratic Left. That’s probably his best line of attack, but it also indicates his challenge. If his campaign has to warn about Biden and Ilhan Omar in its email pitches, it’s because talking about Biden alone isn’t scary enough. And the correct strategic judgment that Trump can win the race only if he makes it a choice between him and Biden rather than just a referendum on his own performance constantly runs into the candidate’s desire to make himself the sun and the moon.

While policy hasn’t been his focus, Trump has done some good and important things with his presidency. He has been much better than conservatives initially expected on abortion and religious liberty, judges, and deregulation. If nothing else, he has represented a reprieve from Hillary Clinton, who, even if she had been a weak president checked by a Republican Congress, inevitably would have scored some progressive victories difficult or impossible to reverse, especially on the Supreme Court. 

But a president is more than a collection of policy positions. The office has had, since the beginning, quasi-monarchical trappings, and the president is the American head of state. How the holder of the office conducts himself matters. Peggy Noonan once wrote that no personality is ever perfect enough for the presidency: It exposes the flaws of even the best men. Trump has more flaws than most, and has been less concerned with trying to hide them than any previous occupant, indeed has affirmatively advertised them.

His vices have taken a toll. There are periodic hopes that he will reset and adopt a more disciplined approach, always dashed. In 2016, he did show he could tone it down for brief periods, but he can’t help himself for long. So it is probably only events that can save him now: a waning of the pandemic, a clear economic rebound, a Biden stumble, some other exogenous event. None of this is unimaginable, but obviously none of it is certain — and none of it is in his control, or in the control of the many other Republicans whose political fates are tied to his. Trump won an upset as the de facto challenger four years ago and will have to win a bigger one as the incumbent.

Good luck.


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20 hours ago, TheStatGuy said:

What you all know but most don't unlike African American community with notable exceptions the Latino community is a credibly diverse community. 

Meaning there are Puerto Ricans, Cubans, Haitians, El Salvadoranians, Dominicans and Costaricans.. That's pretty diverse.

So white communities are not diverse?  Are we are all from the same place?  Try working a retail RV or auto show in any major city in the US.  I can tell you white and black communities are very "diverse". 

I kinda feel like this gaffe was planned along with his "explanation" (written by a strategic planning speechwriter)......perhaps this is the beginning of Biden's aria?

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Guys like @TheStatGuy and @DanteEstonia laugh and throw barbs and shots at POTUS.
A) President Trump is NOT going to lose. 
B) So many democrats are walking away from that party and I don’t hear or see ANY sane republicans going to the democrats. 
C) You see TONS and TONS of enthusiasm for POTUS Trump. You see NOTHING, NADA, ZILCH, about Biden. 

Do not be surprised to see some “October surprise” by the Democrats. 


Stay tuned. The Best is Yet to Come!

19 minutes ago, swordfish said:

So white communities are not diverse?  Are we are all from the same place?  Try working a retail RV or auto show in any major city in the US.  I can tell you white and black communities are very "diverse". 

I kinda feel like this gaffe was planned along with his "explanation" (written by a strategic planning speechwriter)......perhaps this is the beginning of Biden's aria?

He has ZERO facts. 

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9 minutes ago, DannEllenwood said:

A) President Trump is NOT going to lose. 

He won't get my vote. Either will Mr. Biden for that matter.

Why IYHO is Mr. Trump the best candidate for the 2020 presidential election?  Because he is not a member of the democratic side of the uni-party?



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9 minutes ago, Muda69 said:

He won't get my vote. Either will Mr. Biden for that matter.

Why IYHO is Mr. Trump the best candidate for the 2020 presidential election?  Because he is not a member of the democratic side of the uni-party?



A) Promises made. Promises kept. 
B) taking out big pharma

C) taking China on, head on

D) he is NOT a uni party member

E) he tells it like he sees it

F) don’t like E, don’t care

G) lowering taxes

H) payroll tax cut

I) tough on crime

J) focusing on ending human trafficking 

K) tough on illegal immigration 

that’s just to name a few. 



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8 minutes ago, Muda69 said:

He won't get my vote. Either will Mr. Biden for that matter.

Why IYHO is Mr. Trump the best candidate for the 2020 presidential election?  Because he is not a member of the democratic side of the uni-party?



And because of this......


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